Strange: U.S. made “strong request” that radioactive water be dumped in ocean says special adviser to Japan gov’t
Release of radioactive water made at request of U.S.: Cabinet adviser, Kyodo, May 18, 2011:
Japanese playwright Oriza Hirata, who serves as a special adviser to the Cabinet, claimed in a recent lecture given in Seoul that the dumping of low-level radioactive water into the Pacific Ocean followed a “strong request” from the United States, a person who attended the lecture said Wednesday. [...]
Hirata’s remarks, made Tuesday, that the release was not carried out based on Tokyo’s independent judgment but rather on a request from Washington is likely to ignite a debate.
South Korea and other neighboring countries have protested the lack of prior notification of the discharge. [...]
he is a phantasm a hollow shill or shell a strutting vacuum that has as much depth and truth as a tepco press release.
folks listen to his words.
american people fully updated.
“Hirata’s remarks, made Tuesday, that the release was not carried out based on Tokyo’s independent judgment but rather on a request from Washington is likely to ignite a debate.”
Change yours to feminazi!
Misanthrope is correct, except I would maybe say 4th grade?
shut up and make me a cup of tritium tea ; )
After a year of watching..what they have dumped into the’s quite possible.
Without even studying the debate in the story it is worth remembering that even if the U.S. had told them to dump water, bear in mind that choices are often picking the lesser of evils. Dumping older water with low Iodine 131 levels wouldn’t be as bad as having “fresh” nasties. Also, releasing contaminated water could very well be a better choice than choosing to stop messy cooling attempts.
Sometimes the choices come down to only bad and worse. We should see the big picture before condemning those that chose bad.
Some of the stories serve to give us deeper understanding without alerting us to something earth-shaking. We don’t need to jump to conclusions over every bit of information… oh this is really good, or this is really bad. Some news just broadens our perspective. If we step back a little, sometimes the things that seem to be the actions of idiots may even make sense.
president barry soetoro of what ever place he was born in.this stooge has not provided any bush these clowns seem to spend more time playing golf and starting wars for israel in the middle east today libya,tommorow syria.
the guy is the cruelest joke inflicted on people of color.
he said change,we got much more of the same shit.
how is he keeping the american people informed and updated.
we got change but it is the kind that mutates are dna.
circle of agreement-nodding-coffee-klatch Wymmyn.
We are Obviously, Completely TAXED ENOUGH ALREADY to
Nobody can seriously now expect to support OBAMA and not be
totally ridiculed.
He is Not an American Democrat. Who do you think you’re Backing?
When the ranting and raving gets in the way of the message, it’s time to change the tone of the rhetoric. And if I wanted to use an ad hominum argument, I’d have used the perforative teabagger. All I did was a little chiding.
Now, I invite you to imagine what would be happening in this country, as well as the world, if both the facts and the suppositions were shouted from the rooftops. Chaos, utter chaos.
Yes, there has been lying, and a coverups, but a leader leads, he or she doesn’t incite a nation to rioting.
Think about it.
Charge the cape, it is what you are good at. Or maybe, just once, you might stop and realize your real enemy is yourself, and your own inability to perceive the Matador laughing at your Mad Hattery. You are a fool. Now off to Walmart with you, and while you are there buying cheap Chinese goods, maybe you will stop and wonder if there is any connection between your actions and our trade deficit. Take responsibility, and stop blaming others, my message for Tepco and for you.
his message of a new way a new direction a new way of connecting with the world,that shit got him a nobel prize.
the man is a shill.
maybe i am wrong and barry is doing a great job.if my rant bothers you,you had better hide in the basement.
check back in 2 years because it is going to get very messed up and a lot will ask where is president barry the fallen angel.
He is the cruelest joke to modern politics, period.
Now back to the topic of the “honorable Japs”….
And all the men and women merely players;
They have their exits and their entrances,
And one man in his time plays many parts,
His acts being seven ages.”
Or better yet regarding this playwright:
“Something is rotten in the state of Denmark.”
