The System works because you work!

The System works because you work!


All told, governments killed more than 262 million people in the 20th century outside of wars, according to University of Hawaii political science professor R.J. Rummel. Just to give perspective on this incredible murder by government, if all these bodies were laid head to toe, with the average height being 5', then they would circle the earth ten times. Also, this democide murdered 6 times more people than died in combat in all the foreign and internal wars of the century. Finally, given popular estimates of the dead in a major nuclear war, this total democide is as though such a war did occur, but with its dead spread over a century

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Friday, April 22, 2011


Obama has OK'd use of drones in Libya, Gates says

Obama has OK'd use of drones in Libya, Gates says
U.S. President Barack Obama has approved the use of armed Predator drones in Libya, Defense Secretary Robert Gates said Thursday.
Gates told CNN the unmanned Predators would allow for "some precision capability" against the forces of longtime Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi, and will offer a "modest contribution" to NATO efforts to support Libyan rebels.
NATO, meanwhile, has signaled it may ramp up air strikes on Gadhafi's regime. NATO issued a new warning to Libyan civilians to stay away from military areas - foreshadowing plans for attacks on targets seen as strategically significant in stopping the government's attacks against civilians, according to a NATO military official.
Libyan rebels had recently complained that NATO was not being aggressive enough to protect civilians from Gadhafi's forces.
Planes and missiles from a coalition including the United States, the United Kingdom and France began attacking Libyan air-defense targets March 19 in part to establish a no-fly zone. It was authorized by a U.N. Security Council resolution, which approved military action –short of occupation - to prevent Gadhafi's forces from attacking civilians and cities.
The intervention came after a Libyan uprising, which began in mid-February after clashes between government forces and protesters. Opposition forces are seeking the ouster of Gadhafi, who has ruled for nearly 42 years.
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Filed under: Libya
soundoff (344 Responses)
  1. PaulOk, what's the Mission again? Why are we fighting this war? What's the National Security issue that we should be involved in this conflict? How much is it going to cost? How are we financing this war? How long are we going to be there? What's Obama's exit strategy? All questions they would ask any other President, especially President Bush.
    April 21, 2011 at 5:39 pm | Report abuse | Reply
    • celldevicethe mission is to protect the civilians from the libyan military as proposed by the U.N., were not fighting a war were taking a lesser role in opposing a no fly zone, gonna cost a pretty penny, financing by issuing I.O.U, gonna be there till gadhifi or whatever his name is stops attacking his people and exit strategy is probably just stop flying over libya cause there are no ground troops there
      April 21, 2011 at 6:04 pm | Report abuse |
    • DuudeThe mission is to overthrow Gaddafi and put into power the Muslim Brotherhood so that Egypt, Iran, Hezbollah, and Hamas have more control over the region. The exit strategy is to exit when Gaddafi leaves the country by plane or in a wood box. The cost will be funneled through NATO so that idiots will believe it won't cost us anything.
      April 21, 2011 at 7:19 pm | Report abuse |
    • IgorCongress approved the action against Libya, oops, excuse me, I mean UN approved and the Arabs league, so the president had no problem attacking the country. So, we should soon be attacking syria and the other countries that the citizens need UN help.
      April 21, 2011 at 10:40 pm | Report abuse |
    • ZamajugaI have friends in Libya. Qaddahfy was doing good things for the people. They were working on the infrastructure, roads, hotels, homes, hospitals and tourism. They had a better life for all. They had wonderful plans for the people. AND the US had to interfere.
      Can anybody tell you WHY we are even there? WE are the ones killing the people of Libya. It is Qaddahfy's country. He is defending it. Why is CNN reporting that we are helping the people? Do you think they want the US there????? NO they don't.
      April 21, 2011 at 10:50 pm | Report abuse |
    • George PattonWell said,Zamajuga. Thank you.
      April 22, 2011 at 1:15 am | Report abuse |
    • michaelfury"The Jonas Brothers are here. (Applause.) They’re out there somewhere. Sasha and Malia are huge fans. But, boys, don’t get any ideas. (Laughter.) I have two words for you — predator drones. (Laughter.) You will never see it coming. (Laughter.) You think I’m joking. (Laughter.)"
      April 22, 2011 at 10:03 am | Report abuse |
    • ZamajugaActually, this is to Igor. people don't need help in Libya. Saif, Qadahfy's son, had taken over. He was DOING GOOD THINGS FOR THE PEOPLE. Hospitals were being remodeled, a Huge Hospital City was going to go in to help the help. They were building hotels and restaurants along the Mediterranean all for the people to have work.
      They were NOT DOING ANYTHING WRONG. All you hear on the news are things he did BEFORE THE FIRST SANCTIONS. American Oil companies and E&C companies were back to work in Libya building.
      People need to know what they are talking about before they start talking. I've been to Libya.
      The US and NATO Want something from there, just like in Somalia. Guess What it is!!!!!
      April 22, 2011 at 12:48 pm | Report abuse |
  2. Kevin
    Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Yemen, and Libya. Did I miss any? How many countries do we have to be in to protect Israel?
    April 21, 2011 at 5:39 pm | Report abuse | Reply
    • JamieNone...this has nothing to do with Israel...beleive it or not, not EVERYTHING in the middle east has to do with Israel....jeeeesh
      April 21, 2011 at 7:17 pm | Report abuse |
    • Naddy BumpkoSay have you ever bothered to ask yourself why there is so much unrest in Arab Muslim know, Syria, Libya, Tunisia, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Lebanon....and there has not been a single day of protest in Israel? Is it possible that the Israeli Arabs have ten times....a hundred times...more freedom in Israel then they would have in ANY Arab Muslim country? That Israeli Arabs serve in the Israeli Knesset, have full rights and privileges as Israeli citizens, often serve in the IDF and are hundreds of times better off then their Arab brethren in other countries? Think about it. Israel does not "need" America to protect it, Israel can protect itself. Maybe you should ask why Barry got us involved in Libya if his reason is to "protect the citizens" from the countries ruler. Then why not in say Syria, Iran, Chechnya, most of Africa and so on. Wake up man, wake up!!!
