The System works because you work!

The System works because you work!


All told, governments killed more than 262 million people in the 20th century outside of wars, according to University of Hawaii political science professor R.J. Rummel. Just to give perspective on this incredible murder by government, if all these bodies were laid head to toe, with the average height being 5', then they would circle the earth ten times. Also, this democide murdered 6 times more people than died in combat in all the foreign and internal wars of the century. Finally, given popular estimates of the dead in a major nuclear war, this total democide is as though such a war did occur, but with its dead spread over a century

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Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Nuclear Expert Calls Global Warming Alarmist Monbiot “Criminally Irresponsible” For Downplaying Fukushima

Nuclear Expert Calls Global Warming Alarmist Monbiot “Criminally Irresponsible” For Downplaying Fukushima

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Dr. Christopher Busby calls Monbiot’s claims “total nonsense,” challenges British environmentalist to television debate
Nuclear Expert Calls Global Warming Alarmist Monbiot Criminally Irresponsible For Downplaying Fukushima 280311top
Paul Joseph Watson
Monday, March 28, 2011
Prominent nuclear and radiation expert Dr. Christopher Busby has slammed British global warming alarmist George Monbiot as being “criminally irresponsible” for writing a series of articles for the Guardian in which Monbiot downplays the threat of radiation from the stricken Fukushima nuclear plant in a bid to shore up his claims about man-made climate change being a far deadlier concern.
In the wake of Fukushima, we have seen numerous self-proclaimed environmentalists who are normally so quick to raise the alarm about devastation caused by man-made global warming, actually downplaying the environmental concerns attached to the Fukushima crisis, radiation, and nuclear power in general.
Chief amongst them is prominent British environmentalist George Monbiot, who in an article for the London Guardian last week entitled, Why Fukushima made me stop worrying and love nuclear power, wrote that critics of how Fukushima is being handled had, “wildly exaggerated the dangers of radioactive pollution”.
“As a result of the disaster at Fukushima, I am no longer nuclear-neutral. I now support the technology,” added Monbiot.
Monbiot’s bizarre nuclear “kool-aid” moment was perhaps written in haste at a time when he believed Japanese claims that the crisis was diminishing. But in the past few days, the situation at Fukushima has worsened considerably. Officials hastily retracted numbers yesterday which suggested that radiation levels in the containment building of reactor number 2 were an astounding 10 million times above normal. In addition, water purifications plants across Japan have been told to stop taking in rainwater as radiation levels in the atmosphere continue to rise.
Monbiot’s rhetoric is a stark reminder that many leading environmentalists don’t give a damn about real threats to the environment, preferring instead to spend all their time obsessing about carbon dioxide emissions and thinking up new ways to exploit global warming fearmongering as a means of controlling every aspect of our lives.
While weaving terrorizing scenarios about man-made climate change making whole areas of the planet uninhabitable, most notably the island of Tuvulu, which global warming alarmists already claim has been abandoned due to rising sea levels when in fact its population has doubled in the past three decades, alarmists like Monbiot don’t seem to be too fussed when real environmental catastrophes like Chernobyl really do make entire regions uninhabitable.
Indeed, others have gone even further. Columnist Ann Coulter appeared on Fox News to ludicrously proclaim that exposure to radiation was “good for you”. Given that she’s so enamored with the apparent health benefits of radioactive fallout, which new studies blame for nearly a million cancer deaths in the 25 years since Chernobyl, we offered to send Coulter on an all-expenses paid holiday to Fukushima. We’ve not heard back from her.
Nuclear Expert Calls Global Warming Alarmist Monbiot Criminally Irresponsible For Downplaying Fukushima 210311banner
During an interview with Paul Joseph Watson on The Alex Jones Show, nuclear expert Dr. Christopher Busby savaged Monbiot for dismissing the innumerable health and environmental threats posed by radiation exposure. Busby is a British scientist and former Scientific Secretary of the European Committee on Radiation Risks.
“I have to say that I know George Monbiot and he doesn’t know anything,” said Busby, adding that Monbiot’s claims were “total nonsense,” “tosh,” and that it was “criminally irresponsible for him to write what he writes given that he doesn’t know anything.”
Busby also explained how Monbiot had approached him two years ago for information about the effects of low dose radiation and how he had gone to some length to write an article for Monbiot which he subsequently ignored. “He’s quite ignorant, he’s an ignorant person when it comes to this,” said Busby.
“The nonsense he is writing now is much more dangerous because it’s in the middle of a crisis when people are being exposed to these radionuclides and becoming contaminated,” said Busby, before predicting a “very large and measurable increase in cancer and other ill health after this accident,” for people living in northern Japan and Tokyo.
Busby, who warned that the situation at Fukushima was already worse than Chernobyl, openly challenged Monbiot to a live television debate on the issue.
“I do court cases on this issue and win them, so the evidence is just massive that he’s wrong,” said Busby, adding, “I’ve researched this stuff for 20 years, I’ve written two research papers on it, I’ve studied epidemiological correlations between radiation and health – I know what I’m talking about, these people don’t know what they’re talking about,” he said.
Watch the full interview below. The comments about Monbiot begin after the 13:30 mark.
Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for Prison He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a regular fill-in host for The Alex Jones Show.