These CORPORATIONS now control EVERYTHING. The only thing that our government did during the BP spill, was to deploy the Nation Guard, to make sure that no REPORTERS were permitted inside the “exclusion” zone mandated by BP.
Many “outside” individuals tried to submit solutions which were better than using this horrible Corexit dispersant, but these solutions were NEVER considered. So BP was allowed free reign to do what it wanted.
So don’t send your tax money to the Governemnt, send it to your international corporate dictators (Oops, I forget, that’s already happening!)
There, I said it.
Glenn, if you ever read this comment, my view on WWII is that the U.S. built up the German war machine to provoke a world war which would inevitably destroy Europe’s dominance. “New world order,” get it? New world, not old world.
I think the world is at the point of complete outrage over the wars and conflicts created by the U.S. for U.S. dominance and hegemony.
Sound familiar? Kind of like how information was intercepted regarding impending 9/11 attacks yet nothing was done.
Pearl Harbor and the World Trade Center buildings. Both sacrificial lambs to further TPTB agenda.
The post civil war USA has always been corrupt and the Democrats and Republicans are one in the same.
Not so for USSR:
Yes, the same Goldman Sachs that probably placed credit derivative bets with and/or through big banking and insurers / re-insurers for the likes of some companies such as General Electric.
Can’t have Tepco go under. Oh no! Can’t have another AIG type fiasco brought to public viewing.
some one blogged back
hawkeye its just a little cold, get a grip
well when they were typing get a grip
goes-13 pick up some bad news data
i cant upload pics or data here
but you can travel to
open cain talk
look for wisconsin
the smart ones need to get ready
Parabolic planet destruction in all forms.
Hell, I would of called myself a moonbat 20 years ago, if someone said this was going to happen.
They had better hurry with something to taint the atlantic ocean, next. I am hoping for some chocolate pudding.
So, we got that covered..and want NO MORE!!!
All the plastic that washes up on the beach is bad enough. At this time, please be more vigilant about reducing your burden on our Oceans!! Always reduce, reuse, RECYCLE, skip plastic junk, plastic bags–it’s a killer that won’t biodegrade!- you can see plastic pellets in the sand…THE EARTH IS NOT A TRASH DUMP.
The beautiful Atlantic has taken a lot of damage -even before the current disaster.
In sum, it’s all one big bathtub. I guess we’re all in it now, so do all you can!…
I went to hurricanecity and could not see what you’re saying to
look for, I’m assuming something about climate trend in Wisconsin?
Tell me Moe,
Tell me Moe….
Something about the tropopause lowering. I think they’re saying it’s due to ionization. Which I’m thinking could mean from radiation. And maybe this is a localized sinking, causing vortexes, leading to lots of tornadoes? I’m just guessing here.
A few big brains have been warning us about Space Weather,
and there have been these big predictions of Solar Burps and
Hellish Coronal Mass Ejaculations wiping out our nice little Nests.
Yesterday the weather front from the US northwest that has been dumping rain all over central and northern Cal blew into AZ.
Today I woke up with a serious, serious asthma attack and my face swollen with an allergic reaction.
I have allergies, take shots, and took benadryl last night. it has been a very mild allergy spring for me because we had so little rain that there isn’t much flowering.
I’m in bad shape today and went to the doc to get prednisone…
Anybody else out there suffer any similar symtoms?
I have to tell you,
I bet you are a pharma-freak doctor’s-attention addict,
and you USE DAIRY PRODUCTS every day…Que NO?
My prayers are with you all.
c’mon, girl!!
your so-called “doctors” giving you injections, get it?
Those “doctors” want you for a life-long repeat customer, and
they are NOT addressing your REAL physical HEALING.
Please, majia,
get yourself some good, Raw, local desert Honey.
It will be full of your local pollens,
and you will experience some relief.
I knew a weirdo chick who asked me if I wanted to Snort
some Benadryl once….nope!
Read more:
Honey contains more than 180 different substances the complex interrelation of which makes artificial production of honey impossible. The composition and nutritional value of honey differ in relation to the floral sources honeybees have visited. For example, recent research supports the claim that dark coloured honeys have larger amounts of antioxidants. The inorganic contents of honey, minerals and other trace elements, play a significant role in human metabolism and nutrition. Owing to its choline content, honey is appreciated as an excellent tonic and helps people suffering from constipation and other enteric problems.
