The System works because you work!

The System works because you work!


All told, governments killed more than 262 million people in the 20th century outside of wars, according to University of Hawaii political science professor R.J. Rummel. Just to give perspective on this incredible murder by government, if all these bodies were laid head to toe, with the average height being 5', then they would circle the earth ten times. Also, this democide murdered 6 times more people than died in combat in all the foreign and internal wars of the century. Finally, given popular estimates of the dead in a major nuclear war, this total democide is as though such a war did occur, but with its dead spread over a century

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Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Big Sis Seizes 8 More Domains in 'Piracy' Crackdown...

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Feds Seize 8 More Domains in Piracy Crackdown

The Department of Homeland Security seized at least eight website addresses over the weekend, bringing to 128 the number of domains confiscated as part of a government piracy crackdown.
The government is taking the sites with court approval, under the same civil seizure law the government invokes to seize brick-and-mortar drug houses, bank accounts and other property tied to illegal activity.
The seizures, first reported by TorrentFreak, came as Congress is mulling dramatically increasing the government’s legal power to disrupt and shutter websites “dedicated to infringing activities.”
The sites seized are:
DHS’s Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency began seizing the domains last year in a program known as “Operation in Our Sites.”

Showing 60 of 184 comments

  • none 39 comments collapsed Collapse Expand
    I'm glad they have so much time to shut down piracy but no time to shut down wallstreet or crooked defense contractors. Quid pro quo.
  • Liberals R'douche Bags 19 comments collapsed Collapse Expand
    To bad they don't shut down the border so the wet backs can't just walk the F across.
  • 7 7 comments collapsed Collapse Expand
    I don't take personal offense to your comments being a son of a Mexican immigrant. But I will say this. I am from Los Angeles and I have encountered many people such as yourself who say "shut down the border" or "close the border" along with stupid old tired racist names like "beaner" or "wetback".

      Yet, you fail to see that it's not the border that is the problem. You see if you visit cities like Los Angeles, El Paso, Phoenix, San Antonio....etc you know the problem is not the border but it is that businesses make living in these cities so comfortable for illegal and legal immigrants.

      Take a tour in these parts of town where there is a heavy Mexican immigrant population and you will see the billboards "magically" change from English to Spanish. Who do you think owns all those billboards? Illegal Mexican immigrants? Then take a walk down the street to your Wells Fargo or Bank of America and what do you see? "Se Habla Espanol" I'm sure Wells Fargo and Bank of America are not run by illegal Mexican immigrants. The illegal immigrant then goes home to turn on their all spanish speaking TV station that is supported by advertisers like Mcdonalds, Nike, Budweiser. Hmmm it seems like someone is making it very easy even tempting to live in the United States.

     So in conclusion (because this is probably the most you have ever read in one sitting), please refrain from just ignorantly saying things like " shut down the border so the wet backs can't just walk the F across" and think about why they are coming not how they are coming.
  • Kevin M Hardee 3 comments collapsed Collapse Expand
    I'm more concerned about the terrorist that are working with the Drug Cartels and have more freedom than we do to cross the border.  Closing the border is NOT an immigration issue, it's a National Security Issue!
  • 7 2 comments collapsed Collapse Expand
    The answer will then be similar to the one above. The border in my opinion is not the problem. It's the demand the U.S. has for these drugs. If the Cartel was not in business, they would not be coming across the border. The U.S. must put them out of business, that is the best approach to this problem!
  • CommonSense033 1 comment collapsed Collapse Expand
    India is building a massive wall on their border with Bangladesh for their own security. They don't care what the international community thinks, nor should they. It's what's best for India and Indians.
  • Michael 1 comment collapsed Collapse Expand
    Shut down the border so the ILLEGAL CRIMINAL ALIEN INVADERS can't walk the F across. Is that any better?

    Aren't there billboards, banks, Spanish speaking TV or McDonald's in Mexico?

    If you aren't legally entitled to be in our country - stay the F out. If you're already here illegally, find a compass, locate due South and start heading in that direction.

