Kurt Nimmo
May 25, 2011
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has circumvented a call by the newly elected senator from Kentucky, Rand Paul, to debate the Patriot Act.
In order to prevent a filibuster, Reid performed “some procedural gymnastics,” according toFox News, and slipped Patriot Act language into a House small business bill that is considered filibuster-proof.
In doing so, Reid has skirted objections to the bill led by Paul and has moved closer to extending the Patriot Act without debate. Democrats have applauded this effort to rush the extension into law without debate.
“The suggestion that the extension should be debated fueled considerable opposition, particularly from Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D – CA), who insisted it would be a ‘huge mistake’ to debate the bill and might threaten national security,” writes Jason Ditz.
On Monday, Paul went on the floor of the Senate and argued against the extension. He introduced the Leahy-Paul amendment which would have National Security Letters expire on December 31, 2013. It also requires the Justice Department inspector general to audit the issuance of NSL letters and expands public reporting on the use of such letters under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act.
The National Security Letter provision of the Patriot Act directly assaults the Fourth Amendment. It expands the FBI’s authority to demand personal customer records from Internet Service Providers, financial institutions and credit companies without prior court approval.
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May 25, 2011
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has circumvented a call by the newly elected senator from Kentucky, Rand Paul, to debate the Patriot Act.
In order to prevent a filibuster, Reid performed “some procedural gymnastics,” according toFox News, and slipped Patriot Act language into a House small business bill that is considered filibuster-proof.
In doing so, Reid has skirted objections to the bill led by Paul and has moved closer to extending the Patriot Act without debate. Democrats have applauded this effort to rush the extension into law without debate.
“The suggestion that the extension should be debated fueled considerable opposition, particularly from Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D – CA), who insisted it would be a ‘huge mistake’ to debate the bill and might threaten national security,” writes Jason Ditz.
On Monday, Paul went on the floor of the Senate and argued against the extension. He introduced the Leahy-Paul amendment which would have National Security Letters expire on December 31, 2013. It also requires the Justice Department inspector general to audit the issuance of NSL letters and expands public reporting on the use of such letters under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act.
The National Security Letter provision of the Patriot Act directly assaults the Fourth Amendment. It expands the FBI’s authority to demand personal customer records from Internet Service Providers, financial institutions and credit companies without prior court approval.
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May 25th, 2011 at 8:01 am We are witnessing the seed of freedom taken back by the peoples.
Who ever questions government isn`t our enemy but one working for the people, working to acheive getting rid of the corruption we have let grow all together blinded by the $$$$$$$$, the greed and selfishness over time.
Because of money we have let the jobs leave here for abroad cheap labor camps. Human exploitation. Who buys the running shoes children in India or elsewhere working for pennies a day like slaves? Some of us must be bying them at 200 $$ a pair, can the people not see this?
HOchey players making 10 million dollars a year, or any other sport celebrity? who goes to see these super heroes anyway??? who pays to see them? not the angels. We humans give credence to the reality that is out there.
Do not get me wrong, it`s ok to be a sport fan, but when one looks at reality out there, one see`s social unjustice, financially and within the justice system itself. Who can afford season tickets for the hockey games who?ARe little children paying the price at home because daddy and mommy go to the hockey game there addiction at the cost of family life at home? reminds me of people who have a gambling problem and spend the money they work for in gambling machines while the children at home struggle to eat descently??? It is a social problem even though not every one fall in the pitts, traps out there. There is a social price we are paying for this sad reality.
LIke Ron Paul says, people need to take responsablitity for there own actions. Isn’t this what Jesus was saying also? or Ghandy : ” be the change you want to see”
May 25th, 2011 at 8:41 am
May 25th, 2011 at 8:14 am Only a few good men left defending our freedoms while the majority of government are useless paranoid weaklings.If America doesn’t resemble the late 1930′s of Germany and the rise of the Nazi’s I don’t know what does.It will take all of our sacrifice to cripple our federal government and I’m sorry to say but the burden on the people is not heavy enough yet to produce any action. Ah the genius of their plan, incriments of gradualization well learned from past mistakes.As Carrol Quigley states “when a civilization enters the period of conflict and does not reinvent it’s self into a new period of expansion the period of conflict becomes the period of decline and the inevitable fall of the civilization”.We are in the period of conflict.What will happen next ?
May 25th, 2011 at 8:24 am
I guess you know deep inside the answer to that. maybe it is a necessary process ?
May 25th, 2011 at 8:39 am
I think so Vic I think so.
May 25th, 2011 at 8:26 am Rand is still learning. Give him time and he will be wise to their arcane rules.
‘…Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D – CA), who insisted it would be a ‘huge mistake’ to debate the bill and might threaten national security,”…’
That is just plain stupid. How can debating a bill threaten national security?
I’ll tell you what threatens national security which is giving money to the nuclear power Israel!
With 75 to 400 nuclear weapons of mass destruction, you better believe that is a REAL national security threat!