The System works because you work!

The System works because you work!


All told, governments killed more than 262 million people in the 20th century outside of wars, according to University of Hawaii political science professor R.J. Rummel. Just to give perspective on this incredible murder by government, if all these bodies were laid head to toe, with the average height being 5', then they would circle the earth ten times. Also, this democide murdered 6 times more people than died in combat in all the foreign and internal wars of the century. Finally, given popular estimates of the dead in a major nuclear war, this total democide is as though such a war did occur, but with its dead spread over a century

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Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Radiation From Fukushima Would Take 7 Days To Reach U.S.

Radiation From Fukushima Would Take 7 Days To Reach U.S.

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Prevailing wind conditions would send fallout drifting towards west coast cities
Paul Joseph Watson
Monday, March 14, 2011
Radioactive particles from the stricken Fukushima nuclear facility would take around a week to reach Alaska and eleven days to reach Los Angeles, according to an analysis, which highlights the fact that prevailing winds over the region would send any potential fallout from the crisis-hit plant drifting towards west coast cities in the United States.
Given the fact that many analysts believe the Japanese government is grossly understating the amount of radioactive particles released by the two separate explosions to affect the Fukushima plant, one which occurred Saturday and one earlier today, monitoring stations in Alaska will not know if there is a threat from such radiation until Saturday at the earliest.
“Radiation detected at the Fukushima plant on Monday is twice the maximum seen so far,” the BBC is reporting, citing Kyodo News.
An analysis highlights how prevailing wind trajectories would take the radiation from a westerly direction towards the west coast of the United States.
“A typical wind trajectory across the Pacific is westerly, since there is often a large dome of high pressure over the central Pacific and an area of low pressure in the Gulf of Alaska,” writes meteorologist Meghan Evans.
Today’s localized winds are set to carry any radiation out into the Pacific from a north westerly to south easterly direction. However, “The wind direction will switch to an onshore direction Monday night into Tuesday, threatening to send the radiation toward the population,” writes Evans.
Radiation From Fukushima Would Take 7 Days To Reach U.S. 140311top1
“This is not good news, since an onshore direction would blow most of the radiation toward populated areas. An added threat is that with higher elevations just about 4 miles inland from the power plants, if a temperature inversion sets up in the atmosphere, radiation could be trapped.”
The worst case scenario is that localized winds could take the fallout south to Tokyo, and the prevailing westerly winds could also carry upper atmosphere particles towards the U.S.
It would take roughly seven days for the radiation to reach Anchorage, eight days until it reached Honolulu, ten days for Seattle and eleven days before it hit Los Angeles, according to figures calculated by Expert Senior Global Meteorologist Jim Andrews.
Radiation From Fukushima Would Take 7 Days To Reach U.S. 161008pptv3
Assurances from officials that any radiation would dissipate over the Pacific Ocean before reaching the United States are tenuous given the fact that pollution from Chinese coal factories, traveling significantly greater distances, routinely hits California.
“Previous studies have documented that dust from Asia — especially from deserts and industrial regions of China — routinely crosses the Pacific Ocean on prevailing winds to sully the air over the western U.S.,” highlights Massie Santos Ballon, a student in the Science Communication Program at the University of California, Santa Cruz.
The Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory has also studied how, “About a third of the airborne lead particles recently collected at two sites in the San Francisco Bay Area came from Asia.”
Weather conditions will hugely influence where any potential radiation falls. If there is a significant amount of rainfall, which has been forecast for the next few days, the majority of the radiation will fall in a localized area. However, drier conditions will allow any radiation to travel much further.
As we featured in our earlier report, nuclear expert Joe Cirincione also fears that radiation from the Japanese nuclear plant could also reach the west coast.
When Fox News host Chris Wallace questioned whether radioactivity could travel thousands of miles across the Pacific, Cirincione responded, “Oh, absolutely. Chernobyl, which happened about 25 years ago, the radioactivity spread around the entire northern hemisphere. It depends how many of these cores melt down and how successful they are on containing it once this disaster happens.”
