The System works because you work!

The System works because you work!


All told, governments killed more than 262 million people in the 20th century outside of wars, according to University of Hawaii political science professor R.J. Rummel. Just to give perspective on this incredible murder by government, if all these bodies were laid head to toe, with the average height being 5', then they would circle the earth ten times. Also, this democide murdered 6 times more people than died in combat in all the foreign and internal wars of the century. Finally, given popular estimates of the dead in a major nuclear war, this total democide is as though such a war did occur, but with its dead spread over a century

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Tuesday, March 15, 2011

U.S. Government Blocking Americans From Obtaining Potassium Iodide?

U.S. Government Blocking Americans From Obtaining Potassium Iodide?

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Doctor refuses to prescribe drug after “conversation” with CDC; imposes one month waiting period as supplies sell out on back of panic buying
Paul Joseph Watson

Tuesday, March 15, 2011
U.S. health authorities could be blocking Americans from obtaining the radiation-fighting drug potassium iodide, even as the threat of a radioactive cloud from the stricken Fukushima nuclear plant affecting the United States prompts panic buying, which has led to stocks of the drug running out across the country.
High strength potassium iodide is a once-a-day-pill than protects the thyroid gland from radiation and cancer caused by radioactive iodine. There are also weaker liquid forms of the drug that provide less protection, but supplies of these are also running low.
A caller to The Alex Jones Show today related how he tried to obtain potassium iodide via prescription from his doctor having failed to buy it over the counter due to stocks being completely exhausted.
“Yesterday afternoon (roughly 1400PST), the Urgent Care in Ventura, California, denied me a prescription for KI (potassium iodide): an over the counter, salt,” writes Michael (surname withheld). “The reason for denying me a prescription was predicated upon the Doctors conversation, with both CDC and DHSC representatives, whom discouraged it. After asking her if she took government orders, she replied, “No, but I do take their recommendations.”
“As KI is unavailable in Ventura right now and I was unable to get a prescription, which the pharmacy required, I am still without a supply of KI,” adds Michael.
The U.S. government has so far refused to stockpile supplies of the drug despite the threat of a nuclear disaster nearing the scale of Chernobyl.
“The federal government has never purchased enough to meet that standard,” reports CNN. “There is currently only enough of the medication available for populations living within 10 miles of nuclear reactors in the United States, according to U.S. officials.”
We are also receiving other unconfirmed reports that certain chemists and health stores that do have small amounts of the drug are refusing to sell it to customers, citing the excuse that it could be used for the production of methamphetamine
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As we documented in our earlier article, stocks of the drug are all but exhausted across the United States, with packets of 14 tablets selling for around $300 dollars on eBay. We have received scores of emails and calls from Alex Jones Show listeners who cannot find potassium iodide anywhere.
The massive surge in sales of the drug has been driven by the worsening nuclear crisis in Japan and reports that the radiation cloud now starting to affect Tokyo and other areas could reach the west coast of the United States within a week.
Meanwhile, the panic buying that has gripped online health retailers as well as stores across America has prompted to issue an email to every customer who tries to purchase potassium iodide, noting how the situation in Japan has, “rightfully unnerved the masses,” in America.
“We have been inundated with thousands of orders for Potassium Iodide, from all corners of the world. The warehouse stock and the manufacturer’s warehouse were emptied on the weekend. The manufacturer is trying to make more of these tablets to meet demand but our waiting period is expected to be at least one month at this stage,” states the email.
Amazon is encouraging its customers to purchase Thyroshield, a liquid form of Potassium Iodide, instead of the stronger potassium iodide. Only potassium iodide at a minimum strength of 130 mg is guaranteed to completely protect against radioactive fallout, although weaker liquid forms will go some way to offering protection against low doses of radiation.
It is important to stress that high-strength potassium iodide of the 130 mg or above variety should only be taken in a nuclear fallout emergency and not under any other circumstances.
Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for Prison He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a regular fill-in host for The Alex Jones Show.
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10 Responses to “U.S. Government Blocking Americans From Obtaining Potassium Iodide?”

  1. birther truther tenther says:
    While everybody is going to empty shelves, I already had KI on hand.
    It’s so badass to be prepared while everyone else is S.O.L.
    I might Craigslist some extra KI for a gold coin or two.
  2. MPrck says:
    The callers ticked me off today, Jesus H F-ing Christ, a simple google search on to the nuke pills site would have gave everyone the information.
    The people in Japan need these before the rest of the world, there is no compassion anymore in this country, just blind fear.
    Was Alex confused ? Yes, as I was before this weekend when I read up on it. A hour of calling in about dosage levels ? YIKES.
    Google Year without summer, and also New Madrid fault.
    You will see what was about a 6 year period of this type of activity without of course the threat of Nuclear Radiation.
  3. Tumblebug says:
    I keep KI on hand, for emergencies, but just bought some off Amazon, but you can’t get their Prime stuff, just independent sellers. We will see if it comes.
  4. diva_watcher says:
    I live in southern California. We bought three bottles of liquid iodine with potassium on Saturday. There were two brands of it and a fully stocked shelf. I went back to the store last night and it was sold out. My mother went to the same store today and asked the clerk when the next shipment would come in.
    He said that it will not be restocked because they were ordered by the US Government to take it off the shelves to be shipped to Japan!!
    If you can get your supply now before it is gone!!
    Also, have been hearing military planes flying over us for three days straight!
  5. Word of Mouth says:
    “Only potassium iodide at a minimum strength of 130 mg is guaranteed to completely protect against radioactive fallout, although weaker liquid forms will go some way to offering protection against low doses of radiation.”
    That’s an incredible overstatement on many levels. There are many kinds of radiation and iodine only protects against iodine radiation. Only the thyroid is protected. And then only from indirect systemic absorption. So then it is better to learn than to take someone’s word for it.
  6. Marxistgaia999 says:
    I just moved from Ventura CA up to Sacramento CA… it is astounding to know that people in my hometown are being denied the right to protect themselves against radioactive iodine…. It actually makes me quite sick…. I was able to purchase IOSAT from a few days ago, thanks to the Alex Jones show i got it early!!! Now… the web site says it is sold out until April 18th… Until the IOSAT gets here i went and bought kelp vitamins, Whole Foods was sold out of both Potassium Iodine and the Kelp… SO THANK YOU ALEX for bringing us the truth!!!!!!!!!! You are helping people more than you can even imagine…
  7. roaddog6 says:
    they don’t have to block sales because all they’ll do is keep telling everyone that everything is AOK, not to worry and be happy and the herd will believe them.
  8. Nicholas bravo says:
    Your best bet is to buy multivitamins which include potassium iodide, and then just take as many as needed to equal the 130 mg per day neccessary to keep the thyroid healthy. GNC had a pretty wide selection so I’m all stocked up for a month or so.

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