      April 21, 2011 at 8:13 pm | Report abuse |
    • ZamajugaExactly!!!! Why does the US protect Israel? Who started the rebel uprisings? US? Hillary Clinton? She was funneling money to the rebels in Syria.
      I believe this White House wants to be a Dictatorship itself. And they talk about Libya???
      April 21, 2011 at 10:53 pm | Report abuse |
    • David FormanIgnorant moron.
      April 21, 2011 at 11:09 pm | Report abuse |
    • SeanThat is so true, everything thats happening in the world(like u stated up there) is for the protection of israel! but Israel will fall sooner than later.
      April 22, 2011 at 1:16 am | Report abuse |
    • George PattonAgain well said,Zamajuga. Don't let these ignorant,warmongering fools here tell you any different!!!
      April 22, 2011 at 1:17 am | Report abuse |
    • dyad2r1The US will attack as many countries as Israel tells us to attack. They'll say "Israel has a right to defend herself."
      April 22, 2011 at 7:18 am | Report abuse |
    • Obamadumadumao.......................k quite the RACIST arnt you................... worthless
      April 22, 2011 at 8:24 am | Report abuse |
    • kenKevin we are not in these country to protec any one, but we are living in the last day. the only thing we are doing
      in these country is making the way for the Brother hood to take over, so they can come against israel and every
      April 22, 2011 at 11:49 am | Report abuse |
    • KimWhen the Liberal Radicals in the US start murdering US citizens and Russia imposes a no fly zone on the coasts of the US to prevent our military from protecting our country. I'd like to hear your logic defending this.
      April 22, 2011 at 12:26 pm | Report abuse |
  3. MaxPayneSarkozy was gungho for this war let him finish it. The French Foreign Legion is more than capable of handing Gadaffy
    his ass. So send them in and GET IT OVER WITH AND STOP FU%#ING AROUND.
    April 21, 2011 at 5:41 pm | Report abuse | Reply
  4. WellwellThis is much more cheaper than wasting tons of Jet fuel and risking expensive air craft, I can't see why anyone would be complaining, if we're stuck in this thing (And we are, you're an idiot if you think we can just pack up and go home tomorrow) then wouldn't you want to save as much money as possible?
    But no you'd rather complain even though that does nothing...
    April 21, 2011 at 5:42 pm | Report abuse | Reply
    • MidWestScientistWellWell,
      You don't understand much about our military. Our Predator drones are very limited and require a large support team. Moving Predators to Libya means removing them from somewhere else ..... and also meaning that our troops at that somewhere else have less capability now. We now have holes in our aerial coverage that aren't easily filled. We don't have a bunch of spare Predators lying around waiting to be used. Somewhere our ground troops are now more at risk. Typical Obama move .... he just keeps throwing people under the bus.
      April 21, 2011 at 10:10 pm | Report abuse |
  5. rob2tallThrough the use of smarter technology we have dangerously downsized out military in manpower,we need a new draft to boost our manpower to 1 million combat troops.We cant even defend our own borders.Less $$ on super duper starfighters and more for boots on the ground!
    April 21, 2011 at 5:42 pm | Report abuse | Reply
    • elchuckoYes, the draft needs to be implemented immediately. In fact All able bodied citizens from the ages from 18 through 26 should serve in some capacity (Peace Corp, etc) or military for 3 years. It helps move dead weight along the "river of life";)
      April 21, 2011 at 6:10 pm | Report abuse |
  6. parkmoreObama you should pay the bill from your pocket not our taxes. Sham on you
    April 21, 2011 at 5:44 pm | Report abuse | Reply
  7. tamarsi'm okay with the drones – just don't put anymore men & women in harm's way!
    April 21, 2011 at 5:45 pm | Report abuse | Reply
    • IdiotNice to see you care about your countrymen , Who cares about the men, women an CHILDREN at the other end of the drones eh.
      April 22, 2011 at 10:53 am | Report abuse |
  8. scepticAre we following our stated mission of protecting civilians from harm due to attacks on cities or are we just going to use drones on regime troops where ever they can be found which would make this an offesive campaign? If the rebels are successful they will have to attack and take Tripoli which will kill civilians there. Will we attack the rebels at that point? We lose credibility when we don't do what we say what say we are going to do. Make a decision and carry it out.
    April 21, 2011 at 5:53 pm | Report abuse | Reply
    • leeintulsa
      We are letting NATO use our drones. The French are sending in troops, the English – 'advisors'. I'm pretty sure they mean to escort Mo out of power. Simple enough?
      April 21, 2011 at 6:26 pm | Report abuse |
    • SeanIf these drones work better than what NATO planes were doing then i'm sure, ya they will go to tripoli, but you said rebels will kill civilians in tripoli? your wrong bro, first of all they are called "freedom fighter" and they are a mix of normal citizens like you and me and libyan soldiers who defected and didnt want to kill their own people. They want freedom and want to fight for their country. They will not attack civilians, in fact the tripoli civilians will join them to defeat the Qaddafi troops and mercenaries.
      April 22, 2011 at 1:26 am | Report abuse |
  9. a disaster!its clear that gadhafi has won time to stop throwing away money and move on...
