The System works because you work!

The System works because you work!


All told, governments killed more than 262 million people in the 20th century outside of wars, according to University of Hawaii political science professor R.J. Rummel. Just to give perspective on this incredible murder by government, if all these bodies were laid head to toe, with the average height being 5', then they would circle the earth ten times. Also, this democide murdered 6 times more people than died in combat in all the foreign and internal wars of the century. Finally, given popular estimates of the dead in a major nuclear war, this total democide is as though such a war did occur, but with its dead spread over a century

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Sunday, August 12, 2012

It’s believed that only 5 % of the American colonists fought and won against the British in the Revolutionary War. Think about that. 95% of the people didn’t want to get involved, and were content to be taxed and ruled forever by the King of England. 95% chose to ride the coat tails of the 5% in the fight for independence. However, those original patriots were a highly motivated group of people without Playstations, cell phones, iPods, Netflix, mega malls, mini malls, and Global Positioning Satellites mounted on the dash of their kid’s big wheel. The majority doesn’t want to get involved. If everything that they can see in their own little world is OK, then why get involved? That’s how most people simply survive the storm. People don’t have the courage to do what they need to do. Accountability is essential to everyone’s everyday freedoms. The people must hang up their cell phones, stop texting to your friend who’s only ten feet away, quit Twittering your Facebook status about how you “just ate a bagel” and how you’re “glad it’s Friday,” and get Pissed Off! When all of these dumbed down distracted people that surround you every day are calling you a “Batshit-America-Hating Conspiracy Theorist”, despite all of the evidence, they are allowing these elite Fuckers to impose their fascists will on YOU and YOUR CHILDREN! We can win when we don’t cooperate anymore.

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