  • 1961rs 2 comments collapsed Collapse Expand
    They come to America because their country is not economical viable. This is true they are also enabled.
  • Stacy Shelton 1 comment collapsed Collapse Expand
    Don't let them come unless they do the paperwork to become documented citizens before they cross the is it that such a wrong thing to simply ask you to follow the rules??
  • Adeno Viridae 10 comments collapsed Collapse Expand
    Really?  Are you that ignorant that you need to spread your stupidity to a tech site?  I know I am feeding a troll here, but comments like that make the United States population look like a bunch of ill-informed rednecks.  Immigration (both illegal and legal) is needed to support industries with cheap labor, because Americans (with our superiority complexes) outright refuse to do manual labor anymore without ridiculous pay and benefits.  By doing that, we are in
    no position to compete with China and other countries that have basic to no
    labor laws at all, and it also explains why the country is in such poor shape.

    So while you sit in your trailer and mooch off disability (I can tell you are disabled by your comment), there are others that would risk their life to come to the U.S., work twice as hard for half the pay; all for a chance to put food on the table for their families and feel accomplished at the end of the day.
  • Jared Norris 1 comment collapsed Collapse Expand
    But, if there were not a ready supply of below-market-wage labor, then businesses would have to either innovate to not need those positions, or pay a higher wage - that is how a free market works.  That whole "americans won't do those jobs" argument is bogus.  I'm not opposed to a guest-worker program, but everyone should be documented, just like the laws in Mexico - you want to send your kid to school, gotta prove you're there legally.  Want to report a crime to the police? - same thing, gotta prove you're there legally.  But, here, such laws are called racist.  There is so much hypocrisy in this debate.  

    Living in california, I'm tired of depleting our resources for non-citizens, when we are being forced to lay off teachers and police.

    And, while I'm at it, if I hear "We are a nation of immigrants" one more time, I'm going to puke.  We are a nation of LEGAL immigrants - only the most isolationistic of people don't want any immigration.  Painting those of us who want to curtail ILLEGAL immigration with the same brush is intellectual laziness.
  • bonzomatic 1 comment collapsed Collapse Expand
    I'm getting really tired of the "jobs Americans won't do" line of bull. Over a million people applied for 60,000 jobs offered at McDonalds a couple weeks ago.
  • Allen Ray 2 comments collapsed Collapse Expand
    So do it legally dammit! We have laws here, laws that should be ENFORCED. I have no problem with people wanting a better life for thier families. You know what they should do to accomplish that? FIX THIER OWN DAMN COUNTRY!!! We Americans aren't anything special. All it takes is the desire and drive to succeed on your OWN virtues, not on the virtues of me and MY forefathers. If Mexicans want a better life, then they need to rise up and boot the corruption from Mexico, not run away to America. Life isn't handed to you on a silver platter, it takes the blood of Patriots to make a country work. So go home, all of you illegal immigrants, go home and stand up for your nation. The People of the United States would back you right down the line!
  • CommonSense033 1 comment collapsed Collapse Expand
    What they're doing is what would happen if the Founding Fathers had instead run to Canada and asked the French to fight the British for them...while they hid in Canada.
  • 1961rs 1 comment collapsed Collapse Expand
    Lean manufacturing, and automated manufacturing companies are being implemented on a regular basis. This is to compete with countries like China, South Korea,and Indonesia. Hopefully these eager minds from Mexico and other countries that are less economically viable learn the skills necessary, such as Mechatronics, and Electronics to do these jobs ( via F.A.F.S.A.) and make a better life for them selves and contribute to a more competitive America. I did it,and they can too.
  • alnga 1 comment collapsed Collapse Expand
    very well said there is a lot of truth and more to be told in that statement
  • mlw0603 1 comment collapsed Collapse Expand
    Your ignorance is astounding.  Don't you dare defend ILLEGAL immigrants.  These people are TAKING jobs right out from under LEGAL U.S. CITIZENS' noses.  They come here ILLEGALLY, spread disease, and reproduce like f-ing rabbits so they have anchor babies here to cry about when they finally face deportation.  And where do you think all of that money goes that they make at the jobs you claim hard-working Americans don't want??  BACK TO MEXICO.  Not into our economy.  These people are leeches who should be sent back to where they came from.  Why is it so much to ask that they follow the law?!?  Imagine if I, as a NATURAL BORN U.S. CITIZEN, marched down to Mexico, took up residence illegally, and refused to comply with their laws?!?  Yeah... that's what I thought. 