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50 Responses to “Nuclear Expert Calls Global Warming Alarmist Monbiot “Criminally Irresponsible” For Downplaying Fukushima”

  1. trestradapalma Says:
    He sure must have been paid a ton of swag to spout such nonsense. Lets get Christopher a nice house in Japan next to the reactors and provide him and all his family members all the Fuchishima milk, cheese and veggies they want.
    admin Reply:
    George you mean, not Chris.
    A World Voice Reply:
    he can live on the TEPCO CO2 credits!
  2. Thus Saith The Lord Says:
    The tribulation started to pick up with the Gulf Oil Disaster, which by the way, is not over by any stretch of the imagination. There will be a huge methane explosion that causes a tsunami that will wipe out the entire Gulf coast along with a couple of nuke plants. The meltdown that is going on in Japan is just another installment of the Great Tribulation.
    Read the prophecies of Linda Newkirk at
    Maddog24t Reply:
    After I composed myself after laughing for 5 minutes straight at the insanity of your post I am now able to type…
    Wow….just wow…you sir are nuts and need to seek help quickly, that is, if your not to scared to leave the safety of your house.
    NoSo Reply:
    Not saying that post was sane, but Edgar Cayce predicted Japan would fall into the sea and many think it’s sinking for a several reasons. If it were to sink into the ocean, think of the implications?
    Maddog24t Reply:
    Did he provide a timeline? That would be interesting.
    the sage Reply:
    You hedge your best anytime you suggest some land along the pacific rim…ring of fire…may fall into the sea.
    But Cayce readings are interesting.
    tbabe Reply:
    Madddog, sounds like you need a rabies shot. Add a little mercury and radioactive iodine to it while your at it. I would love to see your growl reduced to a whimper. Poor baby…..Ahhhh!!!
    Maddog24t Reply:
    Why am I a poor baby?
    Why do you wish injury upon me? Am I not allowed to use my freedom of speech? Isn’t this whole website geared to maintaining our rights? Or is it just for a select few…and I am not one of them?
  3. worldtruthorg Says:
    all rich people who wear suit and tie are the real terrorists! one way to find god -ask him to prove he is real -do it before its to late
    Maddog24t Reply:
    Are you also referring to all those rich preachers you see on TV wearing suits and ties talking about religion?
    Ellis Reply:
    You won`t like it.
    Leland Palmer is strangely absent from any protest about the nuclear disaster spreading globally. I guess she is concentrating on that nast pollutant CO2???
  5. maninwarren Says:
    Wow, our old buddy Manbiot pushing the elites’ line about a major disaster (in this case, a natural one); times don’t change much: he did the same thing with 9/11. He’s a well-payed tool, that’s all.
  6. Maddog24t Says:
    And Alex Jones is criminally responsible for fear mongering…
    the sage Reply:
    …eh…it’s a living.
    Maddog24t Reply:
    And he is making a killing.
    Philippe Reply:
    So you’re contesting his work with what, your spouting off about how he’s wrong? What’s he fear mongering about that you think isn’t true? Why not add something tangible that may lend some credibility instead of some drive by pot shots?
    Peter Wolf Reply:
    George Moronbiot is suddenly pro Nuclear because he fears Coal power as an alternative to Nuclear power.
    George Moonbat could have written an article all about Fusion reactors as an alternative to Fission reactors.
    George Moronbiot also seems to ignore the arms industry who use spent nuclear fuel to produce DU munitions as the Military/Industrial Complex take it off everyones hands for next to nothing rather than the costly and difficult business of re-processing it.
    These are 2 subjects that George could have included within his article and further to that becoming more pro-nuclear after Fukushima is totally perverse but he downplays the incident completely within the article anyway and i do onot think that George has any credibility since his viewpoint is so skewed and biased and agenda driven rather than being objective.
    Its a case of someone being so self absorbed and egotistical and caught up in a belief system that he will never admit he is wrong.
