The System works because you work!

The System works because you work!


All told, governments killed more than 262 million people in the 20th century outside of wars, according to University of Hawaii political science professor R.J. Rummel. Just to give perspective on this incredible murder by government, if all these bodies were laid head to toe, with the average height being 5', then they would circle the earth ten times. Also, this democide murdered 6 times more people than died in combat in all the foreign and internal wars of the century. Finally, given popular estimates of the dead in a major nuclear war, this total democide is as though such a war did occur, but with its dead spread over a century

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Friday, August 19, 2011

Important Freeman On The Land Definitions And Information

Important Freeman On The Land Definitions And Information

by Mitch on January 2, 2010
Being a freeman on the land is something that most of you have probably never heard of, but you should have. A freeman on the land is someone in a common law jurisdiction who lawfully refuses giving consent to be governed, therefore no statutory obligations or restrictions apply to that man or woman. No statute or act of government applies to a freeman on the land. By not consenting to be governed a freeman on the land is no longer eligible for the benefits of being a governed member of society, things like employment insurance, vehicle insurance and registration, welfare, government health insurance, and any other government system do not apply to a freeman on the land, but the benefits are easy to see.
I think most of us agree that there is massive amounts of corruption within governments and within our own government. Becoming aware of just how far the deception goes is an important part of taking back your personal freedoms and claiming your rights as a human being. You will notice that lawyers and judges are all members of what is called the Law Society. The law society is extremely deceptive to the common man because they use words that the common man uses in every day language but they mean something different. They use this tactic to trick the common man into giving his/her consent to be governed.
Here is some important freeman on the land definitions and information that you may find surprising.

What is Common Law?
  • The unwritten Law of the Common man.
  • Comes directly from higher self/conscience/intuition.
  • Religious codes of conduct (example: the ten commandments)
  • Summed up as ‘Harm None’
  • These Laws are for  Man and protect
  • That which is lawful
  • Law of the Land
  • Almost universal, worldwide
  • Protects those whose Rights have been infringed upon
  • Crime with a Victim
What is a Statute?
  • A statute is a legislative act of a society
  • Formal written agreement which governs a country or state
  • Something that has the ‘force of law’ or colour of law
  • Almost always comes with a monetary ‘Charge’
  • These laws are on man and restrict freedoms
  • That which is legal
  • Commercial law
  • Maritime admiralty law
  • Law of trade
  • Law of the sea
Do you know your rights?
  • You are Born Equal and Free (and Equality Before the Law is Paramount)
  • You have the Right to Life, Freedom and Security
  • You have the Right to Trial by Jury of Peers
  • You have the Right to Bodily Integrity
  • You have the Right to Travel Freely
  • You have the Right to Freedom of Expression
  • You have the Right to Freedom of Assembly
  • You have the Right to Freedom of Association
  • You have the Right to Religious Liberty
  • You have the Rights of the Family
  • You have the Right to Inviobility of your Dwelling or Home
  • You have the Right to Privacy
Here are some important definitions:
  • A corporation treated as having the rights and obligations of a person.
  • Counties and cities can be treated as a person in the same manner as a corporation. However, corporations, counties and cities cannot have the emotions of humans such as malice, and therefore are not liable for punitive damages unless there is a statute authorizing the award of punitive damages.
  • A Society is a number of persons united together by mutual consent.
  • Societies are either incorporated and known to the law or un-incorporated, of which the law does not generally take notice.
  • A civil society is usually understood as a state, a nation or a political body.
  • In civil law society means a partnership.
  • A law enacted by the legislative branch of a government
  • An act of a corporation or its founder intended as a permanent rule
  • An international instrument setting up an agency and regulating its scope or authority
  • Act in the law:
    An Act that is intended to create, transfer, or extinguish a right and that is effective in law for that purpose; the exercise of a legal power.
  • Act of the law:
    The creation, extinction, or transfer of a right by the operation of the law itself, without any consent on the part of the persons involved.
  • A freeman possesses and enjoys all civil and political rights under a free government
  • Not a slave.
You may notice that the definition of the word “person” means a corporation. When you go to court you are acting as an agent representing that corporation which was created with a similar name to your own near the time of your birth. The only way that a statute or piece of legislation can affect you is if you agree to represent that person or corporation. Have you ever noticed that whenever you receive something from the government, the bank, the credit companies, insurance companies, or any other legal entity they spell your name with ALL CAPITAL LETTERS? That name is not you, it is the name of your person. This is one of the most important things to come to terms with when trying to take back your freedoms. Remember that you are not a person, you have a person.
Freeman on the Land related links:
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{ 31 comments… read them below or add one }
Kozmo January 2, 2010 at 8:18 pm
Good stuff! Keep up the good work and strive to educate. We need more people like you.
One January 3, 2010 at 8:24 am
Excellent, Well Written… K.I.S.S. Thank You We have the Rememdy and it Works Glad we are on the same Team! Nameste One known as Meg
explinfin January 4, 2010 at 5:35 am
thank you both! :) please send your friends here I need traffic! Share and thumbs up, digg, delicious, myspace, facebook, whatever you use, please share any of my articles on your pages to help spread the word! This stuff usually travels by word of mouth!
Raie January 14, 2010 at 10:19 pm
I am a 41 yr old woman, I am married and have 3 children, and one parent still surviving. My husband and I have been looking into declaring ourselves and our children as free human beings. I have read a lot (and understand most) about how to declare our sovereignty, but I am very concerned about our children, what affect declaring our freedom would do to them. Also how can one function (i.e. working at a job, getting utilities to our home, etc…) when one has turned in their ss card, dl, passport and so on? This is something that is truly important to our family, and I just want to have all the facts we can before make the move to being free human beings. Any and all help, advice, and so on are greatly appreciated. ~ Raie
explinfin January 15, 2010 at 11:27 am
Hi Raie. I would suggest you make your way over to the forums and the world freeman society web forums as well. Those are good places for information and discussion, and you can ask specific questions to people who may know the answers. :)

