The System works because you work!

The System works because you work!


All told, governments killed more than 262 million people in the 20th century outside of wars, according to University of Hawaii political science professor R.J. Rummel. Just to give perspective on this incredible murder by government, if all these bodies were laid head to toe, with the average height being 5', then they would circle the earth ten times. Also, this democide murdered 6 times more people than died in combat in all the foreign and internal wars of the century. Finally, given popular estimates of the dead in a major nuclear war, this total democide is as though such a war did occur, but with its dead spread over a century

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Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Strange: U.S. made “strong request” that radioactive water be dumped in ocean says special adviser to Japan gov’t

Strange: U.S. made “strong request” that radioactive water be dumped in ocean says special adviser to Japan gov’t


Release of radioactive water made at request of U.S.: Cabinet adviser, Kyodo, May 18, 2011:
Japanese playwright Oriza Hirata, who serves as a special adviser to the Cabinet, claimed in a recent lecture given in Seoul that the dumping of low-level radioactive water into the Pacific Ocean followed a “strong request” from the United States, a person who attended the lecture said Wednesday. [...]
Hirata’s remarks, made Tuesday, that the release was not carried out based on Tokyo’s independent judgment but rather on a request from Washington is likely to ignite a debate.
South Korea and other neighboring countries have protested the lack of prior notification of the discharge. [...]

95 comments to Strange: U.S. made “strong request” that radioactive water be dumped in ocean says special adviser to Japan gov’t

  • tony wilson
    barry hawaii 5 obama a so called president.
    he is a phantasm a hollow shill or shell a strutting vacuum that has as much depth and truth as a tepco press release.
    folks listen to his words.
    american people fully updated.
    • O-bummer. Empty suit “boy emperor” who wants the whole world to like him, though he sure tries to achieve that in a strange way – championing any and every war designed by his mafia-bankster handlers doesn’t win many friends in the end. Oh yeah, and he’s clearly willing to prostitute himself to the ends of the Earth (though sadly for the rest of us, it might mean the END of the Earth) for the “old boy” nuke-industry death-club.
  • Dr.Stranglelove
    Out of sight, out of mind.And they are surely out of their minds
  • anne
    It sounds to me that the U.S. advised Japan to NOT release the radioactive water into the ocean:
    “Hirata’s remarks, made Tuesday, that the release was not carried out based on Tokyo’s independent judgment but rather on a request from Washington is likely to ignite a debate.”
    • Misanthrope
      I think you need to revise your third-grade comprehension skills.
    • Heart of the Rose
      I think it is quite possible that the US advised/told the Japanese to dump the contaminated water into the sea.
      After a year of watching..what they have dumped into the’s quite possible.
    • anne
      The negative is before the verb. The release was NOT carried out because of US advice. If something else was meant, as per the title of the article, the actual statement perhaps saves the newspaper from legal liability.
    • Dbug
      There is often a flip side to the coin
      Without even studying the debate in the story it is worth remembering that even if the U.S. had told them to dump water, bear in mind that choices are often picking the lesser of evils. Dumping older water with low Iodine 131 levels wouldn’t be as bad as having “fresh” nasties. Also, releasing contaminated water could very well be a better choice than choosing to stop messy cooling attempts.
      Sometimes the choices come down to only bad and worse. We should see the big picture before condemning those that chose bad.
      Some of the stories serve to give us deeper understanding without alerting us to something earth-shaking. We don’t need to jump to conclusions over every bit of information… oh this is really good, or this is really bad. Some news just broadens our perspective. If we step back a little, sometimes the things that seem to be the actions of idiots may even make sense.
      • mark V
        I agree, in the face of all the latest developments this is no longer a story, how bad for the water contamination around Japan it is.
  • This is yet another lie by the Japanese government. They are now trying to blame the US government for their own incompetence and criminal negligence. It is now time for the US to overtake this tribe and arrest Naoto Kan and all others in his cabinet.
    • tony wilson
      even if it is a lie.
      president barry soetoro of what ever place he was born in.this stooge has not provided any bush these clowns seem to spend more time playing golf and starting wars for israel in the middle east today libya,tommorow syria.
      the guy is the cruelest joke inflicted on people of color.
      he said change,we got much more of the same shit.
      how is he keeping the american people informed and updated.
      we got change but it is the kind that mutates are dna.
      • Pensacola Tiger
        Your tea party hat is on way too tight. It makes it hard to understand what you are saying.
