The System works because you work!

The System works because you work!


All told, governments killed more than 262 million people in the 20th century outside of wars, according to University of Hawaii political science professor R.J. Rummel. Just to give perspective on this incredible murder by government, if all these bodies were laid head to toe, with the average height being 5', then they would circle the earth ten times. Also, this democide murdered 6 times more people than died in combat in all the foreign and internal wars of the century. Finally, given popular estimates of the dead in a major nuclear war, this total democide is as though such a war did occur, but with its dead spread over a century

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Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Forbes Predicts U.S. Gold Standard Within 5 Years


Forbes Predicts U.S. Gold Standard Within 5 Years

A return to the gold standard by the United States within the next five years now seems likely, because that move would help the nation solve a variety of economic, fiscal, and monetary ills, Steve Forbes predicted during an exclusive interview this week with HUMAN EVENTS.

“What seems astonishing today could become conventional wisdom in a short period of time,” Forbes said.

Such a move would help to stabilize the value of the dollar, restore confidence among foreign investors in U.S. government bonds, and discourage reckless federal spending, the media mogul and former presidential candidate said.  The United States used gold as the basis for valuing the U.S. dollar successfully for roughly 180 years before President Richard Nixon embarked upon an experiment to end the practice in the 1970s that has contributed to a number of woes that the country is suffering from now, Forbes added.

If the gold standard had been in place in recent years, the value of the U.S. dollar would not have weakened as it has and excessive federal spending would have been curbed, Forbes told HUMAN EVENTS.  The constantly changing value of the U.S. dollar leads to marketplace uncertainty and consequently spurs speculation in commodity investing as a hedge against inflation.

The only probable 2012 U.S. presidential candidate who has championed a return to the gold standard so far is Rep. Ron Paul (R.-Tex.).  But the idea “makes too much sense” not to gain popularity as the U.S. economy struggles to create jobs, recover from a housing bubble induced by the Federal Reserve’s easy-money policies, stop rising gasoline prices, and restore fiscal responsibility to U.S. government’s budget, Forbes insisted.

With a stable currency, it is “much harder” for governments to borrow excessively, Forbes said.  Without lax Federal Reserve System monetary policies that led to the printing of too much money, the housing bubble would not have been nearly as severe, he added.

“When it comes to exchange rates and monetary policy, people often don’t grasp” what is at stake for the economy, Forbes said.  By restoring the gold standard, the United States would shift away from “less responsible policies” and toward a stronger dollar and a stronger America, he said.  “If the dollar was as good as gold, other countries would want to buy it.”

An encouraging sign for Forbes is that key lawmakers besides Rep. Paul are recognizing that the Fed is straying well beyond its intended role of promoting stable prices and full employment with its monetary policies.

Forbes cited Rep. Paul Ryan (R.-Wis.), who, he believes, understands monetary policy better than most lawmakers and has shown a willingness to ask tough but necessary questions.  For example, when Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke appeared before the House Budget Committee in February, Ryan, who chairs the panel, asked Bernanke bluntly how many jobs the Fed’s quantitative-easing program had helped to create.

Politicians need to “get over” the notion that the Fed can guide the economy with monetary policy.  The Fed is like a “bull in a China shop," Forbes said.  “It can’t help but knock things down.”

“People know that something is wrong with the dollar," Forbes concluded.  "You cannot trash your money without repercussions.”

Paul Dykewicz is the editorial director of the Financial Publications Group at Eagle Publishing Inc.,, of Washington, D.C. Eagle publishes two free, e-letters, five weekly trading services and four monthly investment newsletters, Forecasts & Strategies, Successful Investing, High Monthly Income and Global Stock Investor.