i January 18, 2010 at 6:06 pm

Hello, I want to be free. is there anywhere that has a step by step outline that also has an established membership of sovereigns that actively provide “proof” that this is indeed possible? preferably within the States United in America.
explinfin January 19, 2010 at 4:31 am
Well, you’re going to have a lot of trouble finding someone who will give you a step-by-step and provide you with enough proof to break your skepticism. I suggest checking out and, but they will not give you a step by step or complete “proof”. Most freemen and women will tell you that there is some due diligence required for this stuff, and if you are not willing to invest some of your own time, effort, and knowledge into your own freedom, then you are not deserving of it. Everyone wants the “proof” but I think only you can prove your own freedom to yourself. Keep reading information, join the forums at the websites I mentioned above and you will begin to learn and see the proof for yourself. I too wanted “proof”, and was told the same thing I’m telling you right now. :) Good luck!
ekcol May 5, 2011 at 5:18 am
“Well, you’re going to have a lot of trouble finding someone who will give you a step-by-step and provide you with enough proof to break your skepticism.” Why? If free people aren’t required to pay taxes, then they can just call up their country’s tax authority and ask for written confirmation of that fact. That’s all the proof any skeptic would need.

mrswellard February 19, 2010 at 12:57 pm

hi there,
have been researching this for a while and i want to be free again. the only thing is i am a single (struggling)parent soon to be made redundant from my part time job. i receive housing/council tax benefit and tax credits. when i am no longer employed how will i feed myself and my child if i cannot find another job??? i cant find the answers anywhere as the sites are being censored. please help.
Mitch February 21, 2010 at 6:58 am
If you need to rely on any government system then being a freeman on the land is not for you. If you cannot find another job or come up with another way to feed yourself and your family, you should not become a freeman on the land because you are dependent upon the government systems which you would be rejecting when becoming a freeman.

Rhys February 24, 2010 at 6:50 pm

hey there im 17 and i was told about freeman of the land a couple of years ago and have been resechind ever since anyway im going to court next month for assaultn police resistn police poss of a pipe poss of cannabis (stalks) haha and poss of a knife a dad gave me b4 he died anyway i didnt even touch the police they pushd me then grabed me i didnt know what was going on intill they got me on the ground then they said ils be arrested anyway any help on how to fight these charges would be great help
thank you
if you could email me plz
Mitch February 24, 2010 at 7:52 pm
Hey there.. I know they often charge people with assaulting an officer and resisting arrest when you don’t do anything at all. I know many people who have had that card pulled on them before.. For advice on how to fight the charges, I am not sure. Filing a notice of understanding and Intent and claim of right may help you out of the cannabis/pipe/knife charges, but the assaulting an officer might be harder to get out of. Either way I don’t know what to tell you for sure, maybe head over to the forums or the world freeman society forums, somebody might be better able to help you out on those boards.
Educated one December 22, 2010 at 9:24 am
maybe you should try going back to school first so that your emails don’t read as if a five year old wrote them haha.