        • Jack
          Sorry, P. Tiger….his intelligent, informed comment brought out your attempt at some Ad Hominem insult about something you think is hip and politically correct in, I would guess, a Feminist
          circle of agreement-nodding-coffee-klatch Wymmyn.
          We are Obviously, Completely TAXED ENOUGH ALREADY to
          pay for the CORPORATE WELFARE for GE, BANKSTERS, ETC.
          Nobody can seriously now expect to support OBAMA and not be
          totally ridiculed.
          He is Not an American Democrat. Who do you think you’re Backing?
          • Pensacola Tiger
            When the ranting and raving gets in the way of the message, it’s time to change the tone of the rhetoric. And if I wanted to use an ad hominum argument, I’d have used the perforative teabagger. All I did was a little chiding.
            Now, I invite you to imagine what would be happening in this country, as well as the world, if both the facts and the suppositions were shouted from the rooftops. Chaos, utter chaos.
            Yes, there has been lying, and a coverups, but a leader leads, he or she doesn’t incite a nation to rioting.
            Think about it.
          • FUD anonYmous
            You are unemployed, under educated, under skilled and like the Japanese play wright, you seek to blame someone else for your own situation. Blame Obama if that makes you feel any better, but it will not alter the situation one iota. It is you, and your Mad Hatters, who invited Big Corporate Greed to the party. It is the republican party which is adamantly opposed to doing away with over $4 billion in tax breaks for Big Oil. Corporations love you, because you are easy to fool. Big Oil loves you, because you put yellow “Support Our Troops” stickers on the back of your 2MPG Ford Expedition and call yourselves patriots. Big Nuke lobby loves you, because you believe a dramatist in a foreign land who blames some other government for his own country’s gross misconduct.
            Charge the cape, it is what you are good at. Or maybe, just once, you might stop and realize your real enemy is yourself, and your own inability to perceive the Matador laughing at your Mad Hattery. You are a fool. Now off to Walmart with you, and while you are there buying cheap Chinese goods, maybe you will stop and wonder if there is any connection between your actions and our trade deficit. Take responsibility, and stop blaming others, my message for Tepco and for you.
          • extra knight
            i hope you don’t actually believe any of that paperthin, overworked, mass media goop crapola. besides this shamwowocracy is long due for an overhaul.
        • mark V
          And this is no longer political any longer, as systems called “countries with borders” lose all meaning in face of plutonium, americium, stroncium and other products of ignorant humankind being about to start spreading without known means to contain the FU. I hope I am wrong.
          • aptos
            Nor does radiation discriminate between gated communities and poor areas.We all are getting a bath.Radioactive toilet water ought eliminate having to scrub it(toilet)
        • tony wilson
          the man that went to columbia university that nobody seems to have met at the time,who is now king tut of the world.he made a statement i will keep you informed has he.
          his message of a new way a new direction a new way of connecting with the world,that shit got him a nobel prize.
          the man is a shill.
          maybe i am wrong and barry is doing a great job.if my rant bothers you,you had better hide in the basement.
          check back in 2 years because it is going to get very messed up and a lot will ask where is president barry the fallen angel.
      • JWS
        “people of color”?
        He is the cruelest joke to modern politics, period.
        Now back to the topic of the “honorable Japs”….
      • mothra
        Yes. Same tune – different mouth, per usual. Radionuclides don’t recognize or discriminate by party affiliation.
    • physicist
      So the Japanese government now releases statements through…playwrights? Enlighten me here, Rod.
      • SteveMT
        “All the world’s a stage,
        And all the men and women merely players;
        They have their exits and their entrances,
        And one man in his time plays many parts,
        His acts being seven ages.”
        Or better yet regarding this playwright:
        “Something is rotten in the state of Denmark.”
    • Ian
      The stategy of the Japanese during this catastrophe has been to lie and shift blame on America.
      • Misanthrope
        Such as? Would you care to give an example? And while you’re at it, could you enlighten us all as to what sort of independence a government enjoys that governs over state which has to tolerate foreign military bases upon its soil? Get a clue man.
      • Well, the Fukushima reactors were built by General Electric and then purchased by Tepco. IMHO that could be enough reason for blame against the US.
        • extra knight
          that’s kind of an opaque excuse there, all things considered. it’s that kind of tunnelvision drone thinking/technological hubris that got these nuclear reactors designed, built and implemented in the first place. the blame should go all the way around, or the blame game should stop altogether, we have other things to think about.