    Of course he is a Hypocrite as well but thats to be expected.
    Maddog24t Reply:
    Lets see….how many survivalist seeds were sold last year when he was showing empty shelves at the grocery store? You know, the shelves he said were gonna be empty…those ones. I kept going back to the store week in and week out…and guess empty shelves.
    Philippe Reply:
    He said the shelves were going to be empty this year? If he did, then you and I would be in full agreement. I didn’t hear that, so all I can do is listen more closely in the future. What I do hear regularly is to have ready supplies of food to offset rising food prices and natural disasters. If you’ve ever been snowed in for days or have to evacuate, it would be expected to have such supplies on hand.
    Maddog24t Reply:
    Phillipe, it was last year….complete with pictures of people standing in aisles with empty shopping carts looking at empty shelves…
    Philippe Reply:
    Well I won’t disagree with you then. If he said it, then it was completely irresponsible and almost Lyndsey Williams-like to make such dramatic claims.
    NoSo Reply:
    Like Paul Revere was criminal. . .
    Maddog24t Reply:
    He wasnt turning a buck as he was saying the British are coming…
    the sage Reply:
    Too true Maddog. Anyone listening to the show since it first came onto the internet and keeping a strict ear for contradiction for profit has a good list of Jones escapades to fall back upon. And then just add the Arctic Beacon-Phelps, Jack Blood and Rense testimonies to the mix.
    Now relax everyone and enjoy a LeCig.
    Ellis Reply:
    Although it should be noted that there has been a nuclear catastrophy.
  7. Fotozine Says:
    Absolutely disgusting. This wretched individual has taken money, like Anne Coulter, to spout this evil rubbish and cashing in on the deaths of those suffering in Japan. He is now severely discredited in the eyes of right thinking people and I encourage anyone who get close enough to vomit on this slime. If I ever meet the wretch I will pull his mop head off!
    NoSo Reply:
    Just a side note, did you know Ann Coulter was once on Alex’s program and welcomed as such?
    Philippe Reply:
    So has Michelle Malkin. That doesn’t mean they agree because Alex welcomed her and even promoted her book.
    the sage Reply:
    I will admit that I missed that one.
    Was that during Alex’s initial Christian-right winger days of the show before he was aware of the right left paradigm and then later labeled his show secular?
    the sage Reply:
    Or maybe it was after Alex resolved himself over David Icke being a turd in the punchbowl government CIA shill spreading reptilian disinfo…prior to the two of them now swapping headline stories between themselves.
    I mean Icke can now be on the show and have a cooperative link directly with PP despite alien reptiloids.
    But no way Eric Phelps would ever be considered for that type of resolution concerning the contributions to the NWO by the Jesuit Order. No way…the reptilian aliens of Icke’s theories are far more…”acceptable”…in that regard.
    Just doesn’t quite make good practical sense at times.
  8. Wrabbit2000 Says:
    Uh Oh…. I sense a Palmer and Storky storm on the horizon and the forecast is for heavy rain with possible tornadoes.
    Philippe Reply:
    Well I’ll be armed and prepared against those trolls.
  9. GJ Says:
    Dr. Busby makes the statement… “It’s as if everyone has been put into a trance.”
    This has been at the forefront on my thoughts lately and I believe is absolutely true.
    …not just on this issue but across the board.
    I’m no expert on the occult, but there seems to be something more at play here than just an information war…
    “It’s as if everyone has been put into a trance.”
  10. Tornado Shelters Says:
    It’s always Global Warmings fault!
  11. revealerofsecrets Says:
    I have worked for many years as an environmental scientist. I consider myself a steward of The earth. I have to say While I regonise that coal and other fossil fuels are not the answer. Global warming does appear to be questionable. Because the earths environment functions in cycles of warm and cold and it is affected by the sun and CME’s so it’s far to complicated for anyone to prove a claim based on just CO2 emmissions. And the fact that the earth is warming. Well history shows it does that. Then cools just like it warmed. Why because all the Volcanic activity causes dust in the upper atmosphere which in turn blocks the sun and causes global cooling. So that has to be factored in.