Concern surrounding the likely path of any radiation is emphasized by the fact that the French embassy is now, “Advising its citizens to leave Tokyo and its surroundings in case a cloud of radiation heads to the city.”
Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for Prison He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos and a regular fill-in host for The Alex Jones Show.

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63 Responses to “Radiation From Fukushima Would Take 7 Days To Reach U.S.”

  1. billp Says:
    Why are they not shutting down ALL the reactors? At LEAST until the threat of aftershocks lessens.
    revealerofsecrets Reply:
    because all their backup cooling measures have failed. It’s not as easy as fliping a switch.
    billp Reply:
    I mean ALL on the Island
    billp Reply:
    If what you said is true then all are going to go.
    Dragon's Eye Reply:
    The poor Japanese are going to see a drastic reduction in their life expectancy!!!
    This has the hallmarks of a “hit” ( to refer to the gangster term of an act of sabotage or murder ).
    This all stinks of a politically-motivated “hit”!
  2. Philippe Says:
    “Concern surrounding the likely path of any radiation is emphasized by the fact that the French embassy is now, “Advising its citizens to leave Tokyo and its surroundings in case a cloud of radiation heads to the city.”
    So it appears the French aren’t stupid and know what is going on. Sounds like wise advice to me. Pack some potassium iodide with you.
    redneck Reply:
    Hopefuly, the following will help a number of people prepare, we can overcome what could very well be ahead of us.
    If you apply liquid organic iodine/iodide to a bandaid and apply it to your skin, your body will absorb only what it needs to maintain healthy thyroid levels. I tried this, a few years ago, after reading it in a natural health book by Dr. Janet Maccaro; I had to re-apply it for 3 days before my body stopped absorbing the iodine. I check my levels every 3 months or so by applying a bandaid of iodine and so far my body has yet to absorb the amount that it did initialy. I believe this to be a safe way to make sure you have good levels of iodine/iodide in your thyroid.
    I have greater concern for people consuming spiralina and sea kelp. THINK!!! Sea animals are mysteriously dying and washing up on the beach. If our oceans are toxic, and I have reason to believe that they are, sea plants will also be absorbing those toxins.
    Herbs such as cilantro, thyme, milk thisle, betonite clay, and cinnamon are known to help counteract and remove heavy metals, chemicals and radiation poisoning from the body. Take what ever substance with a mixture of raw organic butter and raw honey to taste. Only do this for a short term, no more than a week, commonsense moderation is key. The butter works in the body as the mechanism to get the substance to the cells, the cells release the poison into the butter fat, the sealed toxic fat is then moved safely out of the body. DO NOT substitute margarine for butter, it is a toxic GMO product that causes damage in the body. It is now known that this type of oil is the likely cause of cardiovascular disease.
    Check it out, research it for yourselves:
    Naturalnews website
    Dr. Janet Maccaro, primaldiet, Aajonus Vonderplanitz
    Philippe Reply:
    I hadn’t thought about the kelp being contaminated, but you’re likely right. I may try the iodine technique you mentioned and save the potassium iodide pills I’ve got for another day or someone else.
    redneck Reply:
    I am a survivor of the incompentency of the medical establishment, just as many others have; people such as Dr. Janet Maccaro, and Aajonus Vonderplanitz. For 20 years I have been seeking and learning ways to heal my body and maintain my health. I have not seen a doctor in 20 yrs, and, I have eliminated many ailments on my own. I am very sensitive to chemicals and I found that I couldn’t handle either sprilina or sea kelp. Mabye it was the batch I tried, others seem to be getting along ok with it.
    I encourage you to look up Aajonus, he lives in California. When I saw that he has been relentlessly attacked for his experience in healing, I thought that this guy is probably onto the truth. He was given 2 months to live @ the age of 21, he is now pushing 60 and he looks like he is in his 40′s. Google: life-enthusiasts, articles, recipe for living without disease, Aajonus Vonderplanitz. It’s a very good read.
    I feel now as I did on Sept. 11/01. I can hardly breathe for the grief. Both of these events have been life changing for me, and for many, many others.