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  • Before this happens, one must have a willing government. The United States does not enjoy the benefits of having politicians who embrace the American tradition. What we have is socialist and communists in power who only care about their own position. We have educators who preach the teaching of Marx and Lenin to our children and force the politically correct BS on them, as well. I believe a revolution is in the making but, I'm not sure if it will be intellectual or physical or both...
  • Fred: We have the leadership that we all want, liars that we agree with and liars that agree with us.!
  • 3 thoughts come to mind,
    1. Alan Greenspan's essay "Gold and Economic Freedom."
    2. Article I, section 10 of the Constitution "No State shall ... make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts"
    3. America needs Ron Paul for President more than ever.
  • Mike_Stephens 5 hours ago
    With the massive debt we have, the gold standard is not possible. Remove the deficits and debt and that would be great. The possible fix it to tie the debt limit increase to Mike Lee's Balanced Budget Amendment capping government spending to 18% of GDP. Cutting massively spending is the only way to return credibility to America and the dollar. Once that is done, we can talk about removing the FED, in fact wipe out 1913 completely. The FED, 17th and 16th amendments were all put in in 1913. Yuck to all of that progressive nonsense!
  • "Once that is done, we can talk about removing the FED, in fact wipe out
    1913 completely. The FED, 17th and 16th amendments were all put in in
    1913. Yuck to all of that progressive nonsense! " ... WE need to do this NOW!
  • It could be done, but gold would have to be around $60,000.00 an ounce to be able to pay off the debt with the gold supply we supposedly have at fort Knox etc. Glad I bought a lot!
  • There isn't enough gold on the planet to cure our current fiscal insanity. But, we should at least consider it, along with going back to a free market economy. The first step is to cut spending and be rid of the nanny state. What is the latest number, something like 50+% of men do not even have a job or are on welfare? Disgusting.
  • Yep. If we were to pay off all our debt now we would shortly be back in the same position because of all the entitlement spedning yet to come. Rein in that and then declare our debt to the Federal Reserve null and void and we will be OK. The Fed is a private banking cartel who have defrauded our citizenry many trillions of dollars over the years. Whatever contract the Fed has with the US Gov't should be abrogated in light of the massive fraud and incompetence. Why should we the people be made to suffer so these international socialists can make incomprehensible amounts of money off of the American taxpayer and succeeding generations?
  • RIN0Huner 3 hours ago
    I predict riots in the streets before this happens.
  • That could be the catalyst.
  • I support going back to the gold standard. If Ron Paul is the one that can make it happen he gets my vote.
  • This author needs to check his facts. Roosevelt took the US off the gold standard and Nixon took us off the silver standard.
  • Roosevelt confiscated gold from the US public. Nixon took us off of the gold standard with relation to foreign governments. The window ws closed by Nixon to foreign governements to convert dollars to gold in 1971 making the dollar a pure fiat currency.
  • Roosevelt ended the explicit gold standard, ending the Gold Standard Act and prohibiting gold ownership by American citizens. But until the "Nixon Shock", governments could still sell gold to the US treasury at a Bretton Woods-established rate which still provided an implicit gold standard. Nixon took the last of the constraints off, and currencies have been floating on a sea of political whimsy ever since.
  • Ummmmm, no. You need to check your facts. Nixon ended what was left of the gold standard on 15 August, 1971. Watch the scoundrel announce it here:
    The US stopped making 90% silver coins in 1965, but 40% silver half dollars were minted until the 1970's.
  • I expect that going to a gold standard would lead the government (out of desperation of course) to confiscate all of the citizen gold just like in 1933.
  • XSANDIEGOCA 35 minutes ago
    The basic question is this: Can the government be entrusted any longer with money supply creation? The answer is a resounding NO! Bring on the Gold Standard!
  • You won't see this happening. It runs counter to what is best for the international banking cartel and the New World Order. The US is not going into the next century as a soveriegn nation. That's been the plan all along.

    The left hates Richard Nixon for so many reasons. But when was the last time you heard a liberal criticize him for unhinging the dollar from gold???? That fact alone speaks volumes about their supposed hatred of "big banking."
  • silencedewgood 48 minutes ago
    Mike_Stephens - AMEN! Couldn't agree more!
  • Just for clarity - Herman Cain is ALSO in favor of the gold standard - but makes the point that we must severely curtail spending before we can return to it. Its not just "ron paul" - and I believe that Herman Cain has the BEST chance of beating Obama and turning the country around.
  • Herman Cain is a Federal Reserve plant. He will just be a yes man
  • Unfortunately, fiscal responsibility is not in the cards for this nation until the current system collapses. There is just too much political manipulation to allow a sensible economic policy. There are too many votes that politicians want to buy with funny money.
  • Folks, there's a reason we went off the gold standard. And nobody who advocates Forbes' plan is going to get elected. Fiat currency is the key to power. Deficit spending doesn't work without it.
  • I hope everyone who bought gold bought it in the form of gold coins because I see a major confiscation coming down the road of gold bullion. Maybe it's just me.
  • RalphVSmith 18 minutes ago
    Being on a gold standard did not prevent booms or busts in the past. Forbes needs to read some history on money before he pontificates.
  • This will never happen and is just another sign of Gold being in a massive bubble... U.S. Treasuries is where I would put my money, not a rock....
  • How about a Gold & Silver Standard? A basket of commodities would give us more flexibility, Right?
  • What a surprise - an article promoting gold from a gold selling organization!
  • Actually, the US went off the gold standard in late 1973 according to what I've read. That would make it Nixon's baby.
  • CirrusTrue 27 minutes ago
    Better read this first.

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