Genevieve July 6, 2010 at 11:08 am

;) Tanx so much for this! It is a lot to think about, and a lot more reading on the way; but this will make my life, MY life.
I have been thinking a lot about it, if we were born to be the gouvernement’s worker and our life were all predetermined by rules that we didnt choose and invisible limits that we can’t transgress, we pretty much would be conscious puppets with imprisoned minds. A LITTLE BIT like in the books A Brave New World and 1984…
The sky, the water, the earth & the fire are the real limits… and we did figure out how to somehow trespass all of these; so why do we let some words that were written by human beings just like us, decide of what is right or wrong? We know inside us what is right or wrong, unless we’re stupid (and we are not) but we let the society decide whether we are right about it or not. This same society, our “Country” is what makes us so attached to our egos; by telling us what is good or bad, by making us follow “set rules”, and by trying to make everyone think the same.
I know Freedom is a human right. I consider my self as a flesh and blood human being with a functioning soul and I decided I was owned my freedom back. I can decide for myself, and will do no harm to others. I don’t need to be governed; especially not by people I don’t know and don’t trust. I have never completely followed the rules of the society, because I never understood why I was part of it beside being born… and it has always deceived my family and made me look bad to some other people’s eyes. Because they decided it was easier to let somebody else think for them doesn’t mean everyone else needs to do the same.
It’s a little bit in my eyes like a religion. I like to take the values I find important from every school of God to shape my OWN life with goodness;
I cannot say one of them is much better than an other one, because they are all there to teach us about love and wisdom. These are the doctrines I find important to my existence.
I have never hurt anybody, or put any other human being life’s in danger. I have loved and helped thousands of people, and was loved back by all of them. Therefore, I have committed no real infraction and this is what it is all about…
Mitch July 7, 2010 at 8:17 am
Hi Genevieve, Thank you for your comment! I’m happy to read it! Glad to have you as a new subscriber! :) Cheers! I hope you’re doing great!

Stuart Dobson July 7, 2010 at 4:19 pm

These ideas are all well and good, but to be honest it’s all just hot air, especially with our (even more established and accepted) rights being abused and ignored more each day. Just look at what happens whenever there is a protest, the world is fast turning into a fascist police state and the more we resist, the harder they will make it.

WannaBaFreeMan July 22, 2010 at 1:59 am

Im interested in becoming a free-man-on-the-land. I live in Oregon. Does anyone have information for me to get started? Like, Places to get paperwork, whom to get it notarized by, and what i need to study.
My mind is set 100% on this so im looking for this information desperately…. Please.
Mitch July 22, 2010 at 7:57 am
Hi ! I always send anyone who is interested in freeman on the land information to the world freeman society forums. – look for the community / forum links The people on that forum will be able to help you figure everything out. There are even separate sections for different countries, so you can find more specific help there!

ayron September 22, 2010 at 2:05 pm

yo so im sitting with the 9th eddition blacks law dictionary in front of me, (its actaully on my lap) which i got from the Justic Canada’s library. and the deffinition it give for “Person” reads as follows ” (13c) 1. A Human being.- Also termed natural person. ” the 13c means they first saw the word being used this way int he 13th centrury, and natural person in this dictionary tells me to “See Person”. the dictionary gives no definition for Human Being or human.
HOWEVER the canadian interpretation act has authority over all dictionaries in canada and it says:
” “person” includes a corporation, partnership or party, and the personal or other legal representatives of a person to whom the context can apply according to law; ”
this definition is incomplete as it starts with “includes” so we need to find the next appropriate definition of the word “person” (Its important to note that this incomplete definition has been used many times in court to imply human beings as the definition of person) what this means is we need to look in UPDATED VERSIONS OF “The Canadian Law Dictionary” and perhaps the “Oxford Dictionary of Law” for the words “person” to legaly and logicly complete the “Interpretations Act” definition.
IF ALL the dictionarys have the same meaning as blacks dictionary for person, (human being) then we need to scour them for the definition of “Human being” and unfortunately if their definitions say a human being has 5 limbs, breaths, fucks, eats and sings. the only other option we have is to find out if there is a law that decides which definition of the word “Person” is to be used in law.
please if you have anything that says im wrong please tell me, becuase i want to be free and not have to be a legal person if i dont have to! is my email

