The System works because you work!

The System works because you work!


All told, governments killed more than 262 million people in the 20th century outside of wars, according to University of Hawaii political science professor R.J. Rummel. Just to give perspective on this incredible murder by government, if all these bodies were laid head to toe, with the average height being 5', then they would circle the earth ten times. Also, this democide murdered 6 times more people than died in combat in all the foreign and internal wars of the century. Finally, given popular estimates of the dead in a major nuclear war, this total democide is as though such a war did occur, but with its dead spread over a century

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Sunday, April 3, 2011

GREENPEACE Measures EXTREME RADIATION 40KM From Fukushima – Why No Evacuation?

GREENPEACE Measures EXTREME RADIATION 40KM From Fukushima – Why No Evacuation?

  • The Alex Jones ChannelAlex Jones Show podcastPrison Planet TwitterAlex Jones' FacebookInfowars store
April 2, 2011
Regardless of what anyone thinks about GreenPeace and their stance on fraudulent man made warning, this video clearly shows that levels at least 40km from the plant are EXTREMELY high!
People NEED to be evacuated from the area. The Japanese government is involved in a CRIMINAL cover up that possibly extends to the IAEA and various other governments who are openly lying about the situation.
GREENPEACE Measures EXTREME RADIATION 40KM From Fukushima   Why No Evacuation?  161008pptv3

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41 Responses to “GREENPEACE Measures EXTREME RADIATION 40KM From Fukushima – Why No Evacuation?”