    Get a clue, half-wit.  You're part of the problem.
  • sablegsd 1 comment collapsed Collapse Expand

    Ask anyone in the construction field.
    How about the huge line up for jobs when a crackdown yanked the illegal alien invaders from their restaurant jobs?

    Most don't come here for jobs.  They come to commit crimes and fart out anchor babies.
  • Steve J 1 comment collapsed Collapse Expand
    Well there you go. You found the solution... Minimum wage and inflation. Please let our Gov't know. Sorry, you still lose, Illegal Immigration cannot and SHOULD not exist.
  • Kayce Davis 12 comments collapsed Collapse Expand
    Where these sites go wrong is that they make no campaign contributions.
  • Hunter 11 comments collapsed Collapse Expand
    where these sites go wrong is that they are still registered with .com, .net, and .org domains, which are under US control. Switch to an out of country domain.
  • nuke904 5 comments collapsed Collapse Expand
    Wrong. Quit perpetuating misinformation.

    If you register a non-US domain with a non-US registrar plus with a country who does not have a MLAT (mutual legal assistance treaty, basically most of the world), you can get away with it.

    The solution? Somali .so domain from a Chinese registrar. I believe the .me for Montenegro may be also, but you need a Chinese registrar.

    You have to find out where the registry is located. For instance, the .cc TLD for Cocos Islands may seem tempting but when the domain registry is based in Australia - it can be assumed that Australia has a MLAT with the USA.

    Regardless of where you register it, if the domain TLD comes from a country, who has a registry in that country for their TLDs, that MLAT will sting you hard.  So please consider what I have posted, since I do run sites that are sensitive to takedown requests and subpoenas. I have multiple Somali domain names from a Chinese registrar.
  • CommonSense033 1 comment collapsed Collapse Expand
    Except my firewall and others block all traffic from Nigeria, Somalia and other such domains, and I don't think it's the only one.

    Nothing comes out of there but spam, we have no customers from there, so we block all the domains.
  • Htos1, not much of a horn tooter 1 comment collapsed Collapse Expand
    I knew it was hitting the fan when Sony reps told me(during the prototyping of directv,here in Florida)they had NO interest in digitiznig the Walkman nor implementing the Fraunhoffer system,in1993.
  • Htos1, not much of a horn tooter 1 comment collapsed Collapse Expand
  • Contrarianthefirst 1 comment collapsed Collapse Expand
    Good info here folks.
  • electric_worry 4 comments collapsed Collapse Expand
    Actually Hunter, some of the sites were operated out of country. I can't remember the exact one, but one was shut down that operated out of Spain I believe (I read other sites and this was old news to me a few days ago). It had even been taking to court in Spain (probably by the RIAA or Spanish equivalent) and the site was declared to be legal and following Spanish laws. Which I believe (but I might not have it exact here) say that file sharing and hosting downloads (even of copyrighted materials) are perfectly legal as long as it's done freely and not for profit. That site was shut down but later went back up. I should add, that site and it going down was during the first round of domain seizures. Not this current one.

    In all honesty, one of the sites listed above was back up within hours of being shut down. On a different domain I believe. So this is all pointless, they shut it down to appease the RIAA/MPAA and within hours they go back up. Or sites people would never know about suddenly get attention, and once they're back up the amount of people flocking to them has increased (ala The Streisand Effect). This is literally a waste of taxpayer money. It makes you wonder, does the DHS have absolutely nothing better to do? It's become the lapdog of the RIAA/MPAA. I wasn't aware DHS operated and acted on the behest of corporations (at our monetary expense at that). Learn something new every day I suppose.
  • doodledoo 2 comments collapsed Collapse Expand
    There are 13 root hint servers that control all the DNS so the Worlds internet can work.  The United States Military controls and protects 12 of them.  They can do what ever they want, and the US Government can control it all.  The Military also has it's own dedicated high speed lines, so if everyone elses internet goes down, theirs still works!  It is for National security, missle operations, communications.  The problem is the head of the DHS is concentrating on the small time guys, not the real big bad ones.
     (like Boarder control)
  • Matt Corn 1 comment collapsed Collapse Expand
    I find 2 root servers in the US, and 2 in Europe that are DoD controlled. The rest are just subject to the laws of this country. Oh, snap, I found another in Hawaii and another in Japan... So 6 DoD, WAY more than 13 everyone else.