    April 21, 2011 at 5:55 pm | Report abuse | Reply
  10. EMERSESpend spend spend!!!! Thats what they do! Doesn't matter what we want! Only matters what the government wants! They spend your money without asking!!!! Attack their own people!!! Don't work on getting jobs for their people! Don't care if their own people have healthcare!!! Or dental!!! Give you a coupon for TV but not for gas!!! Won't put a stop to companies hiring illegals!!! God bless America!!!! why? I am so sick of this country and the pathetic door knobs who stick up for this garbage filled government!!!! Do yourself a favor and don't join the army!!!
    April 21, 2011 at 6:02 pm | Report abuse | Reply
  11. Counterpoint@JustAGuy
    If I could see a reasonable way to then... Yeah, except there really isn't much you can do in Ugunda, Can't really stop it there.
    April 21, 2011 at 6:02 pm | Report abuse | Reply
  12. JustAGuyCounterpoint
    But I doubt you're Libyan.
    HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!!
    IS THAT IT? That's the best you can come up with? LOL!!!!!
    April 21, 2011 at 6:02 pm | Report abuse | Reply
    • CounterpointActually it's the perfect counterpoint, would your position be the same if you were one of the Libyans? I severely doubt that. That's partly what I was implying from the very beginning. "You're not Libyan so of course you don't care"
      April 21, 2011 at 6:34 pm | Report abuse |
    • JustAGuyCounterpoint
      Actually it's the perfect counterpoint, would your position be the same if you were one of the Libyans? I severely doubt that. That's partly what I was implying from the very beginning. "You're not Libyan so of course you don't care"
      Blah! Don't give me that! You didn't say Libyan, you said brown, as to suggest a racial component. Then when I revealed I'm brown skinned, you changed to being more specific. You got caught!
      April 21, 2011 at 9:53 pm | Report abuse |
  13. dan marineObama is just a better salesman than Bush, given to us by the Industrial Military Complex and the super rich. We will keep getting involved in war after war, no matter who becomes the President, and we will keep watching it helplessly. Our whole government system is corrupted and that is why we badly need an election finance reform to loosen the stranglehold of the Industrial Military Complex and the super rich who profit from these wars from our Government.
    We ourselves are not living in a democracy, we are living in a “RICHOCRACY”, and we are told we must support these wars to bring about democracy in other countries??? Just think about it, the political candidates in our country, who are able to raise the most money, have the most power before an election, to brainwash the people thru constant ads to vote for them or to use negative campaigning tactics of hate and fear ads to brainwash the people to abstain from voting their opponents, because with more money they can buy more air time just before the elections. So in our system, whoever has more money has more power to win an election. Now after a candidate gets elected in our system, whom do you think they will be working for? You? Or the super rich who paid for their election campaign?
    Therefore, we badly need an election finance reform, in which, each candidate gets an equal amount of money to run his/her election campaign which comes out of a common tax payer fund, so that, after the candidate wins, he/she is not obligated to return favors and work for the super rich who paid them money, but would rather work for the common man. Also, because they would get an equal amount of money, they would not win, just because they are able to raise more money than their opponent and are thus able to buy more air time just before an election.
    So, all you ordinary people in America reading this post, if you truly want to live in a democracy yourself and want to take back power from the rich, then become united and push hard for an election finance reform immediately. Call your senators and representatives and ask them to bring about this reform if they want you vote for them in the next election.
    April 21, 2011 at 6:03 pm | Report abuse | Reply
    • KimI think McCain did this already.
      April 21, 2011 at 6:35 pm | Report abuse |
    • johnits because your country is being controlled by Zionists, and all these wars are for the protection of Israel, believe it or not
      April 22, 2011 at 1:30 am | Report abuse |
  14. Joel2208People who come out in favor of these drone attacks make me sick to my stomach. How easy it is to sit behind a computer screen to cheer these ungodly machines,but I wonder how these idiots would feel to be on the reciving end of one of those 500lb.bombs. With people like these,no wonder we're the most hated country in the world.
    April 21, 2011 at 6:05 pm | Report abuse | Reply
    • HellfireThe Hellfire missile which Reaper drones fire have only 20lbs of explosives... A whole lot less than a 500lb bomb.
      Which has a less chance of hitting innocent civilians, a fighter jet with 500lb bombs or a small drone with a 20lb missile?
      April 21, 2011 at 6:38 pm | Report abuse |
  15. PeterThe only use for drones are targeted killing. Are Barack Hussein Obama's leftist friends going to call for him to be dragged before the International Criminal Court in the Hague like they did for his predecessor George W Bush?
    April 21, 2011 at 6:06 pm | Report abuse | Reply
    • RUFFNUTTNow I suppose that you're going to say tha Al Capone should never have gone to Alcatraz next,right Peter? Of course both Barack Obama and George W. Bush are as guilty as sin and should be prosecuted for crimes against humanity just like Bush's father George H.W.Bush. Don't you believe in justice???
      April 21, 2011 at 7:19 pm | Report abuse |
    • JojoSoros will simply BUY the court. I'm just curious as to which currency he will destroy next in order to do it. I suspect he will also buy the next election for Obama with whatever money is left over.
      April 22, 2011 at 12:36 am | Report abuse |
  16. JustAGuyCounterpoint
    If I could see a reasonable way to then... Yeah, except there really isn't much you can do in Ugunda, Can't really stop it there.
    That's it? Throw your hands up and give up without even trying? But Obama is going to bomb Libya back into the stone ages? Are you serious? Obama cited the reason to attack Libya was humanitarian. Then the glaring question is what makes Libya different fromn all the other places where genocide was ocurring?
    Reminds me of when Clinton attacked Serbia, but ignored the genocide in Rwanda.