Candace October 30, 2010 at 9:04 am

I work, if I don’t pay my taxes I will go to jail and my family will starve and die…I drive, if I get arrested and charged I will lose my job and well, my family will starve…. ETC…Nice concept but it won’t work.
Mitch October 30, 2010 at 7:37 pm
If you successfully file a claim of right and notice of understanding, and give up your social insurance and all government sponsored ‘benefits’ you will not have to pay income taxes. It’s up to you if you choose to do it, I still pay my taxes. If you drive, yes you will get arrested, but if you’re merely traveling safely in your personal conveyance, you have nothing to worry about, but you WILL get pulled over.. once or twice.. until they realize that you know what you’re doing. . If you know what you’re doing. Thanks for the comment!

open invite January 9, 2011 at 10:38 am

please feel free to place your website and resources on my site as I do find your site informative
Thank you
Mitch January 10, 2011 at 7:03 pm
Hi, thanks for the link. I had a look, it looks good I’ll be browsing your forum a bit more when I have free time!

George February 24, 2011 at 3:01 am

This sounds like a load of crap!!! WOW!!! Proud to be Canadian!!!!!!

jon March 17, 2011 at 5:32 pm

Hey Mitch you said you send people to the world freeman forum. How do you know the info they present is true? Have you gone through the process to become a freeman/sovereign? if so, would you provide proof and your source of info?
Mitch March 20, 2011 at 1:38 pm
I send people to the freeman society yes, I can’t tell you whether the information they present is true, in fact, most of the information on the forums is probably NOT true, but it’s a place for you to start doing your own research. I have not become a freeman, no. I still have a SIN number and I still pay my taxes. I find this information extremely interesting though.

Pierre April 11, 2011 at 3:03 am

Its all very interesting to note. A question i have is how easy will it be to travel once i am free?

humaner April 25, 2011 at 3:24 am

guess the only way to travel is “per pedes” then..

logan blundell April 30, 2011 at 6:10 pm

hi im wondering since i am on house arrest when you say:
You have the Right to Travel Freely
You have the Right to Association
what does this completely mean because with the law i am not allowed to be outside of my house for 2 months aswell as having no-association with my friends,
and i would like to fully understand my rights as a human

brian May 17, 2011 at 2:35 pm

Great little informational/primer free-man-on-the-land web site.
as some one in this for about a year and a half, it takes time to understand the in’s and outs of the technolagy. the saying “the truth will set you free” is true, almost a maxim, and it takes atleast a year of hard studying to deprogram the lies and deception we have been inendated with for generations since the day we were born.
the biggest thing I found that has an effect on society is “WORD PERVERSION” and “THE NAME GAME” as we are lead to believe one thing, but in reality its all a lie for the benifit of the government and the elite and something called “THE NEW WORLD ORDER” (NWO)
Its just a matter of learning who you are, hence; DO YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE?

waypasthadenough June 23, 2011 at 8:34 am

In Canada it’s called a ‘SIN’ number? That’s hilarious.
We have ideas like these in the states. I’ve known people who seem to go out of their way to get pulled over because they enjoy playing in the court system.
Here I call it the Socialist Security Number. It’s the ‘mark’ in the bible as far as I’m concerned, and no I haven’t rescinded mine because I have neither the patience nor the funds to fight the ‘just-us’ system and its black-robed shysters.
Our ‘income tax,’ which is a plank of the Communist Manifesto, isn’t ‘legal’ because not enough states ratified the 16th Amendment for it to become law, but that doesn’t matter to the federal ‘just-us’ system. Some have won cases against the IRS by saying enough times “show me the law that requires me to file” and occasionally they get a jury with enough brains between them to get it.
I decided years ago to spend, or waste, my time trying to wake up the sheeple and get them politically involved as well as to understand that this mess won’t be fixed if it can be by a few election cycles.
All that said you need to re-think your list of rights above. You left out the most important one, the one all our other rights, especially the u.S. Bill of Rights, is based on: the right to fight back and kill those who would enslave you further.
Unless the govt. is forced at the point of a civilian gun to acknowledge, not ‘grant’ our natural born rights, then it will trample them with impunity. History is clear on this. That’s why our Founders, some of them, those who really valued human Liberty, insisted on a Bill of Rights with a Second Amendment. It’s not about hunting little furry and feathered critters. It’s about hunting men.
Don’t understand? Start here:

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