The System works because you work!

The System works because you work!


All told, governments killed more than 262 million people in the 20th century outside of wars, according to University of Hawaii political science professor R.J. Rummel. Just to give perspective on this incredible murder by government, if all these bodies were laid head to toe, with the average height being 5', then they would circle the earth ten times. Also, this democide murdered 6 times more people than died in combat in all the foreign and internal wars of the century. Finally, given popular estimates of the dead in a major nuclear war, this total democide is as though such a war did occur, but with its dead spread over a century

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Monday, May 25, 2020

Viruses have never been proven to cause disease, or be infectious. “The culprit however, is not the microbe. It is the level of toxicity you have in your own blood stream.” -- Good-Bye Germ Theory, Dr. William P. Trebing 2006

Germ Theory is pushed as fact by the nasty big pharma medical mafia that, ever since John Rockefeller used his oil baron money to control schools and institutions, steered legislation and public belief toward holistic medicine being seen as "quackery" because they couldn't patent and profit from it. Terrain theory says we are expressing bacteria and viruses as solvents and alarm-messenger agents to other cells when our bodies are deficient and or poisoned. Scurvy was blamed on infection and proven to be a lack of vitamin C. When kids ate asbestos-laden wall chips docs and scientists blamed their parents for being stupid, rather than themselves for blanketing the planet with harmful drugs, toxins, and chemicals. The "progress" driven by the big money in the last couple of centuries saw a lot of toxins from lead, arsenic, DDT, asbestos and many pesticides are splayed upon the public. When people got injured or sick their corrupt scientists blamed it on an "infectious" agent that is present during the very toxicity caused by their employers. These people are sick! They cause 500k deaths a yr. in America alone due to "medical errors" and over 100k due to legal drugs. "The most stunning statistic, however,  is that the total number of deaths caused by conventional medicine is an astounding 783,936 per year. It is now evident that the American medical system is the leading cause of death and injury in the US." Dr. Gary Null, Death by Medicine "Allopathic doctors began amassing power as early as 1759. At that time, legislation was drafted to protect an ‘unsuspecting public’ against quacks or ‘snake oil salesmen.” - Death by Modern Medicine, Dr. Carolyn Dean The medical system in which modern MDs are trained (with Rockefeller, Carnegie. etc. blood money) makes fundamental assumptions about disease and health based on the profitable THEORIES ingrained into their minds as fact. This training doesn't equip modern physicians with the knowledge in human biology in relation to nutrition necessary to provide ‘healthcare’ for their patients, nor does it protect them from the harm caused by the medical treatments (legalized poisons that use synthetically rendered agents which mimic those found in nature). However, this training does emphatically provide them with the prestige and privilege to deal/prescribe drugs who's manufacturers provide kickbacks that pad their salaries. Sadly, modern physicians have become glorified pushers that deal out toxic, enzyme-blocking drugs that momentarily stop symptoms (but not cure the condition) in the name of ‘healthcare’, contradicting the very Hippocratic oath they swear upon. "Virus Mania is a social disease of our highly developed society. To cure it will require CONQUERING FEAR, fear being the most deadly contagious virus, most efficiently transmitted by the media." - Etienne de Harven, MD Professor Emeritus of Pathology at the University of Toronto So, here's what we know so far: There's no way to isolate CV-19 via the PCR test. - All the PCR tests do is show CV DNA markers which are incredibly common. - Viruses cannot be "caught". Rather, they are expressed by our bodies. - These poor viruses we're waging war against are more like firefighters trying to put out biological fires. - The death care industry kills nearly 1 million Americans per year between drugs, medical "errors" and unnecessary surgery and procedures, all while profiting big time. - We ALL contain viruses in our bodies as an expression of toxic cells - trillions in fact The very same medical, political and corporate mafia that creates immunocompromised people (radiation, drugs, GMOs, fluoride, chemtrails, etc.) wants you to take more drugs and be scared of the unseen boogeyman. That stress alone is deadly. Your body is incredible at keeping you healthy. You just need to treat it, feed it, and keep it right. REFERENCES: Virus Mania Foreword by Dr. Etienne de Harven (2008) Biochemistry Debunks Corona Video - 150 U.S. Public Health Service Experiments from 1919 prove that disease is not transmittable Article – "You cannot Catch Bugs, Pasteur Debunked" Book / PDF – "Virus Mania: How the Medical Industry Continually Invents Epidemics, Making Billion-Dollar Profits At Our Expense" – Torsten Engelbrecht Book – ‘Good-Bye Germ Theory’ is a book refuting the Germ Theory and talking about Vaccine Scam" Article – "Viruses. How Much Is That Dogma In The Window?" Article - "Doctors refuting the Germ Theory" - By Dr. Bernarr, D.C., D.D : The Germ Theory Deception Part 1 of 4 Article - Dismantling the Virus Theory by Dr. Stefan Lanka, virologist Book / PDF – Béchamp or Pasteur? A Lost Chapter in the History of Biology by Ethel Douglas Hume Book - What Really Makes You Ill?: Why Everything You Thought You Knew About Disease Is Wrong, by Dawn Lester and David Parker The Deception of Virology & Vaccines — Why Coronavirus Is Not Contagious Does the 2019 Coronavirus Exist? “The coronavirus panic is just that, an irrational panic, based on an unproven RNA test, that has never been connected to a virus.” Article – Vaccines by Aajonus Vonderplanitz: Article – The Poisoned Needle – Suppressed Facts About Vaccination, By Eleanor McBean:

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