    Also, as long as I can't watch my BluRays without waiting a couple minutes, as long as companies do sleazy crap like rootkits, and as long as movies etc keep getting more and more outrageously priced, I will rip them. Entertainment industry is a bunch of poorly trained, outspoken monkeys, and try to find most of their morals. I am just trying to fit in with them.
  • Nathan Weyer 1 comment collapsed Collapse Expand
    I think that is part of the point.  While the sites reside in other countries, because com, net, and org are maintained by US companies, US courts have power over the sites.
  • Kathleen3 1 comment collapsed Collapse Expand
    Good advice.  Thank you.
  • Harley Watkins IV 1 comment collapsed Collapse Expand
    Don't Forget those crooks at the FED, the Treasury, The House and Senate... what happened to my internal monologue?
  • Marc Matthews 1 comment collapsed Collapse Expand
    Yes NONE...  shut down wall street... but leave them unions alone right?
  • steve_is_me 1 comment collapsed Collapse Expand
    Not just time, but how much money are the RIAA, MPAA, and our tax dollars to the government costing to do something so trivial. I'm sure that money could be spent on much better things
  • Thomas 2 comments collapsed Collapse Expand
    Why would you shut down Wallstreet? Do you have a clue of any kind?
  • jrb 2 comments collapsed Collapse Expand
    contrary to popular belief, there is just one man in Washington making such decisions - he can only choose to do one thing or the other... so yes, whilst he was busy signing off the decision to block some rolex knock-off websites the war on terrorism, drugs, piracy, etc went totally unabated. *rolleyes* 

    either that or there are 10s of 1000s of people working collectively to tackle many different types of illegal activity. This is just an example of one, to see it any other way is plain short-sighted stupidity.
  • Robert Nerren 1 comment collapsed Collapse Expand
    Wrong.  It's an opportunity cost.  Meaning whatever resources are applied to one issue aren't available for another.  It's that simple.  I'm not arguing for or against any policy, just thought jrb's logic problem should be corrected.
  • jtaylor13 48 comments collapsed Collapse Expand
    WOW.The government is working hard.To bad not on illegals,
  • ImmortalSoFar 2 comments collapsed Collapse Expand
    Die Wörter ändern, aber die Musik bleibt die selbe. (The words change but the music stays the same.)
    I'm sure they'll get around to rounding them up eventually. They always do.
  • Harley Watkins IV 1 comment collapsed Collapse Expand
    Oh they'll make a round up.. but it won't be for illegals... it's be for insubordination.  They always do... You say Democracy I say 5 wolves and a sheep deciding what's for dinner.
  • Mark Ybarra 45 comments collapsed Collapse Expand
    President Obama has deported more illegals than bush did in 8yrs, so what's the question??? Bonehead!
  • doodledoo 1 comment collapsed Collapse Expand
    Obama is a Bonehead, Bush was a Bonehead too!  I guess they had that much in common!
  • Michael V 18 comments collapsed Collapse Expand
    Re: ""President Obama has deported more illegals than bush did in 8yrs"   WRONG. Typical illierate Libtard. Go deport your sorry ass out of my country
  • electric_worry 16 comments collapsed Collapse Expand
    Lol. You called him a "typical illierate Libtard". I bet you didn't catch that did you? You're calling him illiterate, but you can't even spell the word correctly. So technically, you shouldn't call anyone illiterate. Or better said, you're one to talk.

    Secondly, just because he doesn't agree with whatever your views are, that is no reason to basically tell him to get out of YOUR country. It isn't yours. You don't own it. And you don't get to say who can or can't live here just because of their beliefs. This country was specifically founded on the right to believe what you want (religion), say what you want (speech), etc. Or are you forgetting that? I hate irrational people like you. I'd rather be called a libtard than put in the same class of people like you. The "you don't agree with me, so that must mean you hate America and I'm going to kick your ass" group of people.

