The System works because you work!

The System works because you work!


All told, governments killed more than 262 million people in the 20th century outside of wars, according to University of Hawaii political science professor R.J. Rummel. Just to give perspective on this incredible murder by government, if all these bodies were laid head to toe, with the average height being 5', then they would circle the earth ten times. Also, this democide murdered 6 times more people than died in combat in all the foreign and internal wars of the century. Finally, given popular estimates of the dead in a major nuclear war, this total democide is as though such a war did occur, but with its dead spread over a century

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Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Cover Up Of Fukushima Chain Reaction Underway

Cover Up Of Fukushima Chain Reaction Underway

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True scale of nuclear crisis suppressed by Japanese authorities, aided by castrated and slavish mass media
Cover Up Of Fukushima Chain Reaction Underway 140311top2
Paul Joseph Watson & Steve Watson

Monday, March 14, 2011
All the nuclear reactors at the earthquake stricken Fukushima nuclear plant are under threat of  melting down and exploding in a chain reaction that will signify the world’s worst ever nuclear disaster and send clouds of radioactive particles hurtling towards the United States – that’s the scale of the crisis facing Japan as officials admit for the first time that three nuclear reactors are already in a meltdown.
While the mainstream media continues to argue over the definition of a “meltdown” while unquestionably regurgitating the dubious claim of Japanese officials that the two massive explosions witnessed at the plant were caused by pressurized hydrogen, radioactive isotopes cesium-137 and iodine-121 have been detected by helicopters flying 160km (100 miles) away from the nuclear plant, which can only mean one thing, according to the Seattle Times: “One or more of the reactor cores is badly damaged and at least partially melted down.”
After claiming for three days that the explosions did not damage reactor cores and downplaying the severity of the situation, Japanese officials have now been forced to admit the obvious, that nuclear fuel rods in three reactors are melting. Given the sequence of events, it is entirely probable that all six reactor sites will now go into total meltdown and start spewing radioactive particles into the atmosphere that threaten not only Japanese citizens but also those living on the west coast of the United States.
The two explosions have already compromised the surrounding facilities. Tens of thousands of people have been evacuated from a 20-km exclusion zone around the plant which keeps growing. Latest reports suggest that the exclusion zone is already at 50km and expanding. Casualties in the immediate vicinity of the nuclear facilities are likely to be far higher than reported.
Japanese authorities, presumably in an effort to prevent hysteria, have engaged in a cover-up of the true scale of the Fukushima crisis from start to finish, and they have been largely aided by a mass media that has slavishly repeated their lies without question, despite the fact that there is a long history of covering up nuclear catastrophes in Japan. This process has only put the Japanese people in more danger.
Amidst the disgusting spectacle of a castrated and inept corporate mass media failing to ask hard questions about the true scale of the Fukushima crisis, a handful of nuclear experts are attempting to blow the whistle.
Cover Up Of Fukushima Chain Reaction Underway 161008pptv3
As reported by the BBC:
Japanese engineer Masashi Goto, who helped design the containment vessel for Fukushima’s reactor core, says the design was not enough to withstand earthquakes or tsunamis and the plant’s builders, Toshiba, knew this.
Mr Goto says his greatest fear is that blasts at number 3 and number 1 reactors may have damaged the steel casing of the containment vessel designed to stop radioactive material escaping into the atmosphere.
He says that as the reactor uses mox (mixed oxide) fuel, the melting point is lower than that of conventional fuel. Should a meltdown and an explosion occur, he says, p lutonium could be spread over an area up to twice as far as estimated for a conventional nuclear fuel explosion. The next 24 hours are critical, he says.
Goto warns that Japanese authorities have suppressed the true severity of the crisis and that there is “a severe risk of an explosion, with radioactive material being strewn over a very wide area – beyond the 20km evacuation zone set up by the authorities,” adding that the worst case scenario would manifest itself as “many Chernobyls,” and that the effect would be, “Like a volcano spreading radioactive material.”
Nuclear expert Joe Cirincione warns that radiation from Japan’s multiple potential nuclear meltdowns could spread to the US west coast and that the threat represents an “unprecedented crisis.”
Yoichi Shimatsu, former editor of the Japan Times,  states that after a high-level government meeting, “Japanese agencies are no longer releasing independent reports without prior approval from the top,” and that censorship of what is really occurring at the plant is being overseen under the Article 15 Emergency Law.