    My heart is breaking for the Japanese people, and the surrounding nations. May God in His great mercy spare a multitude there, and should it travel across the Pacific to us, that we will not only be well prepared but also spared.
    I no longer waste energy arguing with those who are determined to be athiests, I used to be one. The truth about the existance of God has been readily available in America for all to choose to read it. It is a sad truth that most of us must learn things the hard way, I know that I had to. I hope that they all get it, and soon, very soon!
    Dragon's Eye Reply:
    @ “Redneck”:
    You may also wish to check out www . mercola . com. I read his health notes regularly, and what you have said is SPOT ON!
    GMO-anything is a very BAD, BAD idea!!!
    sociallies Reply:
    thank you for this information.
    redneck Reply:
    @ Dragon, I am well aware of Dr. Mercola, and he is good. But, I must say that I have attained more knowledge from the depth of Mike Adams site, Naturalnews. Research through the archives, by just typing butter, or whatever. You will find great depth, weigh it all out and discern viable truth.
    Aajonus, is the one that has impressed me most. I have never met him, probably never will, but, his life story has blown me away. He has helped 1000′s upon 1000′s regain their lives worldwide. Yet, his greatest achievement is the rescue of his son. The doctors had labeled his son brain dead and recommending pulling the plug. Aajonus, literally faught through all the condiscending arrogance and was given the open door to work with his son. He relays the story in his first book a novel, “Out of the Grips of Disease and Death”. Knowledge, is truly power.
    Everything I know and recommend, I have tried and learned from somewhere else. There is so much out there available to us, and, so many people to learn from, we just have to take the time to seek it, and learn from it.
    A little brain radiation may help the liberal wackos in Seattle. It is more like they will catch a major quake soon as well.
    Philippe Reply:
    You’re assuming they have a brain to begin with. I’m still searching for evidence of this.
    Dragon's Eye Reply:
    RAWR, HAR, HAR, HAR, HAR, HAR, HAR!!! >;=)9)====
    gisellewilding Reply:
    “They” have safe places to go. Of course they have brains. Highly intelligent ones. This does not mean they are not psychopaths. But God will win in the end while they rot in hell.
  4. brianecamp Says:
    ummm . . .
    alex, it is pronounced “seize ee um” not “sessiom” . . .
    also, settle down you are bouncing off the walls . . .
    there is a disaster going on and the time is now for clear thinking and information . . .
    your guest last week was correct, when you lose control you sound like a fool and turn people off . . .
    Dragon's Eye Reply:
    Cesium is especially nasty because it falls into the same periodic column as Calcium! It is heavier than Calcium, and more chemically-reactive. :=: This means it can REPLACE some of your body’s Calcium, thereby affecting the hardness and durability of your bones, the efficiency of your muscles and neuro-transmitter activity!
    Cesium is very bad stuff; Especially if it is in one of its radioactive isotope forms!
    gisellewilding Reply:
    One cannot be an expert on everything. Alex has done a great job and he did not study science so leave him alone.If he was such a fool would we (who are qualified) be listening to him? Alex is a hero and I would rather him than an arrogant know all any day.
  5. Wrabbit2000 Says:
    Well it sure helps to know the general time frame. It sounds as though it may be very timely and relevant information in our near future. Lets keep praying that doesn’t turn out to be the case.
    Things could always be worse, but I will cling to the faith in the people on the ground
    and the stats that more people in the last 62 years have died slipping on a bar of soap
    then have died from nuclear power plants. MSM and the internet have a need to fear monger to make lots and lots of money. Even if I’m wrong?? I have a need to bieleve
    that this will be their finest hour. The world is praying and that has worked miracles.
    gisellewilding Reply:
    Yes few have dies in power plants but mans evil knows no limit and now we could all go we modern warfare anytime.
  6. brianecamp Says:
    the problem is that if there is not electricity flowing to the plants from coal burners or off the grid . . .
    the nuke plant can’t shut down . . .
    so if the wires have been damaged which feed the plant, the situation is likely going to degrade . . .
    billp Reply:
    coolant fail = meltdown
    Dragon's Eye Reply:
    You are correct about that!