  1. Carroll Quigley Says:
    Why No Evacuation?
    Ann Coulter knows; if radiation is good for you then extreme radiation must be extremely good for you. Mmm… Vitamin R.
    American Dystopia Reply:
    “Vitamin R” :)
    Quantummonkeybutt Reply:
    Could That Be A Mistake???
    9999 (10,000) mSv!?!?!
    OMG!!! :0
    a hole!
    Plague of Smiles Reply:
    numbers don’t lie. It pegged his counter. This region will be polluted for the next 30 years. Uninhabitable. Once plutonium 239 gets out and into the environment it will be uninhabitable for the next 24,000 years. These same reactors are spread all across the United States. Thank you General Electric for polluting the planet with MOX. Every single one of them is a timebomb waiting to meltdown. When they do meltdown GE will pay nothing. The cost will come from the taxpayer. You, the taxpayer, will pay for the greed of GE who will pay nothing, zero, zilch. And they will lie to you on MSNBC and tell all is fine, move along, nothing to see here. This disaster is ALREADY worse than Chernobyl.
    STARMAN Reply:
    Total BS .. You Plague thats a good name for you
    you know nothing about radiation how its absorbs and how ist diluted over time.
    You and the other BSers withthe it will take 24,000 years to recover is total BS
    Im very ashamed of the bloggers who bought into the fear and HYPE
    STARMAN Reply:
    Numbers and made up info … millions will die ….total BS
    It will take 24,000 years to recover … This is Chernobyl times a millionTotal Nut Crap
    Plague of Smiles Reply:
    to Starman…
    Who is Plague? Well Plague has contacts. One of which is my uncle, Kurt Webber in fact, who at one time used to be of all things… a NUCLEAR ENGINEER. We stay in touch on facebook to this very day. He got out of the nuclear biz a long time ago. Today he’s just a mild mannered US Postman. Enjoys the good life while there’s one to enjoy. So to say I know nothing of radiation is what is truly BS. Secondly, it doesn’t take a genius, although I am one indeed, to google MOX fuel or plutonium 239 or spend a little time on the internet doing research to understand how dangerous plutonium 239 is once it gets into the environment and the food chain, especially if 600,000 spent MOX fuel rods that were illegally stored begin melting down. Trouble with a capital T. It is in fact so dangerous that men are willing to DIE to stop a meltdown, which may be too late. The latest I hear is that they’re going to use resin to “glue” the plutonium to the ground where ever they find it… in a what, 20 km area, like that is feasible. Oh, I’m sure you and Rush and Ann Coulter find nothing alarming. If you think it’s so safe you should go hunting for pig near Chernobyl. Or try the Japanese sushi. Eat to your heart’s content happy little sheeple.
    CrisisJones Reply:
    TY Plague.
    Glen Reply:
    I think not QMB
    A quick google search ( so may be wrong)
    400 Counts per second = 1 mSv/hr
    Therefore they were receiving as a minimum just 25 mSv/hr
    “10000 mSv (1000000 mrem) as a short-term and whole-body dose would cause immediate illness and subsequent death within a few weeks”
    STARMAN Reply:
    I have had several people tell me they were genius , almost all turned out to incorrect , or I was able to outscore them on tests . I have never claimed genius status. If we could tone it down a tad I would like to say thank you for looking into this problem and caring enough to research. It shows you care and thats a good sign.
    so far the Nuclear people on the ground have said its a big cleanup problem … I agree . They have also said there is an underground leak , this is true. The Internatinal Nuclear Agency IAEA has said nothing about what the status is on what to do with the rods or where they are going to dispose them at. Professional estimates show that once the last leak is fixed and the rods are moved it will take about 12-24 months to remove the rods and start soil decon. The Japanese will have to change everything and rethink Nuclear. I hope and pray the US takes notes and makes changes in its Nuclear nightmare policy. But like everything in the US I know Im in for a great let-down
  2. Reginald Harris Says:
    So Prison Planet agrees with Greenpeace for political expediency.
    Even Greenpeace will oppose the NWO Global genocide. They will become very angry and formidalble when they realize they have been duked out of millions $$ under the pretence of governement backed environmentalism in exchange for votes and easy $$.
    The NWO will destroy planet earth more quickly then any manmade force in history.
    The pole shift and weakened magnectic filed will eventually contribute to a near complete extinction of man and animals of earth. NWO knows this and wants to minimize any population of non enslaved nations as quickly as possible. The do have a time line they must meet.
    CrisisJones Reply:
    Reginald Harris Says:
    April 2nd, 2011 at 4:01 am
    So Prison Planet agrees with Greenpeace for political expediency.
    Do us all a favor, stuff your head back up your own ass.
    Reginald Harris Reply:
    ChrisJones, I would tell you to stuff your own head up your own asshole but it would appear you already have.
    If you don’t like what I wrote, that’s too bad because I don’t care.
    CrisisJones Reply:
    Then why even attempt to contribute?
    If you don’t care?
    There is nothing expedient, Sir, about people dying from radiation poisoning!
    CrisisJones Reply:
    And it’s; “CRISIS”, dipshit.
  3. Hauge Says:
    Statement like this (in the article) gives me migraine. For example misuse of the word extreme..and on top of that spelled in capitals.
    And the “conclusions” or “proof” of a coverup gives me even pain above the shoulders.
  4. fnpmitchreturns Says:
    I sure wish they had said what the mesurments were in microsieverts of millirem so a person could guage the exact dose. And what they were mesuring was radioactive contamination …… if the reading are accurate it is extremely dangerous for internal contamination….
  5. Wrabbit2000 Says:
    Is it just me or do these guys seem awfully laid back and blase’ about their radioactive surroundings, if it’s really as “EXTREME” and dangerous as they claim. The removal of the face masks both inside and outside of the vehicle while apparently in this EXTREME zone of contamination caught my attention. That strikes me as incredibly foolish and lax if you are truly looking around you and BELIEVE the very air your standing in harbors lethal OR very unhealthful levels of exposure.
    I think their own video pretty much cuts them off at the knees by their own behavior as clearly seen.
    No question…radioactive levels are high…but these guys sure didn’t believe they were deadly or even a SERIOUS long term health risk at the points they took these readings from. Their voices don’t even show any particularly high stress. The ONLY sign I saw was one of them with some shaking while holding the monitor, but he sounded American or British. Probably too many Ding Dongs and Doritos, as opposed to any deep fear of pending doom in their future.
  6. jameswaterwolf Says:
    DISINFORMATION is the target for controlling populations. They are doing a great job.
  7. amicus curiae Says:
    notice they felt it was ok to leave the poor dog out in the crappy air..while they are suited and booted.