    Liars and the lies they tell!!!!!!
    April 21, 2011 at 6:06 pm | Report abuse | Reply
    • CounterpointWhat are you going to bomb there? In all that dense growth you'll be bombing things that aren't there. That and there's no coastline or nearby military bases to launch out of. It would be a logistic nightmare. Not to mention PR wise it would be hard to make the public care about the LRA, as aside from never doing anything to the US they're a "Christian terrorist group".
      Do I believe it is hypocritical? Of course it is. All governments are hypocrites. Everyone's a hypocrite.
      And you are completely right about liars and the lies they tell. Obama is no exception.
      April 21, 2011 at 6:54 pm | Report abuse |
    • JustAGuy@Counterpoint
      First you're limiting yourself to aerial bombing. Military operations are FAR more diverse than the simple-minded headline grabine aerial bombing. There's a diverse array of specops assets that can be drawn from.
      Then you go to discussing concerns of a PR nightmare.
      So you've explained away any reason for any action. It could start with putting the PR nightmare upon the perpetrators of the killing, building a coalition against them amongst the League of African Nations and elsewhere. There's a vast array of things that could be done.
      But in the final analysis, all this does is expose Obama's lack of truthfulness and sincerety.
      Liars, and the lies they tell!!!!!
      April 21, 2011 at 9:50 pm | Report abuse |
  17. southern_gent_from_mississippiSad what a pathetic country ours has become. In Iraq and Afghanistan, we kill those poor 'rebels' trying to get us out of their countries with their attacks against us, the invaders. However, in Libya, a country thats absolutely no threat, we take these 'rebels' side. Our countries leaders have become a case if 'the dumb and blind leading each other.' And then theres the media playing right along with it. Exactly what happened with all the reports of al queda leading these 'rebels'? Seems like as soon as credible sources report on this, the story gets buried. Sad and pathetic indeed, the US hasnt won a war in over 60 years now and we still keep invading other countries. And why no outrage over the COWARDLY drone and missile attacks? Why is that so much more noble than the rebels in iraq and afghanistan using unmanned car bombs????? We call them terrorists when they do it. Why dont we just call it what is, the US military has become the largest terror group in the world. We can strike terror in any country in the world without putting men on the ground there. We just use our magnificent automated weapons. In closing, Im still proud to be an American, but Im terribly disgusted at out cowardly terror/war monger leaders.....
    April 21, 2011 at 6:07 pm | Report abuse | Reply
    • WhatWhere are all these reports about Al Qaeda leading the rebels? They are being buried because they are made up articles, someone took an article where some guy said 25 of his soldiers were former Iraq insurgents (Former means they gave up) and turned it into "The entire Rebel army works for Al Qaeda".
      April 21, 2011 at 7:00 pm | Report abuse |
  18. Liberty QueenThe Iraq and Afghanistan wars were started illegally by the war criminals Bush and Cheney, not Obama. Under U.N. sanction the U.S., France, and England are offering air defense to civilians and provide support for pro-Democracy civilians fighting for their lives in Libya. While I am against war in general, I support the actions of NATO as sanctioned by the U.N. including the utilization of drones the get rid of the dictator Ghadaffi and his murdering tools. This is about Freedom and while I abhor violence as a rule, sometimes you just have to stand up and fight and/or help your Freedom-Loving neighbors wherever they are on planet Earth.
    April 21, 2011 at 6:09 pm | Report abuse | Reply
    • whattimeI believed, until I read your hypocritical comment, no one is that stupid. My mistake, idiot, you are that stupid. Keep drinking the kool-aid
      April 21, 2011 at 6:55 pm | Report abuse |
    • Jimjammajay
      Hey queen, go strap some boot on and fight for yourself, this isn't about democracy this is about the sweetest crude in the world! Do you think we'd be dropping bombs if their major export was rice?! Gimme a break, if we need to come to the help for 'humanitarian aid' then there's about 80 countries on the list...and Libya wouldn't be number one either!
      April 21, 2011 at 7:01 pm | Report abuse |
    • Laughing@Liberty Queen
      Bush went in with a LARGER coalition for the invasion of Iraq than Obama did for Libya....
      You speak of UN "approved' operations. Do you even know whom is a member of the UN? Let's see... Syria..Rwanda...Iran.
      That's a great group to cite as choosing the "legal" wars right?
      Isn't the human rights portion of the human full of African nations slaughtering their people? Why yes it is.
      Bush, as pointed out by others, got congressional approval before both Iraq and Afghanistan.
      Also Obama signed us up for a "No-Fly zone". I wasn't aware that tanks could fly as they are bombed.
      Also Bush handed Afghanistan over to NATO in 2003. NATO placed foreign military forces in Afghanistan in 2001...France and England are also in Afghanistan.. you know the two nations you cite as making it okay to be in Libya...
      Also Obama sent an ADDITIONAL 30,000 US military to Afghanistan.. to what you see as an "illegal" war.
      So by providing "air defense" which isn't true as UN forces have bombed tanks/personnel of the opposition, they are allowed to help "rebels".
      So let's see we have a crazed dictator killing is own people and people want to revolt? Which country are we exactly talking about? Could be Syria, could be a number of African countries or other Arab nations. It could have been Iraq prior to the invasion, it could have been Afghanistan prior to 2001.
      April 21, 2011 at 7:09 pm | Report abuse |
    • george BushSince when did libya attack us? Why are we even considering going to war?Can we afford it? The only ones winning in this situation is Alqeada you know the ones who supposedly did 9-11 ,wow that makes me sleep better at night!