Professor Richard Wakeford, a nuclear expert at Manchester University, said yesterday: ‘If the fuel is not covered by cooling water it could become so hot it begins to melt – if all the fuel is uncovered you could get a large-scale meltdown.’
Today it looks as if that scenario is playing out.
Shaun Burnie, an independent atomic energy consultant, also warns that Japan’s nuclear crisis is much worse than it seems:
The US has moved one of its aircraft carriers from the area after detecting low-level radiation 160km (100 miles) offshore.
The Japanese government is playing down the scale of the disaster, however, experts have pointed out that it has a long history of nuclear cover ups, and that this is merely  the latest.
Documentary filmmaker Tony Barrell says in 2003 reactors across the country had to be shut down after it emerged the Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) had hid accidents.
“They had to shut down 17 plants in 2003 because they’d been falsifying the records about what had been happening at them,” he said.
“Lives were threatened, systems broke down, there were failures to report and there were cover-ups. People pretended things hadn’t happened.”
Barrell says several other major incidents have occurred and gone relatively unreported:
“A place called Monju, which in 1995 sprang a leak in its liquid sodium cooling system which made the whole thing absolutely red hot and had to be shut down immediately and stayed shut down until the beginning of last year – 15 years,” he told ABC News in Australia.
Barrell also pointed out that the Fukushima Daiichi plant should have been shut down long ago because it is now 40 years old.
Should other plants in Japan experience complete meltdowns, the entire country could become a nuclear wasteground, and the radiation could engulf large areas of the planet, leading to huge numbers of cancers and future birth deformities.

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68 Responses to “Cover Up Of Fukushima Chain Reaction Underway”

    Watson has a whit as sharp as a surgeons scaple. The above article is spot on, or should I say nuke on? I had posted on the first day of this catastrohe that the main obsticle to saving the 4.4 miillion Japanese citizens will be one of pyhsical distribution logistics due to radiation hampered transportation and power outage.
    Deborah Reply:
    It seems very odd that our government has their underground radiation secure cities ready and waiting?
    This disaster just shows how dangerous those power plants are.
    Open up the coal plants again. Stop Obama’s goon squad from shutting down all the coal plants!
    Muck Reply:
    seriously? are you a coal miner?
    how about turning off the 52″ TV and using a clothes line on nice days.
    shut down the coal plants and the nuclear plants!
    and who are these idiots that keep complaining about wind turbines?
    eyesore,to loud, environmental impact, killing birds…..give me a break.
    Use less, or none if you can. that’s an answer.
    Good Idea; Maybe some of us should just shut off there computers. What the hell!!!
    40 acres and a mule for everyone.
    Startover Reply:
    Hell, I’d settle for 40 acres and my Pitbull
    That dog pulls like a horse
    Just show her a picture of a Raccoon and we’re ready for the races
    Philippe Reply:
    When the Lamb opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth living creature say, “Come and see!” I looked and there before me was a pale horse! Its rider was named Death, and Hell was following close behind him. They were given power over a fourth of the earth to kill by sword, famine and plague, and by the wild beasts of the earth.
    — Revelation 6:7-8˄ NIV
    Oh hellow fourth horseman… what’s kept you? Can you imagine the wasteland that would occur is these things all flood radiation? Birth defects, cancers and contaminated food supplies in Asia would impact the west directly. Food and water may be the resources worth fighting over.
    The supermoon alignment along with Comet Elinin is just beginning to warm up a wrath of volcanic activity and earth quakes all around the Pacific RIng of Fire. I would also like to add the the antim matter high energy cosmic rays which I repeatedly explained are zapping and distorting the interplanetary gravitationl fields more and more. This is why star wars has been accelerating. We are already in WWIII and Russia has aligned itself with China as I told you they would over a year ago.
    iLL.Rider MathMaticks Reply:
    Yes, I agree WWIII is in the beginning stages, I have also seen strange going on’s in the sky, off and above the west coast. They are definitely ramping up Star Wars programs. Some days it seems as though the sky is Digital.
  3. BiGpharmakillZ Says:
    There should be arrows on that picture, for idiots like me, to tell us what we’re supposed to be looking at. What are we looking at and where in the picture? Where it looks like one reactor is missing?
