Massive Assault Against the Children
What doctor would vaccinate the above child?
The medical charity, Doctors Without Borders (MSF – Medecins Sans Frontieres), launched a mass vaccination against measles on the 18th of August 2011 at a refugee camp in southern Ethiopia hosting Somalis. The vaccination program is targeting children under 15. Many if not all of the Somali refugees also suffer from malnutrition reported aid agencies. “Malnutrition is very high,” said MSF emergency coordinator Guillem Perez. A drought in the Horn of Africa has left some 12 million people facing starvation. What is wrong with this story? Seems like a normal enough thing to do—go into a refugee camp and vaccinate everyone. But there was a time, when doctors were doctors, that they would not vaccine children when their immune systems were compromised by the flu or even a bad cold. Certainly no doctor in his right mind would vaccinate if their patients had a high fever or any serious acute situation going on.
Now, why was it that prudent doctors used to take some precautions before vaccinating children? Any doctor worth his weight in salt knows that vaccines put stress on the body’s physiology and that is why some children die quickly after being vaccinated. Usually side effects are not fatal but they do indeed damage the nervous and other systems.
No pediatrician would inject lead into children but most of them have no compunction regarding injecting mercury, another heavy metal that is 100 times more toxic than lead. Today’s doctor has thrown all caution to the wind when it comes to pediatric care and that is why I wrote my Humane Pediatrics book. Pediatricians have literally lost all sense of right and wrong; they have lost their souls, living as they with ironclad haughty self-images. Behind those lily-white images they can literally do anything to children and still sleep at night.
According to Dr. Mohammed Al-Bayati, “Damage to the immune system is rapidly reversible after removal of the true insulting agent or treatment of the true causes.” A healthy immune system is a function of a healthy life and one of its greatest repressors is malnutrition and starvation. “Atrophy in the lymphoid tissue in people suffering from malnutrition has been known since 1925. Malnutrition causes severe atrophy in the thymus and lymphoid organs and impairs the function of the T-cells. These changes are reversible by feeding. The size of the thymus in malnourished children increased from 20% of normal to 107% of normal following nine weeks of feeding,” reports Al-Bayati.
Vaccines Reduce Natural Immunity

This T-cell (blue) is one of the immune system’s principal means of defense.
The New England Journal of Medicine study showed that tetanus vaccines cause T-cell ratios to drop below normal, with the greatest decrease after two weeks. Though the altered ratios were found to be similar to those found in AIDS victims, the important information from this study has never seen the light of day. “I consider it one of the most flagrant examples of negligence in the area of safety testing in childhood vaccines, the fact that this study has never been repeated,” wrote Buttram.
One of the main functions of the T-helper cell is to augment or potentiate immune responses by the secretion of specialized factors that activate other white blood cells to fight off infection. Then we have specialized T-cells that are important in directly killing certain tumor cells, viral-infected cells and sometimes parasites. Some of these T-cells are called natural killer (NK) cells and they directly attack and kill cancers such as melanomas, lymphomas and viral-infected cells, most notably herpes and cytomegalovirus-infected cells
World Health Organization & One World Government
Ron Hera tells us that, “Globalization, which reflects the agendas of large multinational corporations, has had the effect of alienating the citizens of Europe, the United Kingdom and the United States from their own governments. National governments are increasingly accountable to international bodies while elected officials are increasingly accountable to large multinational corporations. Since globalization is the agenda of the largest corporations in every country, leaders in Europe, the United Kingdom and the United States almost universally support it.”As globalization progresses, it leaves in its wake reduced individual rights, unaccountable leadership, illegitimate governments and the potential for violent oppression .In the medical area, through the unquestioned authority of the World Health Organization, a one world government has already come to pass.
The Australian Vaccination Network is telling us how this one-world domination paradigm is setting down in their beloved country. “The Australian government has just instituted a requirement for all parents to bring their child into a GP for a health assessment. Compliance with this requirement will determine whether you do or you don’t get the family allowance. Letters are going out to parents this week—some have already been received. Vaccination is a big part of this requirement and it is not impossible that doctors will deem unvaccinated children to be ‘at risk’ with an intervention such as forced vaccination or removal from families for these kids.”
It’s a profound irony that the positive vision of a unified, global human collective is one of harmonious, peaceful cooperation, without warring nation states. Irony because in reality we have rich elites and their selected minions lording over the rest of us telling us exactly what we can and cannot do.
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