    There seem to be very few “manual override” options in most nuclear reactors, because such measures would require one or more folks to be directly exposed to the hazardous radiation by being close enough to exact those types of measures!
    Once again, very astute of you!
  7. revealerofsecrets Says:
    Let me be the first to call BULLSHIT to the Japanese Govt when they claim these incidents are not on a level of Cheroynobal. Although the design is different and much safer than the Cheronobal reactors . The fact seems to be that they are in a meltdown. Since it takes 100 days to cool them down and they lost the ability to pump water after 3 days . You do the math. They are in the process of meltdown. And peoples lives are at risk. The Power companies are gonna down play it. Why because they are responsible for this bull shit. It’s the greed of Mankind and the forced servatude of his fellow man that has cause d this accident. we could be run completely on Solar or wind or water enerrgy sources. However the Elite have to have a sytem in place so they can milk the general public dry of their money. Systems that don’t take your money are bad. So we can see what the outcome of the Elites greedy schemes are once again.
    Dragon's Eye Reply:
    The Japanese government is JUST as controlled by the globalists as most of the rest of our ‘governments’!
    That’s just basic commonsense and common knowledge to most of us truth-seekers!
    gisellewilding Reply:
    If this was, as I believe, a man created earthquake, don’t blame the Japanese. They have few natural resources and if left alone this would not have happened.Blame the psychopaths or the elite.
  8. Terri Says:
    I think Alex has every right to be excited. Instead of getting on his case spread the information he gives you to loved ones and strangers. Everyone needs to know this. We have a friend on the west coast, we spoke to him last night and he had not heard about the fallout potentially hitting California we passed the information on to him and he in turn was making other calls to friends and family.
    We are blessed to have someone of Alex’s caliber giving us this info, some don’t have our insight.
  9. revealerofsecrets Says:
    Also Just the meer possiblity of an explosion at a nuclear power plant is terrible. The plants are full of all types of radioactive waste. Which would spread every where. in all forms Alpha Beta Gamma.
    Dust , Gas , Radiation Waves . For instance a pack of cigarettes contains alpha Radiation . At 25,000 counts above back ground using an HP 210 Geiger counter. however your skin is a natural barrier so to hold a pack of cigarettes is safe. However to light and then in hale the fumes is not. So if you have particulate radiation in dust. if your 20 miles away your safe . However if that dust gets pickup in the wind and you then inhale it. you are not safe. So when officials say back ground readings are normal. Hell yeah if your 20 miles away theirs no gamma coming at you. Which is like Xrays. But on site you could still have vertual diaster of all types of radiation contamination that can get in the wind and the water. So I hope the people of Japan read this. They are not Safe. While we in th USA need to be concerned.
    billp Reply:
    I heard today that 3 had fuel that used *****nium which is not breathe now die much later. Remember Obama was partying. They are probably headed for the bunkers.
    billp Reply:
    what they don’t like disney characters?
    Dragon's Eye Reply:
    They don’t like the names of any of the planets!
    ***** – P.L.U.T.O.
    MERCURY – M.E.R.C.U.R.Y.
    NEPTUNE – N.E.P.T.U.N.E.
    URANUS – U.R.A.N.U.S.
    ****** – S.A.T.U.R.N.
    MARS – M.A.R.S.
    VENUS – V.E.N.U.S.
    See if any of these print out???
    Dragon's Eye Reply:
    Well, maybe only a few of them!
    Yahoo(tm) doesn’t seem to like U R A N U S. Hmmmmm!
    Go figure!
  10. nader paul kucinich gravel mckinney Says:
    Microscopic p*l*u*t*o*nium fallout inhalation.
    10 years of constant lies from US government,
    10 years of constant lies from controlled media
    billp Reply:
    They will be safe in their bunkers.