          • I agree with you extra knight. What I should have written was “that would be enough reason for the Japanese to blame the US.” And believe me, the Japanese will use any excuse to lay blame on others.
          • extra knight
            again i must reiterate that the blame game is next to useless here. as many have pointed out here radiation and this radioactive monster unleashed knows no boundaries, knows no limits, or imaginary borders. we should focus on the meltdowns, and the coming radioactive nightmare that awaits us all.
          • Yes, you are right on. Thank you. God/Buddha/Zeus, whatever, please help us all. :(
        • aptos
          Check…GE might be owned by the Japanese.?
        • Ian
          Reactors 1 and 2 were made by GE. 3 and 4 were made by Toshiba and Hitachi. The deisel backup generators were at sea level, the Japanese did that. Water flooded the generators which is what started this catastrophe.
      • Buck-O
        The IAEA along with WHO (U.N.), and sometimes they will be referred to as IAEA/WHO came to existence after Chernobyl. Their level of influence is dependent on the level of the accident, in this case, globally. According to the information I have read, they have control of information, dosages of radiation that can be given to the population, plus influence over the economic effect it would have over a county. This is economic planning and is designed to control the economic phase of the reaction to the accident and I believe is this primary to their mission. It definitely is not to protect the public. The FDA is not bound ( according to their website information ) to any agreement on dosages of radiation given by the IAEA/WHO for the population, but, in this level 7 accident they are abiding by the U.N. WHO/IAEA in their levels of concern and derived radiation dosages. They do not consider, as usual, internal radiation dosages.
    • Misanthrope
      Oh god, how did a flag-waving patriotard end up in here? Go, go USA! World police! You’re in the wrong place. Please use the exit on your right.
    • blackmoon
      There are no TRUE governments anymore! Our so called “Government” gave BP “full authority” to “handle” the Gulf Oil Disaster in the same way that TEPCO is “handling” this.
      These CORPORATIONS now control EVERYTHING. The only thing that our government did during the BP spill, was to deploy the Nation Guard, to make sure that no REPORTERS were permitted inside the “exclusion” zone mandated by BP.
      Many “outside” individuals tried to submit solutions which were better than using this horrible Corexit dispersant, but these solutions were NEVER considered. So BP was allowed free reign to do what it wanted.
      So don’t send your tax money to the Governemnt, send it to your international corporate dictators (Oops, I forget, that’s already happening!)
    • mothra
      Why are we pretending this has anything to do with sovereign nations or nationalism? This is global corporate governance vs. the world population.
      There, I said it.
  • FoulMood
    Obama is the Illinoise Nuke Industries BOY, he’s not going to make anymore of this situation than he has to. His top 2 contributors are Nuke Industry Honch’s and he’s just another ‘Nuke Kook’ along for the ride…PATHETIC
    • terraohio
      Exactly! He’s pushing nuke energy like there’s no tomorrow and more deep oil offshore drilling. Gotta get those big bucks for his presidential campaign! Incidentally, according to this video, Obama was backed exclusively by the financial and banking industry that sent all their money his way. That’s how Obama won the presidency. And he rewarded them for it, too. You have to watch this video about U.S. foreign policy because it’s a real eye opener:
      Glenn, if you ever read this comment, my view on WWII is that the U.S. built up the German war machine to provoke a world war which would inevitably destroy Europe’s dominance. “New world order,” get it? New world, not old world.
      I think the world is at the point of complete outrage over the wars and conflicts created by the U.S. for U.S. dominance and hegemony.
      • anne
        You really can’t blame the U.S. for WWII. They were first attacked by both Germany and Japan before they entered the war. At that time the U.S. was really isolationist.
        • J1
          hmmmm…there were reports that information was intercepted signaling an impending attack on Pearl Harbor but nothing was done.
          Sound familiar? Kind of like how information was intercepted regarding impending 9/11 attacks yet nothing was done.
          Pearl Harbor and the World Trade Center buildings. Both sacrificial lambs to further TPTB agenda.
          • BZ
            Correct. War is a racket whether it be WW2, Vietnam, or Middle East, there is no difference.
            The post civil war USA has always been corrupt and the Democrats and Republicans are one in the same.