      April 21, 2011 at 9:10 pm | Report abuse |
  19. KimHey Obama, Maybe it's time to have another beer sumit. Does Gadaffy
    even like beer. Hmmmm This administration is the laughing stock of the world.
    April 21, 2011 at 6:13 pm | Report abuse | Reply
  20. wagsWhat happened to the War Powers Act, has it been repealed? When did Obama get Congressional approval for any military action. Even if he could make some argument that vital American interests ie lives or property were at stake he still is required to report to the Congress and receive approval. Just because he is Commander in Chief does not give him the authority to start a war. Only a despot starts a war. Obama is now officially a despot and should be impeached immediately if for no other reason than to force him to answer to the Congress.
    April 21, 2011 at 6:17 pm | Report abuse | Reply
    • BobI wish obama could be impeached.
      Unfortunately we don't have a president we have a dictator.
      April 21, 2011 at 8:59 pm | Report abuse |
    • annieObama got"permission" from those who control our congress, our media and our banks! Need I say more?
      April 22, 2011 at 9:33 am | Report abuse |
  21. JustAGuyLiberty Queen
    The Iraq and Afghanistan wars were started illegally by the war criminals Bush and Cheney, not Obama. Under U.N. sanction the U.S., France, and England are offering air defense to civilians and provide support for pro-Democracy civilians fighting for their lives in Libya.
    you surely have sucked dowon the kool aid. Do an internet search on S.J.Res.23. That is the congressional authorization on the war on terror. Do a search on H.R.4205. That is the congressional appropriation to finance the war on terror. So stop with the illegal war business.
    And also, it is a proven FACT that Al Qaeda is working with your so-called pro-democracy movement.
    And you say you decry war, but make excuses for Obama's ILLEGAL war on Libya. You see, unlike Bush, Obama NEVER got congressional authorization!
    April 21, 2011 at 6:23 pm | Report abuse | Reply
  22. Steve FeinThis is illegal and Obam will be impeached for it.
    The Kenyan is playing with fire.
    April 21, 2011 at 6:30 pm | Report abuse | Reply
  23. THE TRUTHNice to see Obama backing the Libyan Al Queda Rebels. It will bite us all in the ass someday. Hes in so far over his head its scary.
    April 21, 2011 at 6:41 pm | Report abuse | Reply
    • WhatThe Rebel government is being run by either Libyan exiles who have lived in the West or ex-Gaddafi members, Al Qaeda has no influence on them.
      April 21, 2011 at 6:57 pm | Report abuse |
    • JustAGuy@WHAT, not true. Not true at all. I've read an interview with a rebel elader who admitted Al Qaeda is working with them. Also, Al Qaeda has called out for jihad to work with the Libyan rebels to overthrow Gaddahfi, and I read yet another article that Al Qaeda had infiltrated the rebel ranks to siphon off some of the weapons for their own purposes.
      April 21, 2011 at 9:57 pm | Report abuse |
  24. CoyoteWhere is VPOTUS and his conviction of Mano-et-Mano!!
    The tough guy is notably quiet. Maybe that foot-in-mouth disease of his has limited his speaking ability.
    April 21, 2011 at 6:59 pm | Report abuse | Reply
  25. Ron WMeanwhile our own border is being allowed to be invaded and parts of Arizona is UNDER OCCUPATION by foreign paramilitary, drug cartel, illegal aliens...
    April 21, 2011 at 7:00 pm | Report abuse | Reply
  26. tdragCan we send some drones over the White Crib? Oh! I forgot! The White Crib is already full of drones.
    April 21, 2011 at 7:18 pm | Report abuse | Reply
  27. George PattonWhat a cowardly way to fight a war! I'd like to see those filthy creeps who operate those cursed drones go out and fight like men but I guess that they're too yellow to do so. How things have changed since WW2!!! Then again,there's nothing glorious about killing people like these nutjobs claim on this web page!!!
    April 21, 2011 at 7:30 pm | Report abuse | Reply
  28. RichieNeed to get Mr O or is it really Mr A out of the white house. He has no concept of leadership and campaigns when he is not playing golf. Why are we funding terrorists in Libya and exactly who OK’s this and just where did the money come from or did we borrow it? We don’t need a draft maybe we can send the almost 50 percent of us who do not pay taxes instead of money to these countries and win the wars by bankrupting their treasuries instead of ours
    April 21, 2011 at 7:36 pm | Report abuse | Reply
    • Cindy ShehanIt is Bush's fault.
      April 22, 2011 at 1:37 am | Report abuse |
  29. Fanny Forbes Franklen“The great enemy of clear language is insincerity.
    When there is a gap between one’s real and one’s declared aims, one turns, as it were, instinctively to long words and exhausted idioms, like a cuttlefish squirting out ink.”
    ~ George Orwell -–
    April 21, 2011 at 7:40 pm | Report abuse | Reply
  30. PappyHappyDo we have Obama's actions on Libya correct?
    *Obama was reluctant to get involved in Libya initially, and was leaning towards doing nothing, until Hillary and two other IRON SKIRTS talked him into taking 'humanitarian action'. It did take a number of days .. dithering to come to a decision.
    *Obama then ordered air strikes.
    *Louis Farrakhan chewed Obama's rear for having the audacity of fighting an 'African Brother'.
    *Obama decides to cease US leadership in Libya.
    *Obama advises NATO that the US will no longer be the leader in Libya, and will cease on a given day.
    *NATO takes over, and the effort is led by the UK and France.
    *Obama advises that 'this is not a war', and that we 'HAVE NOT TAKEN SIDES'.
    *HIllary calls for Gaddffi to step down.
    *Stalemate ensures.
    * and now - Obama announces the use of drones in a nonexistent war against someone or something that we have not sided with?????!!!!!
