Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner meets with President Obama at the White House. (AP Photo)

( - Federal borrowing is on pace to hit the legal limit on the national debt in less than a week.
As set in a law passed by Congress and signed by President Barack Obama on Feb. 12, 2010, the legal limit on the national debt is $14.2940 trillion. As of the close of business Tuesday, according to the Daily Treasury Statement released at 4:00 pm today, the portion of the national debt subject to this legal limit was $14.268365 trillion. (The total national debt, including the portion exempted from the legal limit, was $14.3205 trillion.)
This left the U.S. Treasury with the authority to borrow only an additional $25.635 billion before it hits the statutory debt limit.
On April 4, Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner sent a letter to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D.-Nev.) in order to warn Congress that the Treasury was approaching the legal debt limit. In an appendix to this letter, Geithner pointed to the rapid pace at which new debt was accumulating.
“On average,” Geithner wrote, “the public debt of the United States increases by approximately $125 billion per month (although there are significant variations from month to month).”
In a 31-day month, $125 billion in new debt works out to an average of $4.03 billion in new debt per day. At that pace, the $25.635 billion in legal borrowing authority the Treasury had left at the close of business on Tuesday would be exhausted in less than seven days.
Geithner’s letter did not spell out the time period he used to determine that the debt increases at approximately $125 billion per month. In fact, according to the official debt figures published by the Treasury itself, the debt has been increasing at a somewhat faster pace than $125 billion per month during the Obama presidency.
On Jan. 20, 2009, the day Obama was inaugurated, the portion of the nation debt subject to the legal limit (a small portion of the debt is exempted from the limit) was $10.568142 trillion. By April 19, 2011, the portion of the national debt subject to the limit had increased to 14.268365 trillion. That means that during the first 821 days of Obama’s presidency the debt increased by $3.700223 trillion—or $4.5 billion per day.
The actual average monthly increase in the debt during Obama’s presidency has been $139.5 billion.
In fact, in the past six days, the debt has increased at a far faster pace than either the $4.03 billion per day average suggested by Secretary Geithner or the $4.5 billion per day that the Treasury has increased the debt since Obama became president. At the close of business last Wednesday, the debt subject to the limit was $ 14.211984 trillion--or $56.381 less than the debt recorded at the close of business Tuesday.
In other words, in the six days of Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, the national debt increased $56.381 billion---or almost $9.4 billion per day.
At that pace, the Treasury would exhaust its $25.635 in remaining borrowing authority in less than 3 days.
In his April 4 letter to Sen. Reid, Geithner said the Treasury was then projecting that it would hit the debt limit by May 16.
“The Treasury Department now projects that the debt limit will be reached no later than May 16, 2011,” Geithner wrote. “This is a projection based on the expected level of tax receipts, the timing of our commitments and obligations over the next several weeks, and our judgment concerning the level of cash balances we need to operate.”
Geithner also warned that this projection might change—but not to the advantage of Congress.
“Although these projections could change,” Geithner wrote, “we do not believe that they are likely to change in a way that would give Congress more time in which to act.”
When Treasury is about to reach the debt limit, the Treasury secretary can take certain extraordinary steps to stretch the Treasury’s borrow-and-spending authority.  According to Geithner, however, these extraordinary measures would only give the government another $165 billion in borrowing-and-spending room.
That extra room is about what the government would typically borrow in 40 days—using Geithner’s conservative estimate that it borrows an average of $125 billion per month.
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  • Timmay!
  • Obama commented that the GOP plan to cut the budget was radical. It is unfortunate he demagogues the issue and attempts to polarize and frighten the public, may be radical, but it is also RESPONSIBLE.
  • Barry Bin Inhalin 5 minutes ago
    Good, hit it - the faster the better. It is not a limit on spending - it's merely a 'suggestion' that has ben raised 70 times since inception (4 times since 0zer0 has been Prez).