    I have RT news on and they just said another reactor is leaking that “steam”. The white smoke that the first one was leaking. I’d say if this is the case then the third one will blow by tonight.
    I pray for the Japanese people that they could get to safety and get the iodine they need.
    God help those in Japan, and the entire world from the madness of the evil doers who will stop at nothing to get their agendas moved to where they want their eutopia world. May they go to hell!!
  4. LRRP1968 Says:
    They are NOT going to explode in a chain reaction. There is no way to start a nuclear chain reaction in a damaged core, Bringing a plant critical requires a certain geometry and density of fuel you cannot achieve that even if the entire core melted into a puddle.
    wildcat Reply:
    You would need military grade uranium to get mushroom clouds – something like 90% of one particular isotope of uranium (U-238). Reactors are 10% of that isotope.
    truthistruth Reply:
    yes that is true, but, in a china syndrome event the core melts through the containment chamber then throught the ground until it reaches the water table and then the fun begins because you have a steam explosion….just saying….
    LRRP1968 Reply:
    But the only heat source at that point is decay heat, it is enough to damage the plates and melt areas near the fuel pellets but decay heat is temporary and attenuates quickly. Once it is dissipated there is no other source for BTU’s sufficient to melt the structure.
    You are correct in steam explosions being the biggest hazard, but it takes a lot of heat (BTU’s) to make an explosion that strong.
  5. sulpheric1 Says:
    Here’s a site with lots of good information.
    Under section: “When fallout is first anticipated”
    Potassium Iodide (KI) or Potassium Iodate (KIO3) tablets for thyroid protection against cancer.
    If no tablets available, you can topically (on the skin) apply an iodine solution, like tincture of iodine or Betadine, for a similar protective effect. (WARNING: Iodine solutions are NEVER to be ingested or swallowed.)
    Reference website:
  6. BiGpharmakillZ Says:
    OH, and if it is uranium and *****nium leaking, then no amount of iodine is going to help us. Right?
    sulpheric1 Reply:
    Yes, if you inhale some atomic number 94 (Pu) I would suggest butter and jelly because your toast.
    BiGpharmakillZ Reply:
    wonderful. Well I would rather go quick than suffer years of numerous cancers etc.
    Why can’t we type p l u t o here? does alex have something against p l u to ? lol I guess I missed something.
    wildcat Reply:
    sulpheric1 means “hot particles” and “fuel fleas”. They’re not some kind of chic you meet when dating at a nightclub either.
  7. BiGpharmakillZ Says:
    The pubic of the world need to bring a full blown lawsuit against the globalcrats now for all human suffering, the raping and pillaging, and poisoning us all. ALL of that money they have stolen should be paid out to ALL of us little people, so that we can start over again. Well if the entire world hasn’t been completely poisoned into oblivion now.
    Just thinking out loud here with total disgust of the globalists as usual. Don’t mind my rants.
  8. Ellis Says:
    I admit to an amount of concern as the BBC commentater said ” The UN has not seen core melting ” which is a likely event at least to some extent.
    I am already concerned I do not need more cause for it.
  9. 614endofwolrd Says:
    Hi im no brainer but i know something really bad is coming , i really can feel it inside me why ? i dont really know but i knew 1 week b4 Australia had there problem with water surge ( sorry im french) and i told couple people about that b4 it happen and sadly it did , i dont want to be a prophet or something but 3 week ago a told my girlfriend that something with the sun and moon will do something that no one 1 on earth prepare for but i m sure that the half of you will say that i m trying to get attention but its not the case, i just saying THAT SOMETHING REALLY BAD is coming when dont know but from the dream and the feeiling i think its gonna be really bad and with really near. And i m pretty sure it has to do with the sun and . I do not belive in god but for the last couple days i’m praying ( dont know who) and asking that nothing bad happen . In my dream almost half of the planet will die =(
    BiGpharmakillZ Reply:
    I doubt anyone here would think you are just seeking attention by telling us how you feel something bad is coming.
    My husband only told me yesterday of a dream he had on last wednesday before the earthquake. He said he was sitting on one of those platform carts that sit on the railroads and have the handle for 2 people to pump up and down to move the cart from say, the late 1800′s. Anyways, he said the area he was in on this cart was in a huge field of green, like he saw on tv when the sunami hit, it’s all he could see for miles was fields. And then out of nowhere and Japanese woman came up to him and gave him a flower and kissed him on the cheek. He never remembers his dreams and this one was as if it was real. And then he woke up not knowing what to think of it.