    Could it be that the drones will be used to shoot sick camels?
    Just how foolish can one look?? PATHETIC! We are paying the price for electing a neophyte!
    April 21, 2011 at 7:46 pm | Report abuse | Reply
  31. KevinThe Predator UAV's are in Libya to take out Ghadafi. Cameron, Sarkozy, and Obumbles all made the joint statement at the onset of the crisis, that IF Ghadafi was taken out during normal operations to protect civilians it would be acceptable. Not too hard to read between the liars' lips to see that they mean they WILL find a way to take Ghadafi out. Mark my words, Ghadafi will be struck directly, then King Obumbles will get on TV and tell us a bed-time story about how he tried so hard to avoid it, but we accidently eliminated Ghadafi. And, all of the liberal kool-aid drinkers will rejoice and point out how much better King Obumbles is than Bush...
    April 21, 2011 at 7:46 pm | Report abuse | Reply
  32. Old Man ClarkWhat I want to know is if Barack Obama is a Christian,just what part of the 6th commandment does he Not understand? That's the one God gave Moses on Mt.Sinai saying "thou shalt not kill". For that matter,just how many Americans don't understand it,either? Judging by all these warmongers blogging in here,that appears not to be too many!!!
    April 21, 2011 at 7:49 pm | Report abuse | Reply
  33. Joseph Zrnchik, MAJ (Ret.)Now when some terrorists take out another embassy the US will be wondering why thay hate us for our freedoms.
    Obama, just like the ideologue supreme executive that preceded him, is willing to destroy a country and kill millions if need be because HE decided HE wanted someone else to rule another country. This war is an impeachable offense for which Congress should take action before the American people do.
    The media is showing a picture of an injured child, yet this is only 1/100,000th of the death cause by Bush’s “Shock and Awe” campaign in Iraq. The media never showed pictures of the limbless children from Bush’s war of choice. Does the media think Americans are that stupid and irrational that they can now get us to fight a war over what Bush did 100,000 times over?
    Then the media tried to play on our sympathy for a dead reporter, but Bush intentionally attacked Al Jazeera and mudered a handful of reporters and not a peep was mentioned. Now we should be up in arms becasue one got too close to the fighting. When Bush had the Al Jazeera reporters killed, they gave their coordinated to the American military so they would not be attacked, and Bush used those coordinates specifically to attack them.
    The rebels are a force of 1,500. Many are al Qaeda. They are not wearing uniforms and are placing civilians at risk by hiding behind civilians. This is an international war crime as is hiding behind civilians and in population centers. Why won’t they move into the open and fight like an army? They are not an army, nor are they representative of the people.
    They will never consolidate power without foreign occupation. The rebels represent less than .005 % of the population. The advisors ought to tell the rebels to flee. That should be their advice. War for regime change is an international war crime.
    Day of Rage in Washington D.C. on 6/30/11,_2011.html
    The American Revolution Has Begun
    Free the Hutaree
    April 21, 2011 at 8:01 pm | Report abuse | Reply
  34. RobDo you think he will need to return that Nobel prize now?
    April 21, 2011 at 8:25 pm | Report abuse | Reply
    • Gunny GRob,
      The shallow minded narcissist-in-chief would think he was OWED it anyway!
      April 21, 2011 at 8:57 pm | Report abuse |
    • Cindy ShehanNot when you are killing the evil 'oppressors'.
      April 22, 2011 at 1:42 am | Report abuse |
  35. sylvieStock markets are nice and healthy since Obama has been doing the bidding of wall street... long live the PUPPET!
    April 21, 2011 at 8:26 pm | Report abuse | Reply
  36. Gunny GOur annual NATO dues are almost ONE TRILLION dollars all told. Our UN costs are OVER ONE TRILLION dollars. DUMP them BOTH and save the US two TRILLION a year. Boom! WINNING!
    Obama, like JFK and LBJ, trying to play General, to NO good end. Funny how liberals are ALWAYS ready to sacrifice the children of OTHERS when their kids NEVER SERVE!
    April 21, 2011 at 8:55 pm | Report abuse | Reply
  37. Gunny GMaybe Barry Soetoro will say "NATO acted stupidly" and invite all of the party's to a beer summit or prayer in th nearest mosque, he's good at that.
    April 21, 2011 at 9:04 pm | Report abuse | Reply
    April 21, 2011 at 9:07 pm | Report abuse | Reply
    • IdiotSend this bloke over first LOL
      April 22, 2011 at 11:33 am | Report abuse |
  39. Gunny GWhy do liberals love to start wars? WW1/WW2/Korea/Vietnam? Why? Either that or they're cutting and running as Carter did in 1979 and Clinton did all over the globe.
    April 21, 2011 at 9:10 pm | Report abuse | Reply
    April 21, 2011 at 9:16 pm | Report abuse | Reply
  41. bubbaObama lied, people died. No blood for oil!
    April 21, 2011 at 9:46 pm | Report abuse | Reply
    • Cindy ShehanThanks. You beat me to it. Love, Cindy.