  11. Maddog Says:
    It must be great to be a globalist insider. Everything just mysteriously aligns itself to your advantage, even when you purportedly had nothing to do with it. They shut us out from real knowledge like HAARP, of which could have assisted in detecting shuch a disaster in advance for all we know. Speaking of which is their anybody keeping an eye on that particular entity? Am I suposed to assume that there is no researcher out there that could offer some eye witness testiomny regarding the activities of HAARP and the advanement of electro magnetic frequency altering mechanisms that could very well split the planet in half? Am i suposed to assume that there is no evidence to suggest that HAARP could have induced a natural disaster such as this one? Oh, but it must be the uhhhh pseudo scientific backed mysterious ghost planet playing footsy with the sun. Gimee a break.
    Japan should have been buying oil from us this whole time. That would have been a win for both countries. Of course we all know that the globalists hate any cost efficient, safe, abundant source of energy such as oil. They shut us out from oil, then they use goverrnment subsidies to build a myriad a nuclear time bombs all over the planet called nuclear reactors all fo which are just waiting to go off. Now we will be expected to abandon nuclear energy after we have become heavily dependant on it. Abandoning such a resource without reversing the crony capitalist dictatorship that has destroyed our acces to coal will be the final straw that sends us plummeting into the stone age. Remember, fear is the strongest form of mind control. Don’t let them scare you into giving up your freedom and private property when they finally decide to exploit this disaster, should be any minute now.
    BiGpharmakillZ Reply:
    Have you gone to There are pics there showing that HAARP was stongly activated the day before and during this quake. Which is was totally dead the week before!!
    BiGpharmakillZ Reply:
    I spent all day yesterday looking for info of whether this was a natural disaster etc. What I found alot of was that we’re also being lied to about the solar flares, the poles shifting etc.
    This is why I believe that they let some kind of nuke off the mariana cliffs under Japan coast. I don’t believe for one minute now that this was natural disaster. I could be wrong, but I don’t believe I am.
    Maddog Reply:
    If HAARP was suddenly activated indefinitely before and durring the qauke then that is all the evidence i need to know who is responsible. I just wish Alex would contribute more research into the matter or use his status to dig up an ex-researcher for HAARP. I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt and assume that he is forgetting the possibility of a technocratic component to the equation. This disaster can easily end up becoming a huge distraction from globalist activity, especialy if PP keeps rehashing the intergalactic doomsday scenerio. If Alex continues to perpetuate that scenerio for the next week or so then i can’t in good conscience continue to support Jones. I hate to admit that.
    Dragon's Eye Reply:
    More like using the “conditions” and “supplementing” the effects with technological “help” fits the bill just nicely.
    It would have been a “Natural Disaster” with less of the consequences than what we are seeing now, if it wasn’t for a little “help” from global-big-brother!
    There IS more to come! I am quite sure of it.
    Maddog Reply:
    Of course there is more to come. Once again we’ve been coerced into a trap. Only this time we are surrounded by nuclear bombs which we have become dependant upon for energy (-go figure-). This is especialy true in most mojor cities where nuclear power plants provide jobs and a steady supply of local revenue, an ideal place to murder mass quantities of people becuase these areas are densley populated. These disasters will keep occuring and the mindless zombies will continue to blame these earthquakes on solar flares, while they beg the globalist elites to rid them of nuclear energy. They will be begging those pathetic insecure little pricks to help bring about the new stone age where information, critical thinking, knowledge, history, literature, freedom, mobility and human potential is lost, gone forever form our grasp.
    ingodsgarden Reply:
    My thoughts exactly, right on the money
    redneck Reply:
    DIDO Maddog…I truly wish that you were wrong and I could argue with you…but, evidence is showing that we have very sick tisted minds in charge…all we can do is survive despite them and overcome to be victorious.
    Regardless of the outcome, I am really grateful that both you and I know the Great and Awesome God as a friend that sticks closer than a brother. With so many of us dwelling here there and everywhere it is only He who can bring this resistance together.
    redneck Reply:
    Please forgive the typo’s, I hit the button too soon.