    and after the extremely poor showing by Greenbits over AGW they have bad cred for anything they now say, in Fact anything they protest about, and some are real issues have also lost support using any of their data reports science. as they have show they too are happy to LIE and panic to gain their end goals.
    Makes them as bad as the bad guys they go on about.
    an EX greenbits member.
  8. airborne Says:
    Cooling , mix sea water with Propylene glycol /Ethylene glycol , then have Radiators in the soultion with liquid nitrogen pumpimg Through the Radiator , should help to cool things down a bit ???? Good , bad or ugly ???
  9. Billo Says:
    Looks like Japan is toast. Go west young man. Hey it always worked for us.
    Fouling ones own nest makes for a uncomfortable nest.
    So where do the Japanese go if their land becomes uninhabitable? I guess they can move in with all the people who think nuclear power is safe.
    Lerianis Reply:
    Hardly. Even if the reactors do melt-down, the damage will be VERY localized. As we keep on pointing out: THIS IS NOT THE SAME SITUATION AS CHERNOBYL!
    Plague of Smiles Reply:
    No, actually it is worse. It is worse because of 600,000 spent MOX fuel rods that use plutonium, that ARE melting down as plutonium 239 has already been detected. Once that gets into the food chain through the air, the water, the land, animals, etc. it will spread. What do you think these plans of using resin to glue the plutonium to the ground are? They’re plans of desperation. Men are willingly committing suicide to stay there and do all they can to stop this. Nuclear energy, instead of being safe, is a COSTLY planet killer. And all of these costs are paid for by whom? GE sold this technology. Is GE paying for this? Of course not. All we hear from the mainstream media is Libya and a never ending stream of celebrities. Why would GE pay for something if they’ve already paid off the government politicians to get the little people to pay for it. GE – “we bring good things to life.” True or not true?
    CrisisJones Reply:
  10. Fotozine Says:
    I used to donate to Greenpeace but just dont trust them anymore. They’re too close to government and big business for my liking and some of their stunts seem like an inside job. Also the people who work for them look and sound like the sons and daughters of those from the upper class strata.
  11. teebry Says:
    They’ve really got us on this one, in more ways than one.
    Nuclear energy is so highly complex — It’s not like auto mechanics where there are millions of people out there who can explain it accurately. And we can’t use any of our senses to detect the pollution, so it’s easy for them to lie to us. There’s also seems to be no set way to “measure” the radiation and the scientists in Japan who are attempting to do it, keep getting told to change their numbers.
    Perhaps someone in Greenpeace has a conscience and is realizing they’ve been duped. Who knows…
    That’s the expert analysis from Chief Werein Onebigheapshettatrouble.
    Vic Reply:
    You are right on that.
    I can tell you my father died at 68. He worked over 10 years for the Atomic Energy in Chalk river Ontario Canada. I visited the plant when I was a teen with my father. I can tell you this: The cern accelerator in Switzerland they built , I saw the embrio of that back in the 60′s in CHalk River at a very smaller scale of course. They said on a sign it was for medical research. But they are researching on anti matter.This said, all the co-workers my father worked with as operators, died of cancers from the radiation exposition. Operators are more exposed to the radiation. I was talking to my mom who is 80 today and she shared that there were days my dad would come home with two lunch boxes????? that meant he had accululated too many radkins and he had to test his urine and other precautions.
    So those out there who think the Atamic Energy board or organisation tell us the truth about the dangers of nuclear power, are good naive souls who trust the wrong people.
    Do you think there wasn’t radiation readings in America even before the Japan events????
    it’s called TOP SECRET, above TOP SECRET. They don’t tell us the truth.
    ” Never forget: Saddam Hussein has weapons of mass destruction” ya shure he did?????
    Either they lie to you or they minimize the truth about the danger levels.
    IN Japan think about it: if the readings are as high as they say, the Japanese people are condemmed to die there on that island? Quarentined. and the same could and might happen all over the planet if this Nuclear technology is not stopped. THis will create fear and people will not want to be exposed to those too contaminated and the ball keeps on rolling. BUt how do you know who is too exposed unless that person is dying in front of you?
    The workers of the Japan plan are heroes, and will be dead heroes in a near futur. They have been over exposed to the dangerous levels or radiation we still do not know the real truth about the real readings.
    Lerianis Reply:
    Nuclear energy is simple when it comes down to it. The problem is that you have to have multiply redundant systems that can cool the nuclear reactor (unless you are using one of the newer designs that cools reactors better and makes it impossible to overheat).
    It’s basically a steam generator on steroids.
  12. npd1969 Says:
    To me this is beginning to look like an operation of the UN’s Agenda 21. This may be a tool they will use to cut the planet’s population by 80% or more. I really Hate the UN and the NWO!
  13. gisellewilding Says:
    If they DO NOT OBEY ORDERS they simply get another earthquake.
  14. Leave it to Beaver Says:
    Wasn’t Greenpeace founded by big oil to resist nuclear power plants?
    CrisisJones Reply:
    GreenPeace was taken over by those that came from East Germany after the fall of the Berlin Wall.
    They are Nazis.
    GreenPeace is not what it was in the beginning.
    Which is all the more reason, IMO, to look at these findings very carefully and give them some room for being true.
    The problem is extremely bad for all of us.
    California is being baked in radiation, that will remove a tremendous amount of food from the markets nationwide. Of course, that radiation is spreading nationwide as they have yet to cover it up.
    More starving on top of this, the Greatest Depression.
  15. Lerianis Says:
    Greenpeace? GREENPEACE? Come on people. Those guys are about as damned reliable as the KKK when you are talking about a black man….. not at all.
    CrisisJones Reply:
  16. Leave it to Beaver Says:
    Radiation Support for Your Immune System: We are under invisible siege
    Radiation contamination map
    CrisisJones Reply:
    Always loved to talk to you these past couple of years Beav.
    Sorry to say, nothing will protect us from what is already here.
    Not trying to scare you, though those 600,000 spent fuel rods of weapons grade Plutonium?
    Well. You know the rest.
    GE killed us all. Whoda thunk it?
    Leave it to Beaver Reply:
    This world is so evil I wouldn’t mind too much leaving it. I would love to wake up in the next world – a world of peace and truth.
  17. Leave it to Beaver Says:
    Betadine (povidone-iodine) is cheap. It’s 10% iodine. Smear some on an inconspicuous part of your body everyday. It’s safe. Start using it now.
  18. billp Says:
    The truth lies somewhere between Starman’s and Plague’s positions.

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