        • mothra
          No, we weren’t isolationist. That’s a fallacy, total propaganda. We were loathe to enter the conflict because of industrialist profits. All that steel we supplied to the Nazis was big money for some very influential people. Asset seizure and profiteering was like crack to bankers as well. They would even accept gold tooth fillings for example. The US provoked Japan as well. At the time, Japan didn’t have much choice since the US had blocked most all of Japan’s energy supply. We also rounded them into “internment” camps and seized all their assets. The bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki were just incomprehensibly brutal. I hear a lot of propagandist history revision, but it’s unmistakable that the US prefers war as an economic solution perpetually. I agree with Presidents Eisenhower and Kennedy on the matter. Beyond our war for Independence, I can’t name a just war we’ve had.
      • anne
        A whole lot of Americans died fighting in the war against both Japan and Germany. And the rest of the nation was severely rationed for food and other goods.
      • J1
        Food for thought. Goldman Sachs was the top campaign contributor for Mr. Sotero.
        Yes, the same Goldman Sachs that probably placed credit derivative bets with and/or through big banking and insurers / re-insurers for the likes of some companies such as General Electric.
        Can’t have Tepco go under. Oh no! Can’t have another AIG type fiasco brought to public viewing.
  • hawkeye
    when i blogged about the record cold in california
    some one blogged back
    hawkeye its just a little cold, get a grip
    well when they were typing get a grip
    goes-13 pick up some bad news data
    i cant upload pics or data here
    but you can travel to
    open cain talk
    look for wisconsin
    the smart ones need to get ready
  • Michael
    It makes perfect sense for the US to prefer the water go in the ocean rather than explode upward if a large chunk of molten reactor core hits it.
  • radegan
    There WAS no choice. Where would they have put it? In commemorative pewter flasks? All the ponds and tanks onsite were full. Dump the terribly radioactive water in the Pacific or let the horribly radioactive water leak there instead.
  • Moco
    “sure the ocean can handle it, just look at the gulf. tasty seafood, already preserved and full of the worlds favorite petroleum flavor.”
    Parabolic planet destruction in all forms.
    Hell, I would of called myself a moonbat 20 years ago, if someone said this was going to happen.
    They had better hurry with something to taint the atlantic ocean, next. I am hoping for some chocolate pudding.
    • wonders never cease
      The Gulf Stream runs up the Atlantic Coast straight on route from the Gulf of Mexico…
      So, we got that covered..and want NO MORE!!!
      All the plastic that washes up on the beach is bad enough. At this time, please be more vigilant about reducing your burden on our Oceans!! Always reduce, reuse, RECYCLE, skip plastic junk, plastic bags–it’s a killer that won’t biodegrade!- you can see plastic pellets in the sand…THE EARTH IS NOT A TRASH DUMP.
      The beautiful Atlantic has taken a lot of damage -even before the current disaster. :(
      • wonders never cease
        Seriously, if **YOU THERE READING THIS** can keep even one piece of plastic refuse, such as a bottle cap that you see strewn around from washing into a drain and then out into the ocean, you literally may save the life of an endangered animal, if not the entire species! The correlation is that intense. :/
        In sum, it’s all one big bathtub. I guess we’re all in it now, so do all you can!…
  • Yeah!!! I’m with Moco,…I wanna have “Pudding face” too!
  • Jack
    I went to hurricanecity and could not see what you’re saying to
    look for, I’m assuming something about climate trend in Wisconsin?
    Tell me Moe,
    Tell me Moe….
  • sandman
    This is a statement from someone who was in the audiance of a lecture given in South Korea by a playwright who is a “special advisor” in some unspecified field to someone in the Japanese government. Did I get that right? And we believe this why, again?
  • Please tell me if anyone thinks this more than coincidence.
    Yesterday the weather front from the US northwest that has been dumping rain all over central and northern Cal blew into AZ.
    Today I woke up with a serious, serious asthma attack and my face swollen with an allergic reaction.
    I have allergies, take shots, and took benadryl last night. it has been a very mild allergy spring for me because we had so little rain that there isn’t much flowering.
    I’m in bad shape today and went to the doc to get prednisone…
    • terraohio
      Pollen counts are really bad in Ohio. High tree pollen and high mold because it’s been raining here non-stop daily. My allergies are just awful and lately I cut grass that was almost knee-high. Try not to worry as stress makes everything worse.
    • JWS
      I was out fishing in the light rain last weekend (Minnesota fishing opener “ya know”) and even though I was only out for a few hours, the next day I was feeling pretty drained and now have a “zit” or something similar on my upper cheek.
      Anybody else out there suffer any similar symtoms?