    Maddog Reply:
    If i am wrong it will only be in terms of method. They might tweak their control grid while it is still being layed out, but overall their objective will always be the same as long as they are alive. I am so thankfull for my spiratual awakening that took place here recently. I would be completely lost if i did not know for a FACT that i have a divine creator. I am so thankfull that i will never be alone. I am no longer afraid to die. I am not afraid to be held indefinitely and tortured to death. My only fear is that i will fall short of the challenge that awaits me.
    redneck Reply:
    @ Maddog, do not fear even if you should face torture. Read the book of Daniel and find out for yourself the miraculous way that God honors those who will stand for Him.
    In 1999, I read a book called “Jesus Freaks”. It is co-authored by The Voice of the Martyrs. We only see one side of the equation, He will never leave you nor forsake you, this book provides the proof. You will be encouraged.
    ISBN 1-57778-072-8 by Albury Publishing 1999
    Maddog Reply:
    gisellewilding Reply:
    I think there is lots of evidence that HAARP was very active and also the clouds in the sky around the time.
  12. Svoboda Says:
    Well I live in L.A. so looks like I’m gonna get radiated ):<
  13. ludcivious Says:
    Why do you have 8 gazillion ads on your site.. really this is some annoying stuff. Seriously, 25% of your page is ads…
    big log Reply:
    Without ads, the operation shuts down and you don’t get this info. This isn’t NPR. Why don’t you do your part to keep this whole thing rolling and support one of the sponsors?
    Dragon's Eye Reply:
    Apparently, he/she sees NO PROBLEM in the MSM’s sites, etc. having all kinds of ads; AND THEY also have major corporate sponsorships too!
    THIS SITE, and InfoWars, don’t have the mega-million in sponsorships from the big corporations! So WHAT is one to expect??? Free Internet, Free Hosting???
    Somebody really needs to tell these nay-sayers to get real, and show them the cost breakdown to run one of these types of websites!!!
    There again, some take on the attitude, “Don’t bother me with facts!”
  14. billp Says:
    I really don’t have a good feeling about this.
  15. billp Says:
    When I moved to the east coast I always felt that the country started here and will probably end here. I did not have this in mind. If ONE person dies on the west coast I am going as far north as I can get. ME would probably be the best.
  16. Dragon's Eye Says:
    Those plants have been deliberately sabotaged!!!
    The “fix” is in!
    This has been planned well in advance, I am quite sure of it!
    Think I’m crazy??? Just “connect the dots” and you will see as clearly as I.
    I hope there is a thorough investigation underway shortly!
    This stinks of a very big set-up!
  17. tbabe Says:
    I got my potassium iodine at That was a few months ago.
  18. alex Says:
    the cooling pumps ran out of diYahoo!
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    QuickAppsezel fuel after 1 hour of running time. they had no deizel fuel to run the emeregency backup pump WTF
  19. alchemistry101 Says:
    A couple of facts:
    Japan discovered the “jet stream” in the early 1940′s and used it to transport bomb carrying balloons during WWII.
    It took as little as three days to travel from north of Tokyo to Washington (state) and Oregon.
    How far did the balloons travel? Montana, Northern Alberta, Sasketchewan, Texas, Colorado, Arizona, California . . . . . . . and the farthest: 10 miles outside Detroit, Michigan.
    They were going to launch them with germ warfare microbes instead of timed bombs (which they did against the Soviets) until the U.S. bombed their facility to hell.
    So, yes, it’s not propaganda that the radiation could reach us. Oh, yeah. During the 60′s, when China was doing above ground nuke testing, we would get weather reports of radiation reaching us in the Seattle region
    billp Reply:
    I am in NJ. If people start dying on the west coast I am going to eastern ME. When I moved to the east coast I figured that the country started here and it will probably end here. I didn’t think it was going to go down this way. It would probably be better to be in the southern hemisphere but that is not practical for me.
  20. Done Says:
    I know my father understood all about atomic dangers from jr jiggering
    Now most citiZens don’t even know what a. Rad or rem or curie is
    What ever happened to the Civil Defence? I bet you 90% of amerIcans wouldnt know what a fallout shelter sign is or looks like. If I were a good NaZi I would be HLS
  21. billp Says:
    “would” s/b “will” “7″ s/b “5″

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