    I know with the conscious awakening of alot of humanity in the last couple of years has had many people have what seem like strange dreams to almost prophetic like experiences that seem like dreams. We need to hear more people tell of these dreams, to maybe help us that are aware of the evils maybe know what else is to come as we all should be preparing for the worst where ever we are.
    I do believe in God, and I pray for us all that the evil doers of the world will be stopped before the apocolyse will get here. But the way that humanity has lost all their morals, and have no empathy or compassion for humanity, it looks like there is no stopping it. But if more would begin to pray and pray hard and repent for all of our sins, just maybe all of this would calm down and the globalcrats would start to be brought to justice.
    I do remain optimistic as I could not continue with this life if I went totally pessimistic and felt no hope.
    God Bless us all
    614endofwolrd Reply:
    yes i’m still optimistic and thank you for you commentmy dream are more about water devastation why ? i really dont know but its scared the hell out of me but still i m preparing for the worst. Hope those globrat get what they really deserve to try to kill us. I’m from Québec and sadly people here are more like sheep , theres a couple of us who are preparing in case but the rest of them told us we,re crazy and none of those thing will happen because governement will tell us : to those who said that i said: Poor sheep they have reach their goal with you you doubt or do not believe what’s happening right now, mother earth is awakening and trusth me when i say that : SHE’S REALLY PISSED OFF and she should be .
    truthistruth Reply:
    i’m optimistic…i’m always hoping for the worst!
  10. Vic Says:
    All of us out here on earth, we love money right??????? It’s even more important than spirituality and true happiness??????
    Cancer where do you think is comes from?
    Since 1945 more than 2,000 nuclear bombs alone this not accounting the nuclear reactors??????????
    Maybe in the end we will be better physically dead from this evil world we have all built.
    We are all in this together and blaming the jews, the muslim the christians the communists is a sign of our collective ignorance behind this prison planet.
    BiGpharmakillZ Reply:
    Vic, take your pills and calm down. Who here is blaming the jews, muslims or christians?
    I think you’re on the wrong site.
    If anyone wants to see how stupid and unaffected the masses are feeling about all of this, and how safe they “think” they are, take a look at the site and join. Lots of idiots there need waking up. I cannot believe how many believe that Japan has it covered and nothing is going to happen! sheessh, no wonder humanity is going down the tubes. The brainwashing is not an over exaturation!
  11. American Dystopia Says:
    I have to wonder at this point why they waited so long to start pumping in sea water, they never should under any circumstance have allowed the fuel to be uncovered if they could have prevented it.
    Did they risk a meltdown and the lives of millions to avoid ruining the reactors by flooding them with sea water?
    wiggins Reply:
    Sea water rots the works dude. Last resort.
    American Dystopia Reply:
    Right, but it seems they waited too long. Once the fuel is exposed it only takes minutes before it starts to melt, they waited many hours before pulling the trigger on the sea water option. It seems the plant operators decided to gamble with the lives of millions to save their reactors.
    If this thing goes the way Chernobyl went it will also be because of operator incompetence, which was the cause of Chernobyl and 3 Mile Island.
    With Chernobyl they intentionally risked uncovering the core by trying to generate power while the reactor was shutting down, when the automatic safety systems tried to stop them they turned them off. The result was a steam explosion that blew the top off the reactor.
    3 Mile Island on the other hand uncovering the core was totally unintentional, a mixture of mechanical failure and operator error. As soon as they realized what they had done they got water to the reactor and the crisis ended.
    Now with Fukushima it seems once again we have people running the plant that think you can gamble with an exposed core, either they are like Chernobyl’s operators completely incompetent, or someone is guilty of Murder and maybe before this is done Mass Murder.
  12. PDEWood Says:
    Guess the west coast of Canada and Mexico is safe, huh?