      April 22, 2011 at 1:44 am | Report abuse |
  42. Vt LibertarianIt's a good thing he won that Nobel Peace Prize!
    April 21, 2011 at 10:35 pm | Report abuse | Reply
  43. fantasywriterYes, "Z," Bush did inherit a surplus, but get real about it. Clinton ended his presidency with a surplus because a Republicans in congress took him and the Democrats kicking and screaming down the "less spending" road. Yes, there was a slight tax increase but it amounted to very little. As for Bush and his tax cuts, consider that after the cuts revenues reached an all time high. What was the problem then? In a word, "SPENDING." The newly elected Republican majority joined with the Democrats and increased spending to all time highs. In the end, the spendthrift congress turned a surplus into a deficit. President Bush didn't help his case when he compromised and signed the budgets. Also bear in mind that much of his deficit was due to the first TARP bill. Nearly ninety percent of the TARP money was repaid during the first year of Obama's presidency but never credited to the Bush final budget. Do you remember the one sided discussion, between the "Super Majority" Democrats and Republican, over what to do with the paid back funds. The Republicans wanted to paid down TARP and the Democrats wanted to use it for more spending. Guess who won. Bush was not my favorite but Obama's policies encompass all that the left feared Bush and the Republicans would do to this country. Beware of those that point the finger crying "wolf," for they may be the wolf.
    April 21, 2011 at 10:38 pm | Report abuse | Reply
  44. EmeryHow many American have to die so Israel can steal Palestinian land and carry out their own genocide on arab/moslems? Libya? What a stupid move. Where are the anti war protestors now? They have a lying Democrat so I guess it is is OK to kill arabs in Libya with DU. Apparently they only get upset when you have a lying Republican in office.
    April 21, 2011 at 11:05 pm | Report abuse | Reply
  45. DuaneI'd prefer to call commie-leon Maobama's "mission creep" as "more lies" from this commie wannabe!
    April 21, 2011 at 11:14 pm | Report abuse | Reply
  46. Matt AYou people should all learn how so spell. Obama is a moron. Done.
    April 21, 2011 at 11:34 pm | Report abuse | Reply
    April 22, 2011 at 12:04 am | Report abuse | Reply
  48. Mmmmm
    Drone daddy at it again...must be drilling for oil...
    April 22, 2011 at 12:07 am | Report abuse | Reply
  49. RigidPrinciplesIn 1937, Harry Anslinger stood before Congress, and said "We need to do something about the big lipped colored seducing our white women with their jazz and marijuana." I'm certain this is the same reason Obama supports marijuana prohibition.
    April 22, 2011 at 12:49 am | Report abuse | Reply
  50. SteveWhy is that clown Obama continuing to spend money we don't have in a place we don't need to be ??? NATO (France and Italy) can handle it.
    The dollar is shrinking and people on a fixed income are now paying the price. When will Obama wake up ??? He must know this is happening !!!
    April 22, 2011 at 4:02 am | Report abuse | Reply
  51. MACMy best friend is a Combat Controller in the Air Force working alongside Army Special Forces and they've been there for a month. The whole thing about "no troops on the ground" is a lie.
    April 22, 2011 at 4:23 am | Report abuse | Reply
  52. thomas splan
    as gas approaches $5 per gallon, motivation for US involvement in this area increases. we will be putting our forces in harms way until and unless, we become energy independent. That is donee by developing our own resources and frugal use of what wwe have. Listen and vote with your mind in 2012!
    April 22, 2011 at 5:02 am | Report abuse | Reply
  53. Latte PoochLibya is not about liberty and freedom, nor is it about oil. These are all facades. It's about Central Banking Cartel's control. Read following link.....
    April 22, 2011 at 7:07 am | Report abuse | Reply
  54. dyad2r1Kevin asks, "How many countries do we have to be in to protect Israel?" In Feb 2003, Ariel Sharon told Bush that after Iraq is stripped of its WMD, Iran, Syria and Libya should be next. In a couple weeks, Netanyahu will address Congress to ensure their support for Israel and pick up his annual $2.4 billion. Any congressman who objects will be given the Charles Percy treatment and be voted out of office.
    April 22, 2011 at 7:09 am | Report abuse | Reply
  55. RandalThe Democratcs are always pushing for gun control... How about a little Drone control?
    April 22, 2011 at 7:23 am | Report abuse | Reply
  56. dyad2r12000 years ago, Jesus cursed Israel (Matthew 23), but little has changed. Instead of being a light unto the nations, Israel is a racist, genocidal state which makes war on her neighbors, steals their land, occupies Palestine and creates havoc in the Middle East and around the world.
    April 22, 2011 at 8:02 am | Report abuse | Reply
  57. ObamadumadumaNext up Troops............ War number 3. I guess the plan to run the USA in the ground is working for obama...... Traitor in chief.
    April 22, 2011 at 8:23 am | Report abuse | Reply
  58. JnoObama is involving us in another war because he has irrefutable evidence that WMD's are buried in the Libya desert.
    April 22, 2011 at 8:25 am | Report abuse | Reply
  59. gommygoomyNothing like a good old fashion War Of Choice, to get the blood flowing.
    Nothing like Going to War, with ZERO Consultation or Authorization from Congress. Yeah. GUNG HO!
    Nothing like KILLING CIVILIANS in a CIVIL WAR. God, I love it so.
    I thought that His Majesty, the African Muslim, who attended Muslim Schools in Indonesia, and didn't come to America until he was 11 years old, was AGAINST all of this?
    Do as I say, not as I do.
    When do we get some CAKE?
    April 22, 2011 at 8:34 am | Report abuse | Reply
  60. william
    When I read the headline that armed drones were going to Libya, I thought that it would certainly be a good thing as we seem to have more than enough of those union thugs here in the US.
    April 22, 2011 at 9:00 am | Report abuse | Reply
  61. grantThis Libyan involvement from the very beginning has been a fiasco.Now Obama is sending in Predator Drones at minimal cost no less(around 5 million a pop)to do what?Maintain the No Fly Zone as mandated or is he just fudging the lines the same as the French and the Brits with their Advisors in civvies and army boots on Libyan soil.I think every American knows the truth behind this Creep Show.It is just so inconceivable that Americans as a whole can be fooled so often into signing off on lame excuses and lies to justify U.S.aggressions of war.A nation committed to World Peace,my,my,my.