    The good news about all ths is they finally admitted they are finding plutonium in the soil there. Like we didn’t know that . Like I said before all it takes is a little CSI for the environment and one can determine what is really going on. I think many of us knew the first day this was a real possibility. I imagine the sheeple are waking up but it’s weeks later. Those who said the radition could not spread to the east coast have already been proved wrong. If plutonium gets in the ait it can spread as far as the wind can blow. it’s half life is 24,000 years . Fact is if it’s in the soil it’s in the air too. Some of us are already dead we just don’t know it yet. This is one time I hope I’m wrong.
    Vic Reply:
    Of course the globalists like Al Gore are behind this big lie about global warming.
    These are the criminals who rob us all by keeping the countries in dept, thus raising the taxes and income taxes that people must pay????????? Now to that fraud and crime they are adding global warming and fear
    Vic Reply:
    But as long as we play along with this crime, I guess we are not victims?
    redneck Reply:
    Very well put revealerofsecrets.
    The whole northern hemesphere is now faced with living in a nuclear waste dump unless this small chunk of land breaks off and falls into the Pacific. Either way this SUCKS. I am sickened and livid to my core over the irresponsibility of certain members of humanity to put at risk the life of every living thing on this planet. And, that goes for those whom continue to support Nuclear Power elsewhere in the world.
  12. Vic Says:
    CNN diss informimng the people
    they showed once again that same interview with that lady reporter in 3 miles island Pensilvania report. These people are lacking reports trying to condition your minds . ?? Man I can’t believe this.
    As if Three mile isalnd nuclear event had no consequences on lives?????? no deaths were reproted they say????
    I guess in Lybia only military thugs are being killed right?????? or in Iraq or …….. all military are killed????????? Come on time to wake up and walk away from this mainstream strangle hold.
    wildcat Reply:
    You could mention the Bhopal disaster for the dangers of chemical plants, or “oil refinery explosions” like Buncefield,
  13. Lanny Says:
    Warren Buffett, the ‘Oracle of Omaha’, known for his astute investments, has said:
    “We’re going to have something in the way of a major nuclear event in this country. It will happen. Whether it will happen in 10 years or 10 minutes, or 50 years… it’s virtually a certainty.”
    Is the Fukushima disaster THE event? Sure looks that way to me. Why are he and Bill Gates now in India? Out of the path of the fallout?
  14. baglady Says:
    Moonbat forgot to take his meds again, I’ll have a word with nursey . . .
  15. wiggins Says:
    George Monbiot. NWO kikester shill for AGW if ever there was one. Total paid for TOOL.
    Ellis Reply:
    The term `kikester` may not be PC as it may refer to a type of ethnicity.
    Ellis Reply:
    How about Monbrainrot.
  16. Fotozine Says:
    Alex gave Monbiot a roasting on today’s show. Best show yet. Love it. Alex should go to Hollywood. That mock English accent is hilarious.
  17. candleinthecave Says:
    Apart from anything else Monbiot wrote his ill timed piece when workers were (and still are) bravely battling with lethal levels of radiation. If he is so sure things are “not that bad” he should volunteer to go to the plant and help. We have to remember that Monbiot wrote a number of ludicrous articles denouncing those who didn’t believe in the official 9.11 fairy tale as “idiots”. As a supposed rational man he was quite prepared to believe that building 7 came down at almost the speed of gravity because of a diesel heating fuel fire in the basement, in spite of the video showing the top of the building caving in first and then coming down in one quick movement. That must have been some diesel fuel!! It is ironic in the extreme that Monbiot calls those who don’t believe this childish nonsense idiots. His latest outbursts have again shown him to be a man without real intellect.

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