    Dear US Gumbint: live within your means. I have to do it (even as you confiscate greater amounts of my personal wealth to feed your insatiable desire to frivolously SPEND), you can too. Just give 'er a try.
  • Hoofie_of_Falls 8 minutes ago
    When the checks stop, don't be caught in the city, any city.
  • We will continue this downward spiral until we either collapse or radically restructure our entitlement programs. As a nation we simply cannot afford to continue to borrow money like this. Borrowed money needs to be paid back with interest. If our government does not act soon it will be too late...maybe it's already too late.
  • texashorseman 15 minutes ago
    Washington DC has been bankrupting this country for many, many years. It did not just start with Obama. The pace of course has quickened under him like nothing I have ever seen. We need leaders who are not afraid to tell the truth. Most of us are adults and can handle the truth and prepare for the worst. I pray we get some leaders who care more for their country than their positions.
  • Debbies3360 17 minutes ago
    The federal government should do 3 things. Defend our borders (they're not doing such a hot job) arbitrate differences between the states and move the mail (this should be privatized). We need to get rid of the social welfare state if they want open borders. They are mutually exclusive. We need to cut the purse strings. Instead of focusing on how much more money they need it should be reported how much they spend and people would be appalled.
  • How about some "radical" thinking such as cut all spending across the board by whatever percentage it takes to keep this train from going off the rails? The people of this country have learned to live with less, how about a 20 or 30% cut in government spending? If an agency whines about not be funded enough, eliminate it!
  • Thejackothewisp 23 minutes ago
    So I see Obama continues his Marxist Agenda of taking the US financial basis to the boittom so he can rebuild from this depression a solid Marxist State and we can start over building to the stars..
    Remember the attempts of Pol Pot, Joe Stalin, Fidel. Castro, Adolph Hitler....This is hiddious. The playing fiekld must be achieved. and the Marxist plan always starts society at the STONE AGE or before.
    Near as I can rememebr kinowing about history. You must learn from history noit repeat it to move ahead.
  • Attila500 27 minutes ago
    The "hope and Change" president teleprompter has delivered is leading to an America that will resemble the world in "the Road Warrior". Chaos and decline are at the bottom of our economic demise, exactly as the democrats intended.
    The only thing one can do is restock emergency supplies (enough for weeks or months, arm yourself, and hope the worst does not happen.
  • Drmlittle 33 minutes ago
    This is conclusive evidence that we need ultra conservatives running the show in the next presidential administration and congress. Obama and his ultra liberal progressive socialists are bankrupting our great country, and actively undermining its capitalistic and strict constructive constitutional government that our forefathers envisioned. Saul Alinsky, Obama's socialist mentor, would have been proud.
  • I'm sorry sir or madam, but we are well past bankruptcy. What is holding America up financially is the kindness of the World and the Needs of China.
  • Ace of Spades 34 minutes ago
    Laurel and Hardy-----------
    Well this is another " Fine Mess" you have gotten us into Ollie!!

    Actually,the problem is fairly simple.We are now a Welfare State and have been for decades.It's just caught up with us and our bank account.
    The question is,what will the government do about it.Will the working class continue to be taxed at a higher rate,or will cuts be made to those on the Dole.
    Already, every time something is said about cutting Entitlement programs,it is murder to the Bitches,children, and the elderly.
    I'm a Baby Boomer and have worked with a Ball and Chain around my leg since I was 12.I just didn't know why.Believe me, I know now. There are those out there that have enjoyed the luxury of sitting on their ass for generations.They have contributed nothing to this country,except it's demise.
    It is here before us,so what are we going to do about it?Perhaps we will step up to the podium and humbly accept our award for 3rd World status.It looks like that is what is written on the pages.
    We do not need a Politician in the White House,we need a Financial Wizard!!
    Wisdom,now there is a word for you.If we can not find a man or women to fit this billing in November 2012,it's over.
    The last few chips I have to play the game will ride on Donald Trump!!!!
    Like him or hate him,He has Grit. I don't care about his past,I do care about the future.I am so sick of Politics.We are in a dog eat dog financial world,and we better start eating.
  • BillybobBiden 40 minutes ago
    A Revolution/Civil War Will Be Needed To Clean Up Washington. I Think Now Is The Time.
  • Davestrodomus 47 minutes ago
    Writing/calling my Representative = Fruitless.
    Voting for one corrupt lawyer or another = Fruitless.
    Years of demanding Constitutional Government = Fruitless

    I hate to say this, but I'm convinced that until the American people are ready and willing to "WALK LIKE AN EGYPTIAN", we aren't going to get the Government our Founding Fathers promised. Constitutional government made us a great nation. Corporate Protectionism and Crony Capitalism is what you see today.