    BiGpharmakillZ Reply:
    I guess so. Maybe Harper put a dome over us. Bilderberger scum sucker. Try and tell those idiots at CBC anything is like trying to warn a sloth there’s a jaguar behind them.
    wildcat Reply:
    Kindof wished I invested in that underground nuclear bunker for 4000 people that some crazy guy back in the 1980′s was wanting to build. Still there are those disused minuteman silos that are up for auction. Give me 200 jumbo packs of MRE, several truckloads of bottled water, a home dentistry kit, and tell me when the decade is over.
    wildcat Reply:
    Don’t forget the toilet rolls or can opener either…
  13. revealerofsecrets Says:
    Honestly I can’t see a core meltdown from my house in South Carolina. That’s what the Japanese Govt is really saying . We can’t see the core melting cause we have our Eyes closed. Let me be the first to call BULLSHIT to the Japanese Govt when they claim these incidents are not on a level of Cheroynobal. Although the design is different and much safer than the Cheronobal reactors . The fact seems to be that they are in a meltdown. Since it takes 100 days to cool them down and they lost the ability to pump water after 3 days . You do the math. They are in the process of meltdown. And peoples lives are at risk. The Power companies are gonna down play it. Why because they are responsible for this bull shit. It’s the greed of Mankind and the forced servatude of his fellow man that has cause d this accident. we could be run completely on Solar or wind or water enerrgy sources. However the Elite have to have a sytem in place so they can milk the general public dry of their money. Systems that don’t take your money are bad. So we can see what the outcome of the Elites greedy schemes are once again.
    wiggins Reply:
    Yep. It’s the BP Gulf spill bullsh*t all over again but with far reaching destruction.
  14. Maddog Says:
    This is more than just a cover-up. This is depopulation taking place right in front you. Japan is a globalist host just like America. The Bank of Japan is part of the international parasite.
  15. wildcat Says:
    That’s the before picture – the after picture would have the top two-thirds of a couple of those reactor units missing.
    One thing that puzzles me – on the video provided by RT today, the pattern of what looks like flaked paint on the outside of those facilities is identical between reactors – that blue on white speckled pattern. Bizarrely, it also looks symmetrical along one vertical edge.
    wildcat Reply:
    There should be six reactors – there are only five units visible – look at the unit on the far right – it has exploded or may be it is under construction.
    BiGpharmakillZ Reply:
    OH but don’t worry. And explosion doesn’t hurt the reactors is what I keep hearing. I am betting they are now showing old pics of before the explosions.
    BiGpharmakillZ Reply:
    THANK YOU, you are the FIRST PERSON I have seen mention the flaked paint on those building!!!! I have been watching and it seems everyday there are MORE paint flakes coming off of those buildings!
    So is it just us? Or are we the only TWO PEOPLE THAT HAVE NOTICED THIS??????
    wildcat Reply:
    It may have had a stripy pattern in the past – maybe that was a different place…
    There is some strange symmetry about the pattern:
    Perhaps it is just a mural of birds or clouds.
  16. Malthius Says:
    Read Isaiah 24, then 26:20-21 and 27:1. This is all about the destruction of Leviathan – the dragon of the seas (the earth’s peoples) – which is destroyed by the Sword of His mouth and the brightness of His appearing. Leviathan is a religious spirit – it is the SERPENT OF OLD – where Jesus is the Author and finisher of the NEW WAY. The unholy triumverate is the BEAST, the SERPENT and the FALSE PROPHET and these are ONE in agreement and where you are concerned. This is the counterfeit Christ – the BEST (BEAST) a MAN CAN GET!
    If any of you want to know what the MARK of the BEAST really is and how that the truth of this has been obscurrred by the Hell-in-izing of the Bible, then drop me a line to viasollertiaatparadisedotnetdotnz. The answer is remarkably simple, and the clue is was Jesus the Alpha and Omega or the Aleph and the Tav? Omega, for all you delusional dyslexics who cannot read and need soemone else to do it for you, is in fact the 16th letter of the Greek alphabet, whch in turn came from Hebrew. It means “Eye” – and who is the “god” whose symbol is the eye? Who is it that mimics Jesus and confuses Christians with his subtleties?
    BiGpharmakillZ Reply:
    Malthius, do you have a website? I am interested in what you are saying, but not grasping it sorry. Pharma has stolen alot of brain power from me I regret to say.
  17. Wallbanger Says:
    Our military, law enforcement, and ELECTED OFFICIALS need to HONOR THEIR OATH TO THE U.S. CONSTITUTION!!!