    Also, really? Name calling? Libtard is so unoriginal. That's like as sad an insult as it gets because it shows no originality. Just because you don't agree with what he said doesn't give you the right to insult him. You're real tough insulting someone you don't know online. You know what I find really odd though, most people who sling the "libtard" diss are usually older people (by older I mean at least in their 30s). It's frankly quite sad to see adults acting as if they're kids. Respect his opinions, as you'd expect others to respect yours. I could easily insult you and rip apart anything you say on principle (in defense of him, a stranger I don't even know), but I don't. Why? Because I'm an adult (25 years old) and I'm a bit more mature than that. I respect others. You'd do well to take a page from my book and do the same.
  • DrJKH, Medical Student, Graduate Student 6 comments collapsed Collapse Expand
    Libtard may be unoriginal, but few words are more accurate. By the way, ever heard of a type-o, you douchenozzle?
  • pumped_up_kicks 1 comment collapsed Collapse Expand
    I prefer the more accurate term "libiot"...
  • jujutsuka 1 comment collapsed Collapse Expand
    If you're going to castigate someone, check your own spelling first.  You spelled typo wrong, and the fact that you took the time to insert that hyphen implies that you intended to spell the word that way.  No slip of the fingers there.  Keep working on devolving those writing skills--you'll be penning illegible prescriptions in no time.
  • electric_worry 1 comment collapsed Collapse Expand
    Whatever you say, c*ntnugget. (Thanks for proving my point though, about adults acting like children.) Either way though, for someone to call someone else illiterate (typo or not), he should make sure he spells everything correctly, otherwise he looks like an idiot. And you look like one for defending someone who would act the way he did.
  • Just Sayin 1 comment collapsed Collapse Expand
    So, if you're a Republican we should call you a retard?
  • Kurt Hash 1 comment collapsed Collapse Expand
    Hahahahahaha... C*nt nugget...
  • Marc Matthews 2 comments collapsed Collapse Expand
    I think the chants of KILL BUSH and the daily attacks on the right from all sides actually does give us that right.

    You go have a nice day and join some protest asking for some other people to pay your way... if you yell loud enough and pay off the right people you probably will get what you are asking for.
  • electric_worry 1 comment collapsed Collapse Expand
    I have 2 jobs, so I pay my own way. I don't do protest, I hate crowds. I don't believe in yelling, not a fan of shouting in general. And I waste my money on some silly things, but I would never pay off/bribe anyone to get my way. So none of what you say applies to me at all, nor am I entirely sure what you're trying to insinuate about me. Either come right out and say it or don't bother at all.

    And no, nothing gives you the right to insult or be disrespectful towards another person. Regardless of how they act. You should rise above anything like that and try and be the bigger/better person. Mark and myself did not personally attack you or your beliefs, so why are you doing that to us?
  • Hunter 7 comments collapsed Collapse Expand
    Wow. Wow. Really? In their 30's? I'm a little insulted. I'm 30 and quite honestly, I'm as sick of the childish pseudo-political cast the general population has been trying to bring about. The "your a republican, I hate you. Well your a democrat so your stupid." bit gets as old as the Windows v. Apple wars. Personally, I'm a technocrat. Replace them all with robots. ;)
  • Harley Watkins IV 1 comment collapsed Collapse Expand
    It's an age old strategy of divide and conquer.  It's so easy to achieve these means when both sides are played against the middle.  This is elementary police state policy... gees. :) 36... so I claim my position in the 30's too. Long live Bender!
  • Kurt Hash 1 comment collapsed Collapse Expand
    I will also welcome the robot overlords! at least they won't really have a use for money and wouldn't swindle all the citizens out of theirs!!
  • Just Sayin 1 comment collapsed Collapse Expand
    I for one am way over 30 and welcome our new robot overlords.
  • electric_worry 1 comment collapsed Collapse Expand
    Okay, lol, I take back the 30 thing. I was generalizing, but if you look around on Wired (particularly any of the Wikileaks or Court or Warrant type articles) most of the people hurling "libtard" around tend to be older. They even say so in their comments by insulting guys like me and others who don't share their view and telling us to shut up and do our high school homework. I find it ridiculous and childish. I for one welcome our robotic overlords. ; ) Lol.
  • Kurt Hash 1 comment collapsed Collapse Expand
    I will also welcome the robot overlords! at least they won't really have a use for money and wouldn't swindle all the citizens out of theirs!!

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