    What are you personally prepared to DO about it?
  • Well, the first thing that can be done is STOP VOTING FOR DEMOCRATS AND REPUBLICANS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I am sick of hearing "Vote for the lesser of two evils", it's time to learn theres more then just the two (actually one, there both the same) parties out there........
  • BossMan114 50 minutes ago
    It goes something like this: "we're screwed"
  • At the rate obama & Co. are borrowing and spending it wont matter how high the debt limit is raised. This needs to STOP. Now!.
  • TXRPLS 1 hour ago
    Kind of off the topic, but! A post found here and on many sites recommends bringing the military home, to cut the deficit (not realistic). Well, I support the wars in Iraq and Afganistan sic (not necessarily the way we are fighting them) Libya, not so much. BUT. I own a small business and have tried hiring young people for very skilled ( I train) very demanding jobs. They just don't get it. I am forced to concede that all the really good men (women) have gone off to war. When the time comes that we can bring these heroes home. I have jobs waiting for them. Maybe we will have another baby boom. And that my friends won't be bad. God Bless.
  • I know what you mean, these young kids today are worthless. They do not know how to work. I also would have jobs for them if they ever come home.
  • Government needs to increase the debt limit to 100 trillion. Obama could use a trillion of that to get re-elected. Increase taxes to 175% of earnings. Oh yea! increase gas to 175.00 per gallon. Let the good times roll.....
  • Don't you know the President is in a campaign mode. You shouldn't bother him with such trivial things such as national debt. Shame on you!
  • John Singer, shame on you for bashing our irreprocheable president!
  • Chaz54 1 hour ago
    Lets see if I have this right. These are numbers I read last week....We have an average Fed Tax income of 9.8% of all earners wages (less all of the loopholes and deductions) and we can't balance the budget. The 500 richest Americans paid about 18% (I am rich by obamas standards but paid 31%...need a new accountant I guess). If we taxed at 100% all wages above $250k we would get an additional $425b in the Governments hands...and that would not help balance the budget....we would still have $13.8 trillion to go!
    These employees of ours (yes folks, they work for us)are acting like drunken sailors with OUR money.
    If u voted for obama to prove that you were not a racist you must surely vote against him next time to prove that you are not stupid!
  • Drunken sailors only have so much drinking money! Our government has a seemingly endless sleeve of credit cards to drink with.
  • Iamplastik 1 hour ago
    Stop spending money we have to borrow! We are suppose to celebrate a 38 billion reduction for the year ! Come on man.
  • Mikhail 1 hour ago
    Where is all the money going?? I see our infrastructure crumbling all around us and nothing is being done. Are they literally pocketing the money??
  • bigdaddydk 1 hour ago
    How can anyone in good conscience suggest that increasing the legal debt limit for the fed is a good idea? In the last election we demanded accountability. Did they not get the message?
  • TXRPLS 2 hours ago
    Bipartisan Solution:

    Fair Tax
    Balanced Budget Amendment
    Term Limits
    Allow Government Unions, Union members pay their dues directly to the union
    Defund all nonessential government agencies

    We can fight over the conservative (drill baby drill) and liberal (spend baby spend) stuff later.
  • The "spend baby spend" part really has to stop. It's not a left or right cause anymore, it is reality. And not like "reality TV shows."
  • "The American Republic will endure until the day Congress discovers that it can bribe the public with the public's money." Alexis de Toqueville
  • If we people do not send emails and phone calls to our senators and congressen will will all be eating dirt. They do not care what happens to us. They are big shots in the world. They can allow Mexico and other nations to send their pregnant women here to have their babies as citizens of Anchor Baby and take us over. They just found a bunch of houses in California doing just that fro women from all over, having Anchor babies. They shut down drilling and give billions of our money to finance drilling elsewhere. We are a great nation to let their own people squander and back up every thug country on the map. I am sick of all these politiciams who do not put us citizens first. If we do not vote the m out big time in the next 3-4 elections we are just going to go down in ruin. I hope we can even make it to 2012. Why don't we all stand now as one and demand new elections now across the board. Starting with the number 1 position. Get us some folks who care about us and this nation instead of Mexico, Yemem, Libya and whomeever else we are sent to defend while our border is over run with the scum of the earth.
  • Sparrows345 2 hours ago
    None of you get it. Still. Default is not if, but when. Gold will keep on soaring, and you will sit their scratching your butts wondering why you weren't told this would happen. To whom are you listening?
  • As long as the illinformed continue to watch American Idol, Entertainment Tonight and read People magazine, most Americans will never get it.
  • Its the USURY stupid!

    "Thou shall not lend upon usury to thy brother." Deuteronomy 23:19
  • markinidaho 3 hours ago
    Three words: Balanced Budget Amendment. Two Words: Too late. One word: Default. No words: to describe the demise of the Republic.

    Thy Kingdom Come.
  • Stop the Government workers Unions that are bankrupting our Nation.
    Abolish all Federal regulatory agencies.
    Return States Rights
    Restore the Republic
    LOWER the Debt Ceiling
    The Regime spending is responsible for any Default.

  • Cut everything but military and your still borrowing money.
    Cut funding to the wars your in, and you might actually have a chance at balancing the budget
  • Untrue The Fed is spending most of its money on entitlement. Medicare/Medicaid/Social Security accounts for over 50% of budget
  • Start Making Real Cuts 2 hours ago in reply to Guest
    This is factually untrue!
    Total estimated revenue FY10 - $2.38 trillion
    Total DoD spending including the wars FY10 - $0.664 trillion
    That leaves $1.7 trillion for spending on your left-wing wacko programs….
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