    • mothra
      Yes. Symptoms. I’ve had iodine-like skin reactions and breakouts just like the ones I get from eating sushi. I’ve had the worst flu of my life (2 weeks with sinus infection). My cat became ill with “inflammatory” response symptoms. Our local news has been covering the atypical flu/pneumonias, asthmas, gastrointestinal “tummy bugs” and eye irritations in “what’s going around.” So, I’ll say you aren’t alone.
  • Jack
    I have to tell you,
    I bet you are a pharma-freak doctor’s-attention addict,
    and you USE DAIRY PRODUCTS every day…Que NO?
    • extra knight
      excellent point Jack. seriously beyond the stress you must also take a careful look at your diet. and learn how to meditate at least once a day.
  • Indeed, we, Cali, blew our heals up a TON yesterday, and the day before. My 86 Y.O. friend, who never even gets a cold, is in the hospital with pneumonia. She is not expected to come out. More my Mother than my own was,… one will EVER make me doubt what killed her, if she dies.
  • No doubt Jack,….pharmaceuticals and dairy,….both sound deadly to me now.
  • haven’t had dairy since March! Mostly organic food. This is in the air.
  • Jack
    c’mon, girl!!
    your so-called “doctors” giving you injections, get it?
    Those “doctors” want you for a life-long repeat customer, and
    they are NOT addressing your REAL physical HEALING.
    Please, majia,
    get yourself some good, Raw, local desert Honey.
    It will be full of your local pollens,
    and you will experience some relief.
    I knew a weirdo chick who asked me if I wanted to Snort
    some Benadryl once….nope!
    • J1
      Definitely get the local honey. It works.
      • Pu239
        Honey contains at least 180 different substances that are combined in such a way that artificial reproduction of honey is impossible. Honey is a natural sweetener, which is not the case with sugar, particularly the white form that results from chemical processing. Sugars play a significant role in the proper function of the human body. All carbohydrates, whether simple sugars or complex carbohydrates, must be broken down to glucose, or blood sugars, before the body can use them as energy sources. The sugars in honey are primarily glucose and fructose and although the body absorbs them in different ways, both provide the body with quick energy. Recent research supports the claim that honey sugars are absorbed fast to provide energy to athletes and run down organisms. People suffering from infections or anemia recuperate much faster supplementing their regime with regular intakes of honey.
        Read more:
        Honey contains more than 180 different substances the complex interrelation of which makes artificial production of honey impossible. The composition and nutritional value of honey differ in relation to the floral sources honeybees have visited. For example, recent research supports the claim that dark coloured honeys have larger amounts of antioxidants. The inorganic contents of honey, minerals and other trace elements, play a significant role in human metabolism and nutrition. Owing to its choline content, honey is appreciated as an excellent tonic and helps people suffering from constipation and other enteric problems.
        (38.2% fructose, 31.0% glucose,17.1% water, 7.2% maltose, 4.2% trisaccharides & other carbohydrates, 1.5% sucrose, 0.5% minerals, vitamins, enzymes).
        Read more:
  • Jack
    I hope you get feeling better majia….
    I’m here in Southern NM, and might get a dose of your dust.
    Huggy Wuggies, and Chile Verde para Ti.
  • hawkeye
    stay with the weather heads at hurricane city
    watch your weather this summer if there are temp swings up and down,by 30 or 40 deg. thru a few days
    if there are mild temps
    watch out for a very, very cold winter from coast to coast
    lots of rain and snow
    very hard to know the weather far forward in time
    its a guess
    but better ready than outside this winter in a tee shirt an its -20
    been on the weather about 50 years now
    my take right now it doesnt look good
    it would be good next year at this time people are throwing coronas at hawkeye,,man you are so lame
    • TraderGreg
      It’s hard to understand you…What it is all about? How it relates to the topic of this article?
      Have you taken your pills today?
  • Mark
    I think the thinking was to release mildly radioactive water into ocean to have storage space for highly radio-active water. Maybe US gov did order them to do that. Appears the saving face Japanese don’t want to do anything for fear of admitting everything ie bigger disaster then Chernobyl.
  • hawkeye
    moe asked the question
    but dont worry trader greg
    you will find out…….
  • hawkeye
    good luck people
  • hawkeye
    i almost forgot your saying radiation in sea water does not affect weather,not counting upper air release
  • mikael
    Anykind of Blame game is waisting time, and the incident is so serious that banging heads will not solve anything.
    The sole fockus sould be on the meldtdowns. A ridicolus tent, thats going to elevate radioactivity inside to a unneseserry hights and makes the hole site more dangerous. After 2 mo. thats all they came up with, huh.