    April 22, 2011 at 10:29 am | Report abuse | Reply
  62. Smart Serbian dudeAs someone who surviced 3 months of NATO strikes, I can only say how sorry I am for poor Libyan people that were chosen to be a wargame stage this time. Couple of points:
    1. Predators will be useless as they were in Serbia '99. They are easy to take down (saw them being hit by "Strela" rocket launched from a guys shoulder) and usually very noisy. Serbian army was able to fight on the ground and destroy Albanian terrorists with almost no casualties in men and armored vehicles (NATO counted 13 destroyed vehicles after 3 months of 24/7 bombing).
    2. As far as the purpose of this "humanitarian action" – why is Gadhafi bad guy now and was a buddy for a long time? Is there no other totalitarian regime anywhere else in the world? Or these guys are buddies in this moment? How do you stop a civil war by adding more weapons to it? If you really think NATO's mission is democratic and liberating – you are naive.
    I'm seeing so much similarities in Libya to what happened in Serbia '99, that it looks ridicules. Both are executed by the same book, order of events is exactly the same, except instead of Bill now Hilary is running the show. The only thing missing is Monica Lewinsky.
    April 22, 2011 at 11:18 am | Report abuse | Reply
  63. Kenwood17Some leader at sometime in the future WILL mandate drilling for oil in the USA. Impossible to NOT happen. It would be better if this happened now while Americans with some assemblance of freedom and elected leaders could benefit but it won't. It will happen when Americans have lost control of our country and some other power we do not elect has taken control.
    Imagine an America drilling here and now eliminating any need to buy or import foreign oil in the near future.
    Imagine America taking in Trillions of dollars from foreign oil buyers. (If we decide to sell some.)
    Imagine America NOT sending so much dollars to support our enemies.
    Imagine the unemployment rate drop.
    Any rational American can see the tremendous upside for Americans.
    What is the down side?
    We might have a drilling accident bad enough to lose use of a small section of land. (Better than losing the whole country)
    Might have to spend a few billion of the trillions we make or save to clean up an accident.
    Might see some wonderful animals sacrificed (yes that is important but how many humans are sacrificed now due to oil.)
    Many who ACT like they want a job to earn for themself will no longer have an excuse.
    Rational Americans will have to bare hearing even more from the irrational envoirmentalist. (We need the rational ones)
    Wars where Americas are involved will then happen for only one of two reasons:
    1. Protecting America's oil supply from those who would take it by attacking our homeland – us.
    2. A lie by our leaders or the press. Ummm .sorry, there isn't a second reason. (regardless of what we are told today)
    The same people who loudly scream "save the XYZ furry little whatever" scream even louder when millions around the world are dying for oil.
    Anyone knowledgable of the great 20th century wars knows it came down to oil regardless of what some leaders have allowed in the history books.
    It will be a sad day when we or our children watch someone raping our land of the vast oil we have. Those who do it will have little if any concern for the enviornment and we will have lost any voice to prevent it. They will simply grin because we were so stupid to have allowed them to become wealthy and save their country at Americans expense.
    April 22, 2011 at 12:12 pm | Report abuse | Reply
  64. HenryWhy we have to spend our money & national resources to help someone not friendly and could be enemy with USA? The best is leave them alone. If Obama wants to interfere then please find and support someone who is PRO-AMERICAN. Don't they called this national interest?
    April 22, 2011 at 12:51 pm | Report abuse | Reply
  65. dpki63Can't protect southern border, but can protect foreigners
    April 22, 2011 at 1:17 pm | Report abuse | Reply
  66. TheOldBreedThe drones and unmanned aircraft are obviously the wave of the future. We need to build about 10,000 of those things, and use them exclusively in these types of combat. Send the drones in first, save money, and take our pilots out of harm's way. I applaud the use of drones. Send them to Syria and Iran too.
    April 22, 2011 at 1:20 pm | Report abuse | Reply
  67. beckyMiddle East is no threat. Send the drones to McDonalds and the southern border.
    April 22, 2011 at 1:38 pm | Report abuse | Reply
  68. WungTooThose coward drone pilots kill anything that moves. kill kill kill. Cowards.
    April 22, 2011 at 1:52 pm | Report abuse | Reply
  69. Mooseteak7So, what is life as a racist redneck pice of trash like? Do you find it fulfilling?
    April 21, 2011 at 4:52 pm | Report abuse | Reply
  70. Mooseteak7Shut off your laptop and run outside...the school bus is waiting!!
    April 21, 2011 at 5:18 pm | Report abuse | Reply
  71. Eracism"NUKE ISLAM!"
    Way to perpetuate hate man. With folks like you on this planet war will never cease.
    April 21, 2011 at 5:48 pm | Report abuse | Reply
  72. KimHey Erasism. He isn't "perpetuating hate" It's the men in the dirty night shirts that slaugher women and kids for their false God. Turn Islam into glass. The world would be better off.
    April 21, 2011 at 6:16 pm | Report abuse | Reply
  73. Gunny GYou mean the way the Palestinians danced in the streets on 9/11, how Islam teaches their kids to hate us, want to kill us, and how Muslims in America plot against us? One day MAYBE, you liberals will quit siding with THEM, against US. The ONLY enablers for their hate and murders is the Left.
    April 21, 2011 at 9:07 pm | Report abuse | Reply
  74. MACBut it's okay for Muslims to say "death to America"? Pretty hypocritical
    April 22, 2011 at 4:24 am | Report abuse | Reply
  75. Dave DWhere's the racist comment? I think I missed it.
    April 21, 2011 at 8:59 pm | Report abuse | Reply
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