  18. Malthius Says:
    By the way, have you ever noticed how Japan looks like a dragon?
    No matter what the enemies of God have imagined to do, it will never be enough – I mean – think about it – how could anyone actually think that they could magnify themselves above God? God will always have the LAST WORD – so be it!
    Jesus is the MARK of our high calling, He is the ALEPH (or OX or WAY or WORD MADE FLESH) and He is the TRUTH (LIGHT that FREES) and He is the TAV or MARK (covenant, hope, stigma, end, completion, LIFE). He is the first and the last, the beginning and the end, the foundation and the fulfillment.
    He that contradicts this truth, he that contadicts Christ, he that contradicts the OX, which is Jesus Christ made manifest in the flesh, the same is ANTICHRIST.
    Levi means to join, to lend or to twist or coil. The (fallen) Jewish way is to first join, then to lend, then to twist or coil. Athan means a call to prayer. Leviathan is a RELIGIOUS SPIRIT, and Leviathan is the king of all the proud – it reaches its completion or MARK in the 100 fold man, the man who has progressed through 6 then 60 (ten fold) and then 100 fold – 666 – the MARK or number or measure of a MAN.
  19. tomei Says:
    Have they already left?
  20. UK-waives-the-Rules Says:
    Do Nuclear Centre`s (Power Stations) `Up-date` `software` programmes
    `chain reaction !` LOSS of Back up Power pumps resolving in `meltdown`
    Could whats happening in Japan be due to `malware` STUXNET intended for lran ????
    `Anyone `know` ???
    Ellis Reply:
    Not really but there was a bloody great big earth quake then like the bigest wave ( of sea water ) in the
    world just went all over everything.
  21. OpenAnalysis Says:
    [that nuclear fuel rods in three reactors are melting], no actually the original arrticle made a correction, it now reads “Nuclear Fuel Rods Appear to be Melting in 3 Reactors”.
    Please correct the falsely cited information in this article.
    Whatever happened to the “nuclear meltdown confirmed” article mentioned on this site? Well, there again the government document was exaggerated and skewed to propose a confirmed meltdown.
    I cannot help but laugh at the journalistic shortcomings shown on this website with regards to this ‘crisis’. What happened to the facts and the truth,
    CrisisJones Reply:
    Take your pompous attitude and beat it!
    You are not helping, you are hurting.
    The MSM isn’t providing any information whatsoever. Though they are happy to parrot reports put out by this website after they have been confirmed.
    People are suffering and being left in the dark about the true severity, and what does that prompt you to do? Show what an asshole you really are.
    Go back to MSNBC, I’m sure you are real popular there.
    revealerofsecrets Reply:
    Seeing How the MSM is not telling the truth a website like this has to use Investigative thinking to come up with an idea of what is really happening on the ground. As an Environmental Scientist with a background in Nuclear Health Pysics. So far this site is spot on. Good Job AJ
    CrisisJones Reply:
    Ok, Reaveler,
    I am not trying to nitpick.
    Though why is it that in the last 3 days I have heard all of these “Nuclear Physicists”, That can’t spell; “Physicist”?
    Shouldn’t that be like a requirement of landing that Degree, to be like, able to spell the fuckin name of the field?
    Damn Last,
    Thought you had this shit shipshape.
  22. _jason_ Says:
    I don’t see such a big MSM coverup.
    CNN: “Officials are not ruling out a meltdown …”
    FoxNews: “Nuclear Fuel Rods ‘Appear’ to Melt…”
    Now the reason why they would use the word ‘Appear’ is because nobody can get inside the reactor to do a visual inspection. They can only estimate what is going on inside the reactors based on different measurements that they can do outside.
    Hemi Reply:
    > I don’t see such a big MSM coverup.
    Indeed. Especially when you consider the sources for PP’s article: BBC, Australian ABC, Seattle Times, the National Journal, Fox News and an ex-editor of the Japan Times.
    Hardly a roll-call of indie/alternative media outlets is it?
    truthistruth Reply:
    no cover-up? they talk about the radiation found on the helicopter pilots and say that it was only as much as a chest x-ray….or the ones that flew into a “plume” of radiation and say it was only a months worth of sunlight exposure and they washed it off with soap and water
    the problem is this…when is the last time you went for an x-ray and they gave you potassium iodine tablets!!!!!!!!!
    oh and get this…..the U.S. gov is sending FEMA to help out the Japanese….they must be shitting their kimonos….these are the same assholes that couldn’t get water to ONE place in ONE city and they’re going to offer their “expertise”? Japanese will be dying by the thousands if those jokers get there….