    I just wait for the lies to end, from Japan.
    • Cassie
      I agree that there is more than enough blame to go around.
      Greedy and corrupt sociopaths have been allowed to ruin the world.
      And maybe we all have to take our part in the blame?
  • JWS-Yes, I experienced the same thing about a week ago, out in the rain because I had no choice–got what I thought was a ‘bite’ on my arm, but it has quickly turned into a ‘skin eruption’ from heavy metals. I know this because I survived cancer 13 months ago by heavy detoxes and cleanses which resulted in ‘skin eruptions’, which my N.D. verified. They will be more of a ‘dibit” if you will, a small indentation/sore, that weeps. It will also itch. I never knew before this past year long fight-things like, what’s the biggest organ in your body??? Your skin! Never knew my skin was an organ! And, we have like 5 or 6 elimination channels, most we ‘know’, but the skin is the bigger elimination channel also. Anyway, the BLOOB is here! Weeeeeeee
  • jaw dropped
    I am in awe of the blame-shifting skills displayed. How does a playwright ends up being an adviser to the cabinet?
    Suggestions for his next play: Bubble of Denial,
    IglowUgloWeAllGlow, A Mutant Tuna With 3 Heads,
    The PM Apologized Twice, Nukemshima…
    • tony wilson
      sorry seems to be the easiest word.
      the core is on the floor.
      anybody seen that core.
      ladies and gentlemen 6 cores have left the building.
      i’m in the middle of a chain reaction.
  • Thank you BTW ‘Blackmoon’, for your prayers! Mucho appreciated! :-)
  • Julio
    Guys/Gals, use your brains, this is not rocket science. The main problem with Japan’s management of the crisis has been lack of leadership, they are way too burocratic for managing a crisis. Remember that at least one of the explosions was triggered by delaying the release of Hydrogen due to a visit of their PM to the plant immediately post crisis. If you don’t see the total lack of leadership there, you are blind.
    What the USA did was force their hand to avoid an even greater disaster. Without the room made in their storage containers by the Ocean release, highly radioactive water coming from being in contact directly with the melted fuel (and here remember that the USA has known all along that the fuel was nearly completely melted in all 3 reactors, also that the explosion in reactor 3 was a nuclear and NOT a hydrogen explosion) was going to be damped into the Ocean, so it was an obvious thing to do asap and the Japanese could make the decision… so a little push was required. I am an Engineer and not linked at all with the USA government, but it is easy to guess at the dynamics that went on, it is harder to guess now that things are getting worse and remain out of control…
  • mark V
    We are not rocket scientists, but we are Guys/Gals.
    With all due respect,
    1. “use your brains” – what do you think we did use before, I am puzzled?
    2. “Remember that at least one of the explosions was triggered by delaying the release of Hydrogen due to a visit of their PM to the plant” – any reference to the “fact”? else it’s lie
    3. “I am an Engineer and not linked at all with the USA government” well, why would you say this, it’s not written on top banner of this website to please discolse your agenda?
    Me smells mafia once again – a member lost, the system saved. In short, Japanese everything was wrong, nuclear energy is safe, the disaster will not happen again once there is no longer Japan?
    This is little me of course, could be wrong and peace, but what is your agenda? Mine is green.
    p.s. did you read “a member lost” part? I think we just come back to the first sentence of your post, then do it. Btw, did u know that DSK is rumoured to have syphilis?
    p.p.s. And
  • Pu239
    Health concerns remained at the forefront of dialogue as a new report by the Louisiana Bucket Brigade finds that nearly 50 percent of the population along the Gulf Coast is experiencing sickness indicative of chemical poisoning related to the BP oil spill. The CDC assertions in a brochure distributed at the meeting that the levels of chemical exposure related to the spill are not a cause for concern was ridiculed and an embarrassment to many of the officials present.
  • I wonder if ‘they’ saw a hair analysis report from a reputable N.D. and Lab. showing these heavy metal toxins,…like I just saw in January with my testing,……talk about a denial buster!
    But, making ‘them’ connect the dots, or accept ANY culpability,..well, that’s another story entirely! Example: With all the arsenic in my system, I had my M.D. look at it, as well as 6 other ‘toxicities’,…and he said, “Gee, I wonder if someone has tried to kill you?” Yeah right Doc,….I’m sure it wasn’t any of the 17 daily medications you FREAKS had me on,…No,…nothing to see here,….:-(
  • Anthony
    American suggests building new Japan in Russia

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