(38.2% fructose, 31.0% glucose,17.1% water, 7.2% maltose, 4.2% trisaccharides & other carbohydrates, 1.5% sucrose, 0.5% minerals, vitamins, enzymes).
Read more:
I’m here in Southern NM, and might get a dose of your dust.
Huggy Wuggies, and Chile Verde para Ti.
stay with the weather heads at hurricane city
watch your weather this summer if there are temp swings up and down,by 30 or 40 deg. thru a few days
if there are mild temps
watch out for a very, very cold winter from coast to coast
lots of rain and snow
very hard to know the weather far forward in time
its a guess
but better ready than outside this winter in a tee shirt an its -20
been on the weather about 50 years now
my take right now it doesnt look good
it would be good next year at this time people are throwing coronas at hawkeye,,man you are so lame
Have you taken your pills today?
but dont worry trader greg
you will find out…….
The sole fockus sould be on the meldtdowns. A ridicolus tent, thats going to elevate radioactivity inside to a unneseserry hights and makes the hole site more dangerous. After 2 mo. thats all they came up with, huh.
I just wait for the lies to end, from Japan.
Greedy and corrupt sociopaths have been allowed to ruin the world.
And maybe we all have to take our part in the blame?
Hmmm. Glad I use it. We need everything we can to take the toxic load off of us. It is inexpensive.
Suggestions for his next play: Bubble of Denial,
IglowUgloWeAllGlow, A Mutant Tuna With 3 Heads,
The PM Apologized Twice, Nukemshima…
the core is on the floor.
anybody seen that core.
ladies and gentlemen 6 cores have left the building.
i’m in the middle of a chain reaction.
What the USA did was force their hand to avoid an even greater disaster. Without the room made in their storage containers by the Ocean release, highly radioactive water coming from being in contact directly with the melted fuel (and here remember that the USA has known all along that the fuel was nearly completely melted in all 3 reactors, also that the explosion in reactor 3 was a nuclear and NOT a hydrogen explosion) was going to be damped into the Ocean, so it was an obvious thing to do asap and the Japanese could make the decision… so a little push was required. I am an Engineer and not linked at all with the USA government, but it is easy to guess at the dynamics that went on, it is harder to guess now that things are getting worse and remain out of control…
With all due respect,
1. “use your brains” – what do you think we did use before, I am puzzled?
2. “Remember that at least one of the explosions was triggered by delaying the release of Hydrogen due to a visit of their PM to the plant” – any reference to the “fact”? else it’s lie
3. “I am an Engineer and not linked at all with the USA government” well, why would you say this, it’s not written on top banner of this website to please discolse your agenda?
Me smells mafia once again – a member lost, the system saved. In short, Japanese everything was wrong, nuclear energy is safe, the disaster will not happen again once there is no longer Japan?
This is little me of course, could be wrong and peace, but what is your agenda? Mine is green.
p.s. did you read “a member lost” part? I think we just come back to the first sentence of your post, then do it. Btw, did u know that DSK is rumoured to have syphilis?
p.p.s. And
Health concerns remained at the forefront of dialogue as a new report by the Louisiana Bucket Brigade finds that nearly 50 percent of the population along the Gulf Coast is experiencing sickness indicative of chemical poisoning related to the BP oil spill. The CDC assertions in a brochure distributed at the meeting that the levels of chemical exposure related to the spill are not a cause for concern was ridiculed and an embarrassment to many of the officials present.
But, making ‘them’ connect the dots, or accept ANY culpability,..well, that’s another story entirely! Example: With all the arsenic in my system, I had my M.D. look at it, as well as 6 other ‘toxicities’,…and he said, “Gee, I wonder if someone has tried to kill you?” Yeah right Doc,….I’m sure it wasn’t any of the 17 daily medications you FREAKS had me on,…No,…nothing to see here,….:-(