    _jason_ Reply:
    MSM is saying that a meltdown is quite possibly occurring. So where is the coverup? They cannot get inside the reactors to do a visual verification.
    No one is denying that there is radiation leaking from the reactors. I hope it doesn’t get worse, for the sake of the Japanese people and for anyone else who could be affected.
    But show me the coverup. This was a magnitude 9 quake. Do you have any idea how large this quake was? There may be no technology in the world that can save these reactors and it could result in a catastrophe of unprecedented proportions and all you can think of is MSM coverups?
    CrisisJones Reply:
    Apologists are the last thing we need.
    I am going to take it easy on you as it is obvious that you are not too bright.
    You are 240.
    If you would like to show your true worth, I am here for you.
    Though, you will probably lose your job.
  23. martone Says:
    what i think we are seeing is Global Depopulation in the making. whos to say the Beast in the East (Rus & Chin) arnt playin’ around with there Haarp thing flippin switches! Japan is in the perfect spot to spew Radiation in the air. If your target is the U.S.A. Then tell everyone “we have it all under control. Remain calm, you wont die right away”. Good luck everyone! your on yr oun!
    BiGpharmakillZ Reply:
    I couldn’t agree more. I think the vaccines, and other factors making most so ill are not working fast enough, and seeing that more now than ever will not take the vaccines, it’s now going to be more “natural” (yeah ok) disasters, and heaven forbid next to come the biological warfare. The last option available to them. I think we can all agree that they are moving full steam ahead now with their agendas. Perhaps its because China doesn’t wanna play nice, or maybe it’s Russia. Either way it’s going to get more nasty then most of us have ever seen and myself, donnot want anything to do with a world war, that just makes me sick to my stomach even moreso. Oh it all makes me ill, if only justice could be served and they could all be put on a deserted island to fend for themselves. Maybe they’d even eat each other.
  24. rjmkelly Says:
    I’ve heard more crap here than anywhere I’ve seen in awhile. I’m a nuclear engineer and work on these plants. Let me just say the mainstream media is overblowing this thing, not understating the danger. I’m not going to go into detail here but please, everyone just chill.
    I can promise that not one single person in the US will be in danger of radiation poisoning. The media hates nuclear power! They are talking this thing up big-time! Big ratings too.
    CrisisJones Reply:
    I guess we will take your word for it.
    I’m a nuclear engineer too, and you are 100% wrong.
    See how easy that is?
    truthistruth Reply:
    yeah – it was guys like you that said there was no way the Titanic could possibly sink…i’m not saying you’re not smart but please….lay off the promises cause with the forces involved here…you don’t KNOW shit…
    CrisisJones Reply:
    Hey Truth,
    That’s interesting what you mentioned about FEMA being sent to help (Make sure they all die)
    A federal emergency response team, being sent on an international mission.
    Next they will simply call themselves the; “IEMA”.
    Unelected, unaccountable merchants of death, with a global reach.
    Keep working folks! The throne of satan needs your tax dollars to continue the march of death against all of humanity.
  25. Spirit Says:
    What confuses me is, that since days we are being told on this news site, the reactor cores have melted down and that the might melt down, are in danger of melting down. This is shit pubishing, you know. Its either the one or the other, but not both at the same time!
  26. tajjy Says:
    Undoubtedly a cover up.
    Check out the birds-eye-view of Reactor #3 in the following photo (about 1/3rd way down)
    www .
    Now check out the birds-eye-view of Chernobyl:
    Look at the radiation cloud pouring out of them! How can they say so boldly this was not a core meltdown (coupled with the video footage of the blast).
    Also all the government officials are wearing blue jumpsuits during interviews. If nothing is wrong then why are they wearing protective clothing?
  27. exexpat93 Says:
    Posts are being deleted here… I wonder why?
    CrisisJones Reply:
    Due to language?
    Or you were too controversial?
    Sad, doesn’t come close……

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just like I did TacoBell meat quality, actually. I remember speaking highly